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Thread: doorman/ club security jobs in the US

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    doorman/ club security jobs in the US

    Is it hard to get a doorman or security job in the US ? Either in a club or nightclub, dosent matter. Do you need any kind of certification ? I have some experience here in europe but from what i know, that doesnt matter in the US. If its not US experience, it aint experience at all as far as they are concerned, or so i've heard.
    Also, is the pay good ? I mean considering the risk, because here in europe the most you could get is a knife fight, but you americans take the cake when it comes to trigger-happy frustrated crazies that feel they have something to prove with a gun.

    I think i'll be mooving to the US soon and considering the whole economic crisis thing i'm worried about not beeing able to find a job. Constructions wouldnt be bad either, but i think they'd rather get mexicans to do it for half the price rather than a full-time worker with valid papers.

    Open to suggestions, if you know any niche where i could orient myself to find some work.

  2. #2
    Ive worked a few doors back in my college years. No certification needed. Experience counts; and I doubt they care whether it was in the US or not. Your niche could be working the door in internationally oriented clubs.

    On another note whenever I applied I made a point to look controlled, professional, and well thought out. The last thing a club/bar owner wants is a liability sitting on a stool at the front door.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Is it hard to get a doorman or security job in the US ? Either in a club or nightclub, dosent matter. Do you need any kind of certification ? I have some experience here in europe but from what i know, that doesnt matter in the US. If its not US experience, it aint experience at all as far as they are concerned, or so i've heard.
    Also, is the pay good ? I mean considering the risk, because here in europe the most you could get is a knife fight, but you americans take the cake when it comes to trigger-happy frustrated crazies that feel they have something to prove with a gun.

    I think i'll be mooving to the US soon and considering the whole economic crisis thing i'm worried about not beeing able to find a job. Constructions wouldnt be bad either, but i think they'd rather get mexicans to do it for half the price rather than a full-time worker with valid papers.

    Open to suggestions, if you know any niche where i could orient myself to find some work.
    jez, i dunno mate, doormen have been blown away in Dublin and im sure plenty in English cities aswell. i reckon if you've done the job in one tough city, you can do it in them all (within reason of course). you just have to get into the swing of being able to identify various 'heads' and gangs

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    remember club diva, dec?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    remember club diva, dec?
    na mate, prob before i moved down here. i think The Players Lounge out in Fairview was the last big publicised story of a doorman related shooting in Dublin. IRA and criminal factions clashing over running doors. i always like to know who owns a venue or is standing over it before i do a door...

  6. #6
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    Well that's actually the problem there. Ireland has a history with the IRA and UDA(i dont know very much on the subject), where they had militia walking around armed to the teeth. But as far as the continent side of europe, its pretty rare or none at all that i've heard of someone getting shot. Knife/sword/axe wounds at worst. Savage beatings, comas from gang beatings. But no shootings.
    But at least you can find out who's running the show, as you said, where in the US everyone could have a gun on them, legal or not. Put some alchool in and some bruised pride and you've got yourself a problem.

    Is the $ paper good considering the risk ?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Ive worked a few doors back in my college years. No certification needed. Experience counts; and I doubt they care whether it was in the US or not. Your niche could be working the door in internationally oriented clubs.

    On another note whenever I applied I made a point to look controlled, professional, and well thought out. The last thing a club/bar owner wants is a liability sitting on a stool at the front door.
    In NY u hav 2 b "certified". In NC u don't (dont know bout the other 48) But most hi end, upscale / respectable clubs will want u 2 hav a few years under ur belt, they don't want some untested / unproven, newb patrolling the floor or workin the door.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    na mate, prob before i moved down here. i think The Players Lounge out in Fairview was the last big publicised story of a doorman related shooting in Dublin. IRA and criminal factions clashing over running doors. i always like to know who owns a venue or is standing over it before i do a door...
    and rightly so you dont get paid enough to get shot over somebody else's bs

  9. #9
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    or rammed with cars while standing at door, both of which happened at diva

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Well that's actually the problem there. Ireland has a history with the IRA and UDA(i dont know very much on the subject), where they had militia walking around armed to the teeth. But as far as the continent side of europe, its pretty rare or none at all that i've heard of someone getting shot. Knife/sword/axe wounds at worst. Savage beatings, comas from gang beatings. But no shootings.
    But at least you can find out who's running the show, as you said, where in the US everyone could have a gun on them, legal or not. Put some alchool in and some bruised pride and you've got yourself a problem.

