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Thread: Do you cheat/cheated on your GF/BF

  1. #41
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    is a man cheating if he masturbates while looking on porn site?

  2. #42
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    what about if the gf is in the house sleeping and the bf is wacking off to porn site

  3. #43
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    No! But then again why would he be if the gf was at home. I would go and wake her and tell her to saddle up.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    what about if the gf is in the house sleeping and the bf is wacking off to porn site
    no its not. And its not if its reversed and she does it when he is asleep
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    is a man cheating if he masturbates while looking on porn site?
    god I hope not

  6. #46
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    Is it cheating if you woman is Bi and she brings home other girls to share with you??? I didnt consider it cheating since she was there joining in on EVERYTHING and she was always always up front with me when/if she was hooking up with another girl and it was always at our house and I was always invited.

    Other than that, no I have not cheated, done anything behind my woman's back except with Palmala and her 5 sisters...

  7. #47
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    i like its not cheating unless ur married idea :Lol:

  8. #48
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    i like its not cheating unless ur married idea

  9. #49
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    I take it you crack yourself up?

  10. #50
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    come on guys and girls...were all in a secluded place in the nest tree of peace...tell us how u truly feel...

  11. #51
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    Never cheated. My ex-girlfriend and I broke up about two weeks ago. She would accuse me of cheating 24/7---with random girls, with her friends, with co-workers, and it was all because of insecurities and the fact that she probably did really care about me. Her and I don't speak at all and probably never will, it didn't end very well. But something has been on my mind for the past two weeks: If you continuously accuse someone of cheating on you, it kind of makes YOU look like the cheater just trying to cover your own ass. Who the hell knows.

  12. #52
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    No and dont believe in it.But had it done on me.I wanted to return the favor.But kicked her to the curb.The 1st time is the hardest they say.So I wasnt waitin around.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    wrong answer. cheating is when you have an understanding with a partner to be monogamous, and you violate that understanding.

    btw... never cheated in my life
    I dont disagree, Also I never said I had an monogamous understanding with anyone. So who is wrong?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Never cheated. My ex-girlfriend and I broke up about two weeks ago. She would accuse me of cheating 24/7---with random girls, with her friends, with co-workers, and it was all because of insecurities and the fact that she probably did really care about me. Her and I don't speak at all and probably never will, it didn't end very well. But something has been on my mind for the past two weeks: If you continuously accuse someone of cheating on you, it kind of makes YOU look like the cheater just trying to cover your own ass. Who the hell knows.
    I 100% agree with that statement

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    i like its not cheating unless ur married idea :Lol:
    Its not an idea, its real. Lets use religion as an example, Infidility is only mention regarding married couples in the Torah, Bible & Quran. There is no such mention of a BF/GF infidelity in any religious text.

    SO the idea or realism that its not cheating unless your married holds merit. Everyone has there own idea of what is what, so there is no wrong or right answer regarding infidility. It all boils down to ones personal beliefs.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Never cheated. My ex-girlfriend and I broke up about two weeks ago. She would accuse me of cheating 24/7---with random girls, with her friends, with co-workers, and it was all because of insecurities and the fact that she probably did really care about me. Her and I don't speak at all and probably never will, it didn't end very well. But something has been on my mind for the past two weeks: If you continuously accuse someone of cheating on you, it kind of makes YOU look like the cheater just trying to cover your own ass. Who the hell knows.
    OMG I think I know her. LOL I know exactly where you are coming from. Did you ever get frustrated enough and say if you are going to keep being accused and punished for cheating you might as well do it? No not really meaning it but trying to get them to see the logic. I bet she was going through your email, cell phone, txt and doing everything she could to try to find some evidence. I told mine if you look long enough and hard enough you will find something, even if it's not real it will be proof in your mind. It happened several times to me where she found Absolute proof. LOL Of course there was never anything.
    sometimes as in my case or hers it was not she was covering up anything such as typically just VERY insecure. Jealously will ruin the best of relationships though. Personally I never understood it, being jealous.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    we all like that man, its just our human nature and its totally natural to look. society and psychology dictates monogamy.
    Oh so very true.....

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OMG I think I know her. LOL I know exactly where you are coming from. Did you ever get frustrated enough and say if you are going to keep being accused and punished for cheating you might as well do it? No not really meaning it but trying to get them to see the logic. I bet she was going through your email, cell phone, txt and doing everything she could to try to find some evidence. I told mine if you look long enough and hard enough you will find something, even if it's not real it will be proof in your mind. It happened several times to me where she found Absolute proof. LOL Of course there was never anything.
    sometimes as in my case or hers it was not she was covering up anything such as typically just VERY insecure. Jealously will ruin the best of relationships though. Personally I never understood it, being jealous.

    xxxx2...Sounds like my ex. She would love to search my computer history, get mad at me for saying "hi" to her friends, throw a temper tantrum if I "looked" at another girl at the grocery store (when I really didn't even know who the hell she was talking about)

  19. #59
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    we were playing monopoly. When she went to the bathroom i took a couple hundred dollars from the bank and put another hotel on my property. She didnt catch me
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    we were playing monopoly. When she went to the bathroom i took a couple hundred dollars from the bank and put another hotel on my property. She didnt catch me

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    we were playing monopoly. When she went to the bathroom i took a couple hundred dollars from the bank and put another hotel on my property. She didnt catch me
    Hahaha that's awesome.

  22. #62
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    Had it done to me, and would never ever put someone thru what I went thru.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    we were playing monopoly. When she went to the bathroom i took a couple hundred dollars from the bank and put another hotel on my property. She didnt catch me
    Well in that aspect I have cheated several times. Does it still count if I was a minor at the time? Yes playing with GFs when I was a minor. lol

  24. #64
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    I flirt alot... yes I have cheated and it was worth it lol......

  25. #65
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    But on another note.. now being single (7months) and living this lifestyle it has been fkn awesome traveling partying etc.. but thats just me....... not bragging but its just great being able to not have that guilty conscious of sleeping around.... and my 2cents? if ya going to cheat just call it off with the girl ur seeing.. go cheat then go back to ur ex and say u made a mistake lol see if that works haha...

  26. #66
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    dont ask for a source thx
    i would never cheat on my wife...why ruin a good thing...i cant see how anything could ever be the same once the trust is broken...i find it easyer to resist temptation by avoiding it altogether....besides i cant imagine sex being any better with someone other than my soulmate...

  27. #67
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    man i have in the past. makes you feel like crap for a min, but u get over it. not really sure what caused me to do this. the girl was hot, pleased me sexually and gave me the world. guess im just selfish.

  28. #68
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki387 View Post
    But on another note.. now being single (7months) and living this lifestyle it has been fkn awesome traveling partying etc.. but thats just me....... not bragging but its just great being able to not have that guilty conscious of sleeping around.... and my 2cents? if ya going to cheat just call it off with the girl ur seeing.. go cheat then go back to ur ex and say u made a mistake lol see if that works haha...
    it does, for teenagers

  29. #69
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    Holy Shit..

    I have cheated, I used to doi t so much it became a problem, I couldnt help myself, and I think it was definetly an insecurity issue, however i think as i got older and seen the hurt it caused people i started to think with my brain rather then my dick.. Still aint easy but.

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