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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Top five (5) remedies to cure our Country!

    We all know that the politicians are more interested in getting reelected than in helping our country. The solutions seem so obvious at times, yet action is seldom taken.

    The biggest problems facing our country right now, as I see it, are as follows:

    The national debt/deficit
    Bloated Government / Over Zealous Government / AKA "Big Brother's looking over your shoulder"
    Insufficient investment in our own country/people (not talking about welfare or other handouts)
    International Trade imbalance
    Insufficient jobs & Quality Jobs
    Housing market (depressed equity and home values)

    You may see it differently.

    I'd like to hear what you think the big problems our country is facing, and what you would do to fix it.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    If we fixed greed across the board a lot of our problems would go away.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Money in government.
    Have real campaign finance reform.
    And do something with lobbyist.

  4. #4
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    one of the biggest problems to me is the free handouts! i have had a job since i was 14 so it pisses me off when people have 6-10 kids and get free help from the government! i understand there are people who try and need the extra help, at least they are trying. i agree with yall on the other points as well.

  5. #5
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    2.Business bank loans
    3.Tax breaks for the 'middle income' earners
    4.Well earned confidence in the goverment, banks and the housing market.
    5.A limit on the number of migrants coming here.
    6. A massive reduction in the number claiming state benefits who do not deserve them.
    7. Pension deficit to be sorted - paying more money to OAP's is not going to solve anything.

  6. #6
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    1. Stop supporting the UN, IMF and the rest of the needy world with aid.

    2. Exploit our oil reserves. We have tons of oil in the way of crude, shale and oil sands. We need to mine our resources. Green energy is a cool idea and all but the fact of the matter is that it is not ready for prime time. Exploiting our oil resources will give us time for Americans to develop real green energy solutions that are practical and cost effective. This will create tons of good paying jobs, according to an interview with a Shell executive I saw, we have enough oil to become a major player in petroleum exportation. This will also allow us to tell the middle east to **** off.

    3. Drastically cut down the size of government. Eliminate the size, scope and legal ability to blow billions of dollars on nothing.

    4. Secure our borders using the military. End our military operations abroad, bring the units home and redeploy resources to the borders, possibly create new units designated to border control operations. By now, a lot of our military is good at force protection, which is essentially the same thing. This will enhance national security and can be supplemented by a policy of harsh and aggressive retribution for anyone who wants to **** around and get cute with us from outside our borders. For those who whine about not having jobs: you can now have a career in the military under the newly created MOS of Border Control Specialist.

    5. Make it easy for Americans to start and maintain a business. In China, it takes approximately 1 day to get all the paperwork completed to start a new business. We move at a snails pace here. The insane about of red tape to get anything done in many municipalities across the country discourages many from pursuing their dreams and business ideas.

  7. #7
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    USA! USA! USA!

    1. Instill service in citizens at an early age [require all high school juniors to take one (1) year off to join either a) Americorps b) City Year or c) non-combat military position to serve in the US.]
    2. Create a culture of physically active citizens [basically require people to have a certain BMI and if they don't they will pay a "fat" tax (fvcked up but necessary)]
    3. Overhaul Social Security and Medicare/aid
    4. Flat tax
    5. Get a congress that can actually compromise and create better programs for America

  8. #8
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    2. Create a culture of physically active citizens [basically require people to have a certain BMI and if they don't they will pay a "fat" tax (fvcked up but necessary)]
    You can't use BMI as a measure. BMI is wildly inaccurate and flawed in many ways. Many athletes would be considered obese-super obese on the BMI scale.

  9. #9
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You can't use BMI as a measure. BMI is wildly inaccurate and flawed in many ways. Many athletes would be considered obese-super obese on the BMI scale.
    There are several different BMI scales. There is a standard and athletic. For the average person that isn't a body-builder or professional athlete, the standard BMI will be a good enough to regulate their sedentary lives.

  10. #10
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macon_Bacon View Post
    There are several different BMI scales. There is a standard and athletic. For the average person that isn't a body-builder or professional athlete, the standard BMI will be a good enough to regulate their sedentary lives.
    Can you provide a link? The only "athletic BMI" calculator I find still puts many body builders and athletes in the obese category.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 12-02-2011 at 11:37 AM.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macon_Bacon View Post
    USA! USA! USA!

