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Thread: Is there something wrong with me PLZ HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Is there something wrong with me PLZ HELP

    I have been injured for over 1.5 years now I have a torn meniscus which the doctor refuses to give anything for I have tendonitus is both arms and everything was starting to seem a little a better went back to the gym started taking things slow still 5 weeks in and my right elbow joint has been hurting massively any time I excercise. I havent even done anything wrong to it 90% of my workout is light and on machines and its deffinatly not over training I only do 5 sets on each muscle . Is there somethign wrong with me ive been to the gym a whopping 6 weeks and injuries are already packing on and I've been to doctors for so long and they havent offered me a damn thing that worked between nsaids, partial removal of the meniscus, physical therapy , cortisone shots which they think is the cure all for all of lifes problems wont give me anything for my knee I asked. My question is could there be something wrong with me hormonal imbalance defects in my joints Im only asking this here because I truely don't want to go back to that shithole they call a hospital there just gonna take my money not even act like they give to shits and sit on there god comlex asses while making 100K+ for doing DICK SHlT.

    as you can see im a bit of a wreck and dont have to many places to turn to for advice or anything

  2. #2
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Sorry your going through this. From personal experience I had a torn left shoulder, and tendentious in elbows wrists and knees and shin splints. I started cycling gear and gh and all my problems got a lot better. Dont know what you education is in these things, but plenty of people willing to help with anything and give you advice.

  3. #3
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    Im to young for it man im only 18 i got at least 7 years ahead of me before i can safely try anything like that

  4. #4
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    been lurking this site for almost 3 years now the only thing I could ever find that could be of possible use to me at my age is adequan which is for horses , doesnt effect the endocrine system and is impossible to find ( not phishing for a source) theres plenty of sources I know would give me gh and steroids all day long if I just paid them I choose not to though after learning i could mess myself up much worse by doing them to young instead I stay here and educate myself for that day if im still lifting after all of the injuries 7 years from now. I have considered getting bloodwork don to test my gh levels due to the fact I never used to sleep when i was younger i would end up awake fo 2-3 days at a time constantly which i think effected my devlopement so if anyone could give me insight on that it would help a little.

  5. #5
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    adequan. Yeah I have done my share of reading on this and a couple of other things also. They do sound good and I may stil try it someday if I cant find anything else to help fix me up also. God it would be nice not to have aches, pains, strains, massive set backs all the time.

    First off you need to find a doctor who is willing to test for everything. Full blood workup, not just the basic cholesterol and such. Full hormone panel or at least a few at a time until they find something. Check for different types of arthritis and such. Get enzyme test done to see if to make sure the liver is working properly and you are storing to much of something. You may be to young for GH unless you are deficient in it and getting the hormone levels will tell you if you are.

    Dont be afraid to tell your doctor what you want. He is working for you although they like to act like they are in charge. It's easy for you to just tell him he is fired and you go to someone else. Let him/her know you want this figured out and if HE wont help either refer you to someone who will or you will find them yourself.

    Sorry to year about all the problems. I can relate though, I went through years of it and had a good 3 years up until about 1 year ago and now I'm back to the same ole... Hopefully it will turn around for me also SOON.

  6. #6
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    Yeah having no pain would be nice and due to the fact my parents insurance im limited to the one hospital I go to so firing them isnt so easy . im not sure which doctor does bloodwork there but as for arthritus my dads got it in hands, but hes broken them so many I dont believe I have it I mean when I think arthritus i think of people 50+ years old im very young but then again i guess if i see the doctor again I'll find out. I may or may not go back there but your info is very helpful if lovebyts . I hate them so much they've taken so much of my time and my families money between pt, meds, visits arthograms mris etc etc I kind of want to deck the doctors few thousand times over might make me feel better but it wouldn't take the pain away . gh wise probably ok i mean im 6 ft tall I just had the assumption since well my bones compared to my fathers a smaller like hes got 8.6 inch wrists ive got 6.8 his shoulder are proably 4-6 wider than mine but then a again could be just genetic .

  7. #7
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    Still hoping on a horse breeder with adequan and loose morals though, I mean there are a shit ton around were I live and farms every were maybe i just have to work up the courage to ask and take the time to explain how it would be good for me in a calm well educated manner before offering to buy it . I could ask one of my sources if one of there guys has it but I doubt it even my buddies dont know what it is and hes competed for 9 years.

  8. #8
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    Do some reading on alflutop.

  9. #9
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Not to encourage without proper research or talking to a doctor, but adequan they also make for dogs and it is pretty obtainable from doing any google search or going to a pet meds website.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Not to encourage without proper research or talking to a doctor, but adequan they also make for dogs and it is pretty obtainable from doing any google search or going to a pet meds website.
    Adequan requires a rx from most all sites. I have been reading on it for about a year off and on. The alflutop is equivalent or some say better and requires not RX except it's getting a little harder to find and cost is going up, still less than Adequan.

