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Thread: doorman/ club security jobs in the US

  1. #41
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Well @ Lavela & Spinnakers most of the guys if not all when I was there were former combat infantry vets. Seen there share of shit, not scared of anything. My guess is that guys like us, can react to a volatile situation with a clear head unlike your average civilian. Also with PCB being surrounded by Army, Navy & Airforce bases, having us work there made it easier to deal with the hot headed wannabe legs, more so than the few civilians that worked with us.
    man, no disrespect but that is just absolute rubbish. being a squaddie does make anyone 'all that' and any more superior at this job

  2. #42
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    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    man, no disrespect but that is just absolute rubbish. being a squaddie does make anyone 'all that' and any more superior at this job
    x2...I've had my fair share of problems while working the clubs with military guys...For example: "I can cut the line...I just got back from's my military ID"
    or..."No I don't have to leave this club, I'm in the army."

    I've seen a lot of military guys act like assholes, and I've seen a lot of non-military guys act like assholes. I've worked with ex-military guys and normal juiceheads. The bottom line is: If you're tough, you're tough. If you're brave, you're brave. if you're level headed, you're level headed. Military or career background has nothing to do with it.

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