    1. Instill service in citizens at an early age [require all high school juniors to take one (1) year off to join either a) Americorps b) City Year or c) non-combat military position to serve in the US.]
    2. Create a culture of physically active citizens [basically require people to have a certain BMI and if they don't they will pay a "fat" tax (fvcked up but necessary)]
    3. Overhaul Social Security and Medicare/aid
    4. Flat tax
    5. Get a congress that can actually compromise and create better programs for America
    A FAT tax? That's rather draconian, don't you think? What would be next from such a government that would enforce such a rule? Forced steralization on women with too many children? Sorry mate! I couldn't live in such a world where the government had such power whether or not someone was too fat.

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    A FAT tax? That's rather draconian, don't you think? What would be next from such a government that would enforce such a rule? Forced steralization on women with too many children? Sorry mate! I couldn't live in such a world where the government had such power whether or not someone was too fat.
    i def agree with you. But there should be something to make people take responsibility for themselves being over weight. It adds extra health cost to the system and also some go on disability for being obese. then i pay for them eating to many doughnuts and pizza

  13. #13
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i def agree with you. But there should be something to make people take responsibility for themselves being over weight. It adds extra health cost to the system and also some go on disability for being obese. then i pay for them eating to many doughnuts and pizza
    Conditions pertaining to being fat in order to be eligible for government aid seems more reasonable than a tax.

  14. #14
    evander87's Avatar
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    Oh I'm all for a Tubby Tax but not the way you guys are suggesting. Let me lay out my idea.

    I have a family of four to feed. I can go to Taco Bell and feed them all for $20 off the "dollar menu" while it would cost three times that to feed them good healthy fruits, vegetables, and meats. Soooo the "Tubby Tax" I propose is to tax the unhealthy foods to bring them more in line with healthy alternatives. I mean if it costs me $40 to feed my family at Taco Bell or $50 to feed them healthy foods, I would think twice before shoving that beef burrito into their gullet. This tax you be defined by how much about the daily allowance should be. So say you are supposed to only have 2400mg of Sodium a day. 2400 / 3 for the three meals = 800 for a "meal" So if a Taco Bell meal has 2000mg sodium it costs more in tax.

    Do the same with fats, sugars, calories, etc and create a formula and poof you have a formula for Tubby Tax. Hell if the BCS can figure out the two top teams then the US government could figure this out. And you can see how there are huge loopholes in this. But it's not supposed to be an end all be all. Just a monitory motivation to get people to think twice about the cost of their foods. And the revenue generated by the Tubby Tax gets put into our healthcare system. Let the people who REALLY want to eat crappy fast foods help pay for medical costs.

    Now back to OP topic.
    I agree with Roman's points but I think Gizzerboy hit the nail on the head to fix them. There needs to be campaign finance and lobbyist reforms to get the right people in the power places to fix Romans suggestions.

  15. #15
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Can you provide a link? The only "athletic BMI" calculator I find still puts many body builders and athletes in the obese category.
    Ok, maybe not strictly a standard or "athletic BMI" but any of the health equations in this link will do. As you can see the waist-to-height ratio is specifically cited as use for serious athletes and body builders.

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    But there should be something to make people take responsibility for themselves being over weight. It adds extra health cost to the system and also some go on disability for being obese. then i pay for them eating to many doughnuts and pizza
    This was more of the reasoning behind my "fat" tax. Not necessarily to control people's lives but at least motivate them to be healthy or punish them for not being healthy. As you can see in this article (I know it's a little old) Japan implemented this for people over the age of 40.

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macon_Bacon View Post
    Ok, maybe not strictly a standard or "athletic BMI" but any of the health equations in this link will do. As you can see the waist-to-height ratio is specifically cited as use for serious athletes and body builders.

    This was more of the reasoning behind my "fat" tax. Not necessarily to control people's lives but at least motivate them to be healthy or punish them for not being healthy. As you can see in this article (I know it's a little old) Japan implemented this for people over the age of 40.
    i tried the link according to it my bmi is 30.7 im obese but it also say my bf% is 9.9.

