Damn I thought no-one could be as pathetic as FKITS but we have a new winner! You respond to a flame by flaming yourself! I'd say you have serious esteem issues bro. You dream of other men eating your cum-laden snack crackers! That just adds to the fact that you are a sorry excuse for a waste of oxygen! You sick chicken rapist! Now go dream about other men feltching from your splooge filled anus and leave me out of your sick and twisted fantasies!Originally posted by roch
you call that a flame? goat-fucker? its my little pony fucker to you. as for pussy who needs it. looking at me on the picture above that full intensity so rudely snapped, shows that I don't need pussy. I can roll up my stomach or inner thigh and fuck it till its bleeds. I don't ever need to leave the house. except to jerk off on a cracker playing soggy cracker with you that is. tell all the little boys on here why your always last in the soggy game. cause you like the tast of my spunk huh? admit it little man. you love my baby batter.