  11. #11
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    Have you ever tried aflutops ? im reading on it and it sounds like its pretty good for tendonitus and if theres no perscription required for it its worth a shot

  12. #12
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    You need to get a SECOND or THIRD OPINION. You never base your diagnosis off the decisions of one doctor or institution. However infallable a doctor may seem, they are humans, and prone to all of the character flaws that everyone else enjoys. So before you go down the route of self-medicating, which I advise against, as the interaction between certain chemicals with certain genetic diseases can cause serious adverse reactions and anaphylaxis in some cases, you need to seek advice from a doctor who is not in the same network as the one who is not doing what you want him to do. Remember, the doctor is employed by you, he's a service person.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You need to get a SECOND or THIRD OPINION. You never base your diagnosis off the decisions of one doctor or institution. However infallable a doctor may seem, they are humans, and prone to all of the character flaws that everyone else enjoys. So before you go down the route of self-medicating, which I advise against, as the interaction between certain chemicals with certain genetic diseases can cause serious adverse reactions and anaphylaxis in some cases, you need to seek advice from a doctor who is not in the same network as the one who is not doing what you want him to do. Remember, the doctor is employed by you, he's a service person.
    I completely agree. There has to be other dr's or specialist in the network.

    Steroids and gh arent cure all for any muscle, joint ache and pain.

    You may have an autoimmune disease. Who knows.

    You need to figure what is causing the issues not trying to take something to mask the symptoms
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I completely agree. There has to be other dr's or specialist in the network.

    Steroids and gh arent cure all for any muscle, joint ache and pain.

    You may have an autoimmune disease. Who knows.

    You need to figure what is causing the issues not trying to take something to mask the symptoms
    x2, neither of these two have done anything for my ailments

  15. #15
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    I dont believe I said anything about me taking gh or steroids to fix my problems I said im not taking them im to young im 18 also ive been to 3 doctors man all 2 by the same hospital and 1 buy orthopedic assosciates also never said gh and steroids was a cure all for anything. I know they dont fix problems I've been reading from this site for almost 3 years now and at my age they would only cause more problems. Sorry if there was any confusion in earlier posts to be exact i have about 70 percent of my meniscus left in one knee it doesnt produce unbearable pain just some been taking glucosamine and chondroitan which helps it a little , I have mild tendonitus in my left arm and tendonitus in all of my right it spread somehow so im getting some feeling that my elbow is related to it and also alflutops is sea fish bioactive concentrate not a hormone and adequan is a joint supplement for dogs and horses thats works well and has worked well in humans all of which have minimal sides and dont effect the endocrine system onnce again sorry for any confusion I may have caused in other posts.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by doxmaster;5832436[B
    ]I dont believe I said anything about me taking gh or steroids to fix my problems I said im not taking them im to young im 18 [/B]also ive been to 3 doctors man all 2 by the same hospital and 1 buy orthopedic assosciates also never said gh and steroids was a cure all for anything. I know they dont fix problems I've been reading from this site for almost 3 years now and at my age they would only cause more problems. Sorry if there was any confusion in earlier posts to be exact i have about 70 percent of my meniscus left in one knee it doesnt produce unbearable pain just some been taking glucosamine and chondroitan which helps it a little , I have mild tendonitus in my left arm and tendonitus in all of my right it spread somehow so im getting some feeling that my elbow is related to it and also alflutops is sea fish bioactive concentrate not a hormone and adequan is a joint supplement for dogs and horses thats works well and has worked well in humans all of which have minimal sides and dont effect the endocrine system onnce again sorry for any confusion I may have caused in other posts.
    Dont take the post the wrong way, we all are just trying to emphasize that it's not a solution and for you to not jump into self medicating due to frustration, not accusing you of planning it. We just want to make sure you go through the proper steps to use what resources that are available to you and be as safe as possible. Nothing wrong with exploring other options to self educate yourself and have information to discuss with your doctor.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-13-2011 at 03:21 AM.

  17. #17
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    Mate your story is very similiar to mine. Although yours sounds a bit more severe but I feel your pain. The doctors cant really 100% diagnose what's wrong with me. Iv got pretty bad pain in my left elbow but they say that the scans only reveal mild tendonitis, bullsh#t. Iv just had a year off and started to train (only light) again 7 weeks in and the pain has come back! Massive diss appiontment! One thing that helped improve my elbow was PRP. After I had shots of PRP my elbow recovered almost instantly and for about two months later I had no pain. Have you looked into that?