  17. #17
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    i think if you have a disability that stops you from getting a traditional job. You should have to do something to earn the check your getting. Even if its data entry or making phone calls. Set the people up with a lap top of phone line and give them requirements to keep getting their checks

  18. #18
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i tried the link according to it my bmi is 30.7 im obese but it also say my bf% is 9.9.
    What was your waist-to-height ratio and your Willoughby weight?

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macon_Bacon View Post
    What was your waist-to-height ratio and your Willoughby weight?
    i'm 5'6 with a 32 inch waist my willoughby weight was 151

  20. #20
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    Your waist-to-height ration is still in the healthy range.

  21. #21
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    1.Town/city distric run day care centers that provide free day care to families below poverty level and on welfare and charge rest of public on a slidding fee scale
    2.Welfare collection stipulations including: must pass random /no notice drug screenings
    must work full time while collecting, if no job can be found than local town/city job assigned that will benifit the community supporting them in some way (such as obediance training dogs in shelters/ nature trail maintance/ sweep city streets/ work in daycare run by town)
    3.Bus transportation more connected threw towns/cities/states that are on a slidding fee scale
    4. Mandatory for Companies to provide all employess a flat annual bonus based soly on the profits made said year as work incentive/emplee loyalty/pride in company and quality.
    5. massive overhaul in disability claim qualifiactions! I actualy see kids with ADHD on disability regularly and parents that drink get it for being an acoholic...? wtf

  22. #22
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  23. #23
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    We could do amazing things just by saying "yes" the Canadian pipeline project into the US, and by tapping some of our own domestic oil. The Feds approved to open up drilling in Alaska, but then they turnaround and deny the permits to build the needed bridges to and from the site. This is just red tape and bureaucracy at its finest, which needs to GO!!!

    Overhaul Congress, completely!! Need I say more?

    Increase the tariffs to no end for US companies that are manufacturing abroad, but then reaping the profits to ship it back over here. Offer tax breaks and other incentives to make the playing field favor the US. To the citizens of the USA, do your best to demand "Made in USA" only in your lives. This is virtually impossible, but if given the choice, pay a little more to keep the money in our pockets.

    Allow the people to invest at least 1/2 of their social security into the private market, the way that they see fit. Also, see that congress and the senate are put on the same plan with no entitlements.

    Plain and simple, just reduce the Government, and insist that whatever leadership we have is for the people and the constitution. We don't need leadership that wants to bailout their union friends that can't manage, or that invests millions and millions of our dollars into places like Solyndra, which our Govt. was warned about as being a disaster. Since when did someone get the right to hedge fund our tax dollars? We need accountability, not denials and cover ups!
    Last edited by Vettester; 12-03-2011 at 11:38 PM.

  24. #24
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    There are a lot of seemingly easy solutions but the problem always boils down to what the government lets us do. Voting makes little difference in my opinion due to corruption.

    I hate to say it but I have been saying it for 10+ years. I see only one thing that will make a real change and I for one dont want to see it or live through it but it's the only fix I'm afraid. Revolution.... I think it's the only way we are going to get what we need, a whole remake of the government but it's going to be a mess, possibly a bloody mess....

  25. #25
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i def agree with you. But there should be something to make people take responsibility for themselves being over weight. It adds extra health cost to the system and also some go on disability for being obese. then i pay for them eating to many doughnuts and pizza
    how about substantial discounts on your health insurance premiums if you meet certain milestone markers, such as....

    BF% below a certain point
    Non Smoker

    I would put non drinker, but really no way to verify it. If you cannot verify, then don't put it down as a milestone.

    maybe even a driving record? there is a correlation between a wreckless driving record and a wreckless lifestyle, although the liberals would probably object to this one somehow?

  26. #26
    anabolic body is offline New Member
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    1.follow the constitution
    2.return the power back to the states, where it should be
    3.pass a balanced budget amendment, can't spend what you don't have
    4.real entitlement reform
    5.drill baby drill, will create thousands of jobs fast

  27. #27
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    There are a lot of seemingly easy solutions but the problem always boils down to what the government lets us do. Voting makes little difference in my opinion due to corruption.