    Is the $ paper good considering the risk ?
    no man, thats Northern Ireland and completely different. You still have IRA factions in Dublin but its not a 'political conflict' in the Republic. its all about turf wars and controlling criminality. the IRA 'tax' the ODC's on their drug profits and sometimes rival republican factions (real IRA, CAC, INLA etc) clash over control on areas. its all about using the feared named paramilitary groups as stand over men.

    its just the same as criminal gang activity in any other city, nothing to do with the Troubles. Guns can be on a scene in Dublin in no time at all. Gun crime in Ireland and the UK is just as bad as the US nowadays, the US is just a bigger country and therefore sees more of it.

    i'll just add, there would be no amount of money on this earth that would have me doing doors in Belfast, not even nowadays. that really is dangerous shit!!
    Last edited by dec11; 11-20-2011 at 07:03 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    or rammed with cars while standing at door, both of which happened at diva
    yeah ive heard of that before aswell. alot of grenades floating around aswell these days

  12. #12
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    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ all correct
    and also parts of spain are absolutely mental, where do you think europe's drugs gangs are based, gangsters and villans from uk and ireland all congregate round similar areas which makes for a very dangerous enviroment for working doors, also i wouldnt fancy working a door in paris because the city spends alot of its time on fire lately and the greeks are also a bit mental, there is very few places you can go on a door and not put yourself at serious risk imho

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    guns are two a penny virtually everywhere these days and you can be sure alot more people than you think either carry or have 1 close to hand these days depending on type of club you go to

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ all correct
    and also parts of spain are absolutely mental, where do you think europe's drugs gangs are based, gangsters and villans from uk and ireland all congregate round similar areas which makes for a very dangerous enviroment for working doors, also i wouldnt fancy working a door in paris because the city spends alot of its time on fire lately and the greeks are also a bit mental, there is very few places you can go on a door and not put yourself at serious risk imho
    agreed, esp on spain, parts of it are fvcking hell holes, even top Dublin crims got there wings clipped out there and got their last rites. i was talking to a norweigan last night who told me that if i was doing the job in his country, i'd be constantly fighting off knife attacks. i always reckoned norway to be a very civilised country like switzerland etc

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    nothing/nowhere is civilised when drugs and money involved. . .and there is nowhere anymore where drugs arent

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    case a while ago in spain of dublin hitman who chatting up a mans wife, husband said fuk off so he did, he went home got his gun and hoped on his bike came back and emptied clip in his chest

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    drugs(cocaine) make any suitation a potential nightmare

  18. #18
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    there are only a few states that require a licence.
    Most place want someone who looks professional with some experience.
    I never had a problem getting a job when i moved some place new.
    Getting shot only worried me at 1 spot in philly. And thats after we added a hip hop room and got a different crowd.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    drugs(cocaine) make any suitation a potential nightmare
    yep, every cvnt thinks he is superman on the stuff, and it takes some battering to put them down, you nearly have to stand on their throats

  20. #20
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    and when they say they be back later they usually are(drug fuelled rage) and then u fuked

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    and when they say they be back later they usually are(drug fuelled rage) and then u fuked
    yep, always a chance that its a legit threat but tbh 90% of them are just young bucks mouthing off, the real guys wouldnt say a word to you and you wouldnt see it coming. only the stupid crazies come back the same evening and their head guys would do them for bringing heat around. but you're right, you never know and therefore its always a risk.

    a guy i worked with told me his colleague was standing at a door in Temple Bar one night, some geezer came walking past and said 'alright, hows it going buddy' whilst extending his hand as if he was patting him on the stomach as a friendly gesture. the doorman felt wetness and looked down, the bastard had sliced him with a scalpel right across his abdomen. they got him and kicked the shit out of him and the fvcker had the audacity to try and take the doormen for assault!!

    i see a stab/bullet vest in my future

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    and when they say they be back later they usually are(drug fuelled rage) and then u fuked
    I've on both ends of that one

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    i know alot i mean as in majority of bouncers round highbury,finsbury park hackney areas in north london wear stab vest

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I've on both ends of that one
    i do aswell and i tell ya it fukin aint nice ya either wake up in a heap broke up to pieces or wake up with that sinking feeling with a blurred memory thinking what have i done this time, im glad that behind me
    Last edited by DanB; 11-20-2011 at 09:28 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    i do aswell and i tell ya it fukin aint nice ya either wake up in a heap broke up to pieces or wake up with that sinking feeling with a blurred memory thinking what have i done this time, im glad that behind me
    its a good job i dont go out getting drunk anymore, with the amount of tossers around town in Dublin, id be cracking skulls all the time, they really are a shower of twats. well, prob the same in any city although Dublin just seems to have that 'scummy' edge lol

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    whats worse is you dont even have to go town anymore its like that everywhere,few exceptions but you know where i mean

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    whats worse is you dont even have to go town anymore its like that everywhere,few exceptions but you know where i mean
    yeah the carnage is unbelievable mate, no matter where ive worked in Dublin, the bloodshed and ambulances are constant all night long. last night i was chatting to a lady who id say was in her 70's last night as she came out for smokes and she was telling me that older people are afraid to go to A+E at w'ends. she said once heroin hit in the late 70's and early 80's Dublin night life changed forever and has gotten steadily worse.