    I'm interested in this Adequan I might look further into it

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Mate your story is very similiar to mine. Although yours sounds a bit more severe but I feel your pain. The doctors cant really 100% diagnose what's wrong with me. Iv got pretty bad pain in my left elbow but they say that the scans only reveal mild tendonitis, bullsh#t. Iv just had a year off and started to train (only light) again 7 weeks in and the pain has come back! Massive diss appiontment! One thing that helped improve my elbow was PRP. After I had shots of PRP my elbow recovered almost instantly and for about two months later I had no pain. Have you looked into that?

    I'm interested in this Adequan I might look further into it
    I have also researched this. My coworker has had this done 2x for his right elbow with only moderate results. Prolotherapy is another interesting program and even my coworker says he things part of his healing is due to the injections stimulating the bodies healing.

    Yeah the Adequan and Alflutop is VERY interesting. It's amazing how much stuff is out there for dogs/horses that has been proven 100% safe, promotes real healing and not just masking it like NSAIDs or pain meds. Thank you FDA, tell me again it's not about $$$$ Much more profitable to keep people coming back, keeping them hooked on pain meds instead of treating/curing the problem.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by doxmaster View Post
    I dont believe I said anything about me taking gh or steroids to fix my problems I said im not taking them im to young im 18 also ive been to 3 doctors man all 2 by the same hospital and 1 buy orthopedic assosciates also never said gh and steroids was a cure all for anything. I know they dont fix problems I've been reading from this site for almost 3 years now and at my age they would only cause more problems. Sorry if there was any confusion in earlier posts to be exact i have about 70 percent of my meniscus left in one knee it doesnt produce unbearable pain just some been taking glucosamine and chondroitan which helps it a little , I have mild tendonitus in my left arm and tendonitus in all of my right it spread somehow so im getting some feeling that my elbow is related to it and also alflutops is sea fish bioactive concentrate not a hormone and adequan is a joint supplement for dogs and horses thats works well and has worked well in humans all of which have minimal sides and dont effect the endocrine system onnce again sorry for any confusion I may have caused in other posts.
    My sense is that you completely disregarded my post. The ONLY physician you should be seeing is an Orthopod, and you should be seeing one that is OUT OF NETWORK with the hospital that you have been visiting. I.E.- if you were referred to your previous Orthopod by any of the 2 physicians you saw at the hospital you visited, you need to visit a new Orthopod in a completely different practice, with no affiliations or hospital priviledges at the one you've been seeing. There IS good treatment out there. If you tell me what major city you are next to, I can refer an Orthopod or physician group for you.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    My sense is that you completely disregarded my post. The ONLY physician you should be seeing is an Orthopod, and you should be seeing one that is OUT OF NETWORK with the hospital that you have been visiting. I.E.- if you were referred to your previous Orthopod by any of the 2 physicians you saw at the hospital you visited, you need to visit a new Orthopod in a completely different practice, with no affiliations or hospital priviledges at the one you've been seeing. There IS good treatment out there. If you tell me what major city you are next to, I can refer an Orthopod or physician group for you.
    The first 2 doctors were of the same hospital and group yes the last one was not part of the same group I did that because I wanted another opinion sorry if it seems like I disregarded your post but I think im going to stay away from doctors for awhile I dont trust them but thanks for the offer.

    Lovebyts I hear you on the going through the proper steps and self medicating part the one thing I hate about the internet is you cant tell how the persons reacting I dont think the guy meant it in the wrong way I know the more experianced people of this site only try and look out for other people and not just tell them what they want to hear its why I like this place. Also yeah ditto on the FDA part

    Dr pepper yeah are stories are pretty similar and yeah I've heard about prp shots but after I did reading on them and how it effects growth factors I stayed away from them only because after reading this site for so long about teenagers and the endocrine system and knowing some kids who have gotten messed up from using at an early age I didn't want to take the chance . I starting reading up on things that wouldn't possibly effect it like adequan and after reading the forums it seems like Hawaiin pride knows alot on joint problems but I haven't talked to him just read the things he says.
    Last edited by doxmaster; 12-14-2011 at 10:28 AM.

  21. #21
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    Jul 2004
    That sounds really horrible for an 18 year old. sorry to hear that

    Dr's are weird sometimes. If you see a surgeon he'll want you to have surgery, if you see a physical therapist he will want you on an exercise routine.

    I've had 2 torn acls, and my shoulder gets swelling in the joint.

    IMHO. your elbow needs support heat and compression. those neoprene braces work very well for pain.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dam Bro I feel sorry for you.At 18 I never thought about getting hurt.30 years later pain is a way of life.I would get 2nd and 3rd opinions.Someone out there can help you.Good luck Bro.

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