    I hate to say it but I have been saying it for 10+ years. I see only one thing that will make a real change and I for one dont want to see it or live through it but it's the only fix I'm afraid. Revolution.... I think it's the only way we are going to get what we need, a whole remake of the government but it's going to be a mess, possibly a bloody mess....
    i agree with you. I think it may happen in our life time. The tea party made a big statement a couple years ago. Now on the occupy movement seems to be sticking.

    I honestly think the government is feeling the heat. Looking how they are upping the violence and response

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i agree with you. I think it may happen in our life time. The tea party made a big statement a couple years ago. Now on the occupy movement seems to be sticking.

    I honestly think the government is feeling the heat. Looking how they are upping the violence and response
    Yeah even though there are a lot of deadbeats and people who have no idea what they are doing or what they are doing it for in the occupy campaign still most of the bad we see and hear about is again controlled by the media/government and I'm more than surprised on how long they are holding out. It is starting to look like a real movement and like you said, this with the tea party we may see some real movements in our lifetime. Movement = upheaval.

    I'm not happy with the way things are going for in regards to government, rights, restrictions and the elimination of middle class the last 50+ years and see it progressing faster and faster as people become more compliant but at the same time I dont want to give up the comforts I have become use to and I know I wont have if we get to a state of civil uprising. It's a catch 22.

  29. #29
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    I remember what the hippies back in the 60's said....

    ....if the politicians would just smoke more happy smoke

  30. #30
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Some things that I think the US needs to do. People need to buy american manufactured products rather than cheap chinese products-tuff sell but with your ever increasing poverty line you might have cheap labour soon, people who actually want a job. Drastically cut welfare to make lazy fvcks work for money. Stop spending stupid amounts on military operations and military advan***ent funding and chanel money into local infrastructure. Impose import tax on goods from China (that might create a war just quietly haha) Create incentives/tax breaks for business's to employ people. Here is one that will rub you all up the wrong way but could help, Open your borders to Mexico. Impose Massive import tax on companies that go offshore that could be run locally.

  31. #31
    AndrewD54 is offline Junior Member
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    1. utilize domestic oil reserves. we need to be energy independent so we can let the rest of the world be involved in the quagmire of the middle east
    2. Redeploy all American forces to the US to secure borders. we are being invaded
    3. Replace income tax with flat rate sales tax. You will be taxed based on what you spend instead of what you make. this will have the side effect of teaching fiscal responsibility from the bottom up
    4. congress shall make no law that applies to itself but not the citizens and no law which applies to the citizens but not themselves. obvious
    5. any person receiving government subsidiary benefits is not allowed to vote for the duration they receive those benefits. The politicians cant get elected based on what they are willing to give out anymore but rather on what they will do for the nation.

    and bonus!

    6. shift economy towards more production. more jobs
    7. No more lobbying the government. it breeds greedy officials
    8. Cut all foreign aid indefinitely. Why help those who would not help us?
    9. any illegal alien caught within the US will be fingerprinted and deported, if they are caught again they are executed. once the message gets across I doubt there will be that many.
    10. any business who has illegals working for them if caught will pay a $100,000 fine per infraction. If the threat of deportation and death aren't enough. not being able to get a job should also help
    11. create more skilled trade learning programs and funnel students who are not academically inclined into these programs. College isn't for everyone, and those people should have an opportunity to become a productive proud member of society as well.
    12. mandatory 1 year or military training upon graduation of high school or mandatory 2 years in another form of civil service. Think of this as "spring training" to be a US citizen. It creates a sense of togetherness and team which our nation has been lacking since the 50's
    13. repeal affirmative action, and any other programs which unfairly promote people of ANY kind over people of any other. If we are all equal let us all have the same opportunity to succeed or fail based on our own ability instead of unfairly putting a less qualified candidate in a position that somebody else should have had. Racism will only truly disappear when we really ARE equal.
    14. invest heavily in education. The future
    15. Limit terms for all elected officials. you show me a career politician, and I'll show you a greedy power hungry crook who has forgotten who he works for.
    16. speed up the death penalty process. Stop wasting my tax dollars to feed and clothe violent criminals who are a drain and a detriment on society.
    17. those states who choose not to have the death penalty will receive no federal funding to their prison systems. You as a state have the freedom to choose not to have the death penalty if you don't want to, but we the people aren't footing the bill to keep your murderers alive for 50 years.
    18. take the amenities away from prisoners. Prison is supposed to suck so bad you Don't want to go back.
    19. when possible teach prisoners a trade. Those that can be rehabilitated need to be given an opportunity to turn their lives around and become productive.
    20. re establish the space program. Strictly from a resources perspective.. there is enough helium 3 on the moon to provide energy for the next century.. also we need something to dream about!

    just a few.

