Dec11 i have made my point!
Just find some other interests because i know for a fact that you are very upset that someone put you in your place. You reacted how you usually do getting all temperamental. You have provided many laughs thanks again for the great reaction.
Dec11 i will leave you with a final thought :
"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change." have a think buddy
For the mods i have had nothing but great advice and help from you guys. I was just suprised that you were siding with dec11 the guy that has to win every argue until that either stop posting or just leave.
Rockinred lol you have got your tats years ago the point i was making is that every little rich kid from private schools are getting tattoos that are just plain stupid. In 10 years when they realise that the tattoo fad is over and i can give them a 10% discount on the lazer removal

Its gonna be my cash cow