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Thread: investment ideas??

  1. #1
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    investment ideas??

    If you had some money laying around and wanted to do more with it than just let it sit in a bank account gaining next to nothing, where would be the best place to put it?

    I'm looking for somewhere safe (low risk) and easy to retrieve; I'm not exactly sure how long I will be keeping it there as sometime in the near future, I plan on using it for a small business start-up.

    I was thinking about just putting it into a CD for now. I'd only gain about 1% on it, but it's better than what I can make in a bank account. Any other ideas?

  2. #2
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    Business as usual yeah?
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  3. #3
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    be a loanshark

  4. #4
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    PayPal me

  5. #5
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    I see.......I knew this should've been placed in the workout forum

  6. #6
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    I´ll take it.
    I got my clients a 35% average for the past 5 years. So far this year, 25%.
    But, the risk is as high as my returns
    I can´t stand money in the bank. Do something!
    I really don´t know what would be "safe" out there.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Rental housing is a good real estate investment right now. Values have come down so much, while rents have stabilized or gone up. If you buy at the right price and get a low mortgage rate, you'll have positive cash flow, real equity, and all the tax advantages. Liquidity might be a problem when compared to CDs or something else. But a solid 4-6% return on a solid RE investment sure looks better than a bank CD!
    Last edited by DeniZen; 10-20-2011 at 06:24 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    Rental housing is a good real estate investment right now. Values have come down so much, while rents have stabilized or gone up. If you buy at the right price and get a low mortgage rate, you'll have positive cash flow, real equity, and all the tax advantages. Liquidity might be a problem when compared to CDs or something else. But a sold 4-6% return on a solid RE investment sure looks better than a bank CD!
    depends on rental agreements in the surrounding area, once ppl are there for a contracted period they'll look for lowered rates as each contract finishes. i know one guy who is at his mortgage rate now and making nothing

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    depends on rental agreements in the surrounding area, once ppl are there for a contracted period they'll look for lowered rates as each contract finishes. i know one guy who is at his mortgage rate now and making nothing
    I'm in Southern California where the real estate values have plummetted 40-60% over the last 3 years. However over the same period rental rates have been relatively stable, and in some areas have increased. Back when real estate prices were rising rapidly, people were being rental properties based soley on asset appreciation, and didn't give a rats ass about cap rates, GRMs, IRR, etc. I represented plenty of clients in those days who didn't have a clue lol. Now the tables have turned, and its all about income production. So an educated buyer can buy into positive cash flow with a little dilligence, with the principal secured in real property. Not the most liquid thing around but very solid right now. Way better returns than a CD and just as safe if don't right. It's what i do.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    I'm in Southern California where the real estate values have plummetted 40-60% over the last 3 years. However over the same period rental rates have been relatively stable, and in some areas have increased. Back when real estate prices were rising rapidly, people were being rental properties based soley on asset appreciation, and didn't give a rats ass about cap rates, GRMs, IRR, etc. I represented plenty of clients in those days who didn't have a clue lol. Now the tables have turned, and its all about income production. So an educated buyer can buy into positive cash flow with a little dilligence, with the principal secured in real property. Not the most liquid thing around but very solid right now. Way better returns than a CD and just as safe if don't right. It's what i do.
    yeah my Dad bought a handful of places around Europe and one in Cali, during the boom. he is being crippled by them now,he said particularly by the one in Cali

  13. #13
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    lessee.... low risk, very liquid, short term investment. did i get that right?

    a short term CD is it. And you already knew it. Wasn't that easy?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    I'm in Southern California where the real estate values have plummetted 40-60% over the last 3 years. However over the same period rental rates have been relatively stable, and in some areas have increased. Back when real estate prices were rising rapidly, people were being rental properties based soley on asset appreciation, and didn't give a rats ass about cap rates, GRMs, IRR, etc. I represented plenty of clients in those days who didn't have a clue lol. Now the tables have turned, and its all about income production. So an educated buyer can buy into positive cash flow with a little dilligence, with the principal secured in real property. Not the most liquid thing around but very solid right now. Way better returns than a CD and just as safe if don't right. It's what i do.
    Very true.
    I was one of those at the pre construction sales buying something/anything. Didn´t even need to see the prospect. These things sold out in 1 day. And I made money selling the contract back to the builder a year later, not even waiting for the finished product.
    The ones I got stuck with in -08 went to short sales.
    Now, like you say, because of all the foreclosures, the rental marked is kick ass. The formula I used before to purchase a rental unit, is 1.5 times as favorable today.
    I did this in FL, and I think units are ripe for picking again.

    TR has the best suggestion considering the OP´s goals.

  15. #15
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    Thanks guys. My location isn't completely stable right now; i.e. bouncing around the world a bit and not sure where exactly I'm going to settle down yet, so real estate is a no-go, at least for now. I probably look into a short-term CD as TR suggested and go from there.

  16. #16
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    gold, diamonds.

  17. #17
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    dont get crazy with any one stock ideal, but Duke energy (DUK) pays a nice div. and on the safe side of investments.. Gold is ok but moves with markets and risk in the world currency, plus no divs of course.

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