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Thread: Black Friday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Black Friday

    How many of you are crazy enough to go stand in line for 6+ hrs just to save a few bucks or at beast $100-$200?

    I did it 1x about 15 years ago, never again. Ill buy online but never go to another door buster sale. Once in a while I will go the day of just to look but usually not before 11am.

    Some stores are opening at Midnight meaning if you wan a deal you need to be there around 6-8pm at the latest on Turkey day.

    So, who will admit to being one of the insane shoppers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    They could be giving away free 60 inch plasma's and i still wouldn't go out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    my sleep is precious, i cant bring my self to go and stand in the cold for hrs to save a few bucks!! i did it once and stupid me left my car door unlocked and my da-gone i phone got stolen.. i did it i tried it & i wont do it again, CRAZY!!!

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    No way. I don't care about saving a little money. It isn't worth the madness. I have a hard enough time dealing with idiots at Costco to get all my food.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    last year i went out and heckled the people waiting outside in the freeeeezzing ****en cold is was good times ha.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    last year i went out and heckled the people waiting outside in the freeeeezzing ****en cold is was good times ha.
    LOL, I like that. it would be fun someplace COLD to spray them down with water. Yeah you would probably get shot. Hmmm maybe pass out hot chocolate to people in the front of the line made with ex-lax? no, that's a sh*ty idea.... hehehehehe

  7. #7
    my brother went out from 7.30pm until 7am, he got some good stuff for good prices but to me it isnt worth it. i'd rather pay the regular price or catch the online deals.

  8. #8
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Tigershark wanted a new TV (Target 47" 299.99 +29.99 3 year full warrenty doorbuster deal) but was working so I surprised him...
    We only have 1 car now so I mountain biked @ 8PM FOR 30min to Target, stood in line till midnight and got him it. a reward he took me and kids out for 1am meal and got me a WoW 60day play time card was a great deal all round lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I tried to this year but all those people acting stupid drove me nuts. So i jsut drove the GF around and slept in the truck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    were just starting to get black friday up here in canada... up until 2 years ago I never heard of it. Its still got the same great sales, but not the huge hype yet, so going out and gettin the deals is easy and enjoyable. (probably for not much longer though, a good thing never lasts)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    how bout the lady in LA who pepper sprayed her way to the front of the line and then while inside sprayed more shoppers. nuts!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    how bout the lady in LA who pepper sprayed her way to the front of the line and then while inside sprayed more shoppers. nuts!
    How about the grandpa who was body slammed by LE, accused of shoplifting because after his grandson and himself had multiple video games snatched out of their hands he put it (his and with the video game) under his shirt so no one could snatch it and a cop accused him of trying to steal it although they never tried to leave. He was knocked unconscious, laying in a big pool of blood and handcuffed while unconscious all while the grandson watched. Witnesses say he did nothing wrong and of course the police charged him with shoplifting and resisting arrest. That will teach him to try to explain the circumstances. Remember, you are guilty until proven innocent....

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