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    If you want to make good cash, you will have to go to NYC, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or Miami. Most every city has clubs and need security. Las Vegas is nice because if you get in with the right crew, you can do well and there is actually job advan***ent. I have never had a problem finding work. Having said that, some of the work was really awful. For instance, one club hired me as a doorman, but wanted me to buss tables. A great industry to get into is the exotic clubs. I have made some serious cash working them. The girls tip you out. Plus, getting to know the girls leads to private security, where they go do their own thing and I escorted them.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by nc_pi View Post
    If you want to make good cash, you will have to go to NYC, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or Miami. Most every city has clubs and need security. Las Vegas is nice because if you get in with the right crew, you can do well and there is actually job advan***ent. I have never had a problem finding work. Having said that, some of the work was really awful. For instance, one club hired me as a doorman, but wanted me to buss tables. A great industry to get into is the exotic clubs. I have made some serious cash working them. The girls tip you out. Plus, getting to know the girls leads to private security, where they go do their own thing and I escorted them.
    if a bar/club tries that extra curricular shit with me i politely hand them their radio back...........

    i worked one place where it was compulsory to leave jackets in a cloakroom that charged a stupid amount of money for doing so, i got into a load of different arguments really fast and said to the manager taht it was a con to do that and ppl were rightfully pissed at it. i ended up telling him to go fvck himself after 1hr on the job
    Last edited by dec11; 11-20-2011 at 10:18 PM.

  30. #30
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    Don't get into bouncing or club security. It's not worth it. It's depressing, routine, and annoying. I've done it the past four years only to pay my way through college, as soon as I graduate and get a degree, I'm out of this shit. If you're going to do it in the U.S., avoid hip-hop clubs and Latin Nights. From my experience, thats where the majority of the trouble is.

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    Good tips bros, thanks.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Don't get into bouncing or club security. It's not worth it. It's depressing, routine, and annoying. I've done it the past four years only to pay my way through college, as soon as I graduate and get a degree, I'm out of this shit. If you're going to do it in the U.S., avoid hip-hop clubs and Latin Nights. From my experience, thats where the majority of the trouble is.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Don't get into bouncing or club security. It's not worth it. It's depressing, routine, and annoying. I've done it the past four years only to pay my way through college, as soon as I graduate and get a degree, I'm out of this shit. If you're going to do it in the U.S., avoid hip-hop clubs and Latin Nights. From my experience, thats where the majority of the trouble is.
    LMFAO and you get me to work both latin nights with you......

    I 2nd what Bronzer said..... the money isn't great. The economy tanked and the owners figured they can pay less. To me it's really not worth the risk but with a new baby..... I need the extra cash to pay for my damn food lol. Plus it's kinda nice when 7 different girls approach you to take their picture with you LMAO!


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    The clubs I have worked @ required the security to be current/formr Military or Police

  35. #35
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    Here in Miami it's not hard at all to pick up a security job if you are big/imposing and know the right people. Theres tons of clubs here and we have a long tourist season, not including Ultra and there is always a demand for night club/party security here. I prefer to work VIP areas at large events as you can easily pull down $1,500-2k in bribes per event. (Masquerade Motel, Ultra type events).

    Here if you get hired they will usually help you get certified, as most of the security companies also do certification. I'm not certified at all and have been doing it here and there for about 4 years. I do have a regular career/office job but I'll probably do some work for WMC coming up, just for some quick cash and so I can stare at hot girls running around in underwear. I will say I can't imagine doing it full time, that would be horrible.

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    let me know where you are working wmc. So you can get me in

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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    The clubs I have worked @ required the security to be current/formr Military or Police
    that is just a stupid requirement, how does having been in the army make you better? i know afew ex-army ppl who'd shit themselves in a confrontation
    Last edited by dec11; 11-23-2011 at 11:10 AM. Reason: spelling

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    let me know where you are working wmc. So you can get me in
    For sure. I got you. I worked the pool parties at the Doubletree Surf Comber and Masquerade Motel on South Beach earlier this year. I'll probably do Masquerade Motel again next time it's around. It's funny how many people you know that are all the sudden your best friend when you're controlling access to one of the VIP sections haha.

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    I'll be moving to the Seattle area. That's kind of a quiet town, not like Miami or L.A. or New York where you have tons of clubs.
    Anyway, i'll see what's the business once i get there and start looking for something in person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    that is just a stupid requirement, how does having been in the army make you better? i know afew ex-army ppl who'd shit themselves in a confrontation
    Well @ Lavela & Spinnakers most of the guys if not all when I was there were former combat infantry vets. Seen there share of shit, not scared of anything. My guess is that guys like us, can react to a volatile situation with a clear head unlike your average civilian. Also with PCB being surrounded by Army, Navy & Airforce bases, having us work there made it easier to deal with the hot headed wannabe legs, more so than the few civilians that worked with us.

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