  32. #32
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i'm 5'6 with a 32 inch waist my willoughby weight was 151
    damn! at the risk of sounding stoopid, what the fuk is a willoughby weight??????

  33. #33
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    damn! at the risk of sounding stoopid, what the fuk is a willoughby weight??????
    Check out the link I posted for determining a healthy standard for Americans.

  34. #34
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    got it.
    so with my 36" waist, it's saying i'm 14.5% BF
    which is inline with my 14% estimate

  35. #35
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    ^^^ my bf was off. It said i was 9.9. i wish

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^^ my bf was off. It said i was 9.9. i wish
    obviously you need more cardio time with the woman!

  37. #37
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    We give a bunch of money to shit countries like pakistan. We need to cut that shit out. End rant.

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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post




    oh god no. I would vote for obama or a 3rd party before him

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewD54 View Post
    1. utilize domestic oil reserves. we need to be energy independent so we can let the rest of the world be involved in the quagmire of the middle east
    2. Redeploy all American forces to the US to secure borders. we are being invaded
    3. Replace income tax with flat rate sales tax. You will be taxed based on what you spend instead of what you make. this will have the side effect of teaching fiscal responsibility from the bottom up
    4. congress shall make no law that applies to itself but not the citizens and no law which applies to the citizens but not themselves. obvious
    5. any person receiving government subsidiary benefits is not allowed to vote for the duration they receive those benefits. The politicians cant get elected based on what they are willing to give out anymore but rather on what they will do for the nation.

    and bonus!

    6. shift economy towards more production. more jobs
    7. No more lobbying the government. it breeds greedy officials
    8. Cut all foreign aid indefinitely. Why help those who would not help us?
    9. any illegal alien caught within the US will be fingerprinted and deported, if they are caught again they are executed. once the message gets across I doubt there will be that many.
    10. any business who has illegals working for them if caught will pay a $100,000 fine per infraction. If the threat of deportation and death aren't enough. not being able to get a job should also help
    11. create more skilled trade learning programs and funnel students who are not academically inclined into these programs. College isn't for everyone, and those people should have an opportunity to become a productive proud member of society as well.
    12. mandatory 1 year or military training upon graduation of high school or mandatory 2 years in another form of civil service. Think of this as "spring training" to be a US citizen. It creates a sense of togetherness and team which our nation has been lacking since the 50's
    13. repeal affirmative action, and any other programs which unfairly promote people of ANY kind over people of any other. If we are all equal let us all have the same opportunity to succeed or fail based on our own ability instead of unfairly putting a less qualified candidate in a position that somebody else should have had. Racism will only truly disappear when we really ARE equal.
    14. invest heavily in education. The future
    15. Limit terms for all elected officials. you show me a career politician, and I'll show you a greedy power hungry crook who has forgotten who he works for.
    16. speed up the death penalty process. Stop wasting my tax dollars to feed and clothe violent criminals who are a drain and a detriment on society.
    17. those states who choose not to have the death penalty will receive no federal funding to their prison systems. You as a state have the freedom to choose not to have the death penalty if you don't want to, but we the people aren't footing the bill to keep your murderers alive for 50 years.
    18. take the amenities away from prisoners. Prison is supposed to suck so bad you Don't want to go back.
    19. when possible teach prisoners a trade. Those that can be rehabilitated need to be given an opportunity to turn their lives around and become productive.
    20. re establish the space program. Strictly from a resources perspective.. there is enough helium 3 on the moon to provide energy for the next century.. also we need something to dream about!

    just a few.
    soem of them are good ideas but some one cause us so much blow back from other countries we would be worse off

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