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Thread: Western union trouble

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    The Murder Mitten

    Western union trouble

    I went to the store today to send my buddy yuri from the Ukraine some money to buy a new donkey. The lady at the desk kept telling me how I was most likely getting scammed, and kept asking if I knew this dude. I assured her that he was a good friend and informed her on how hard it is to live in the Ukraine without a donkey. I honestly thought this bitch wasn't gonna send my money. It took me a good 15 minutes to fill out my name, my boy yuris name, and his country after waiting in line for fvcking half an hour. I want the normal stupid minimum wage help that could give a **** if I want to send 5 million dollars to the prince of nigeria. Now i'm drenched in sweat thanks to that bitch that actually cares about my well being. ho.

  2. #2
    Ahahah i wouldnt be surprised if she flagged the transaction

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    just go to another dopot man thats what i use to do when they carried on

  4. #4
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    They can flag a transaction? I'm not too worried about it, I'm a very well dressed white boy lol. I was so drenched with sweat from this drol that going to another store was not an option. Being inside a heated store with a peacoat on and 100mg of drol in you = hell.

  5. #5
    If they flagged it its not a big problem..just head to another WU next time. Dont sweat it

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I don't know why your mate needs a donkey in the Ukraine. Its a pretty modern place.

  7. #7
    Ahah. I cant imagine him saying that.."for a donkey"

  8. #8
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    lol I actually never told her it was for a donkey. I added that for entertainment purposes. I'm sure it would have gone way worse if that was the case.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I don't know why your mate needs a donkey in the Ukraine. Its a pretty modern place.
    I'm sure he will send me something for my troubles lol

  10. #10
    I usually go to one of those 24hr check cash places that wires WU in a bad section of town where they barely speak english. They're happy to make their $10 for the deal, couldn't care less where it's going or to who, and don't ask sh!t.

  11. #11
    Why would you respond to her at all? She's already suspicious and your solution is to tell her its for the purchase of a donkey?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Why would you respond to her at all? She's already suspicious and your solution is to tell her its for the purchase of a donkey?
    Refer to post #8. All she knew was I wanted to send some money to the ukraine.

  13. #13
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    Ive been going through this everytime the last 5 transactions...... I figured i'd hit up the mexican run western union...... and that lady asked me where moldova was..... shes never heard of it. If i was related to the receiver..... etc.

    So then I tried another WU in a different town that was foreign run...... He took a picture of me and proceeded to tell me I was being scammed. I told him they were familly and I wasn't purchasing anything.

    I then went to a WU in a major food store and the overweight guy behind the desk proceeded to say "well..... you've sent money to minn cheng, xiao zhou, wenping chen, and now another receiver for a large sum?"

    I just can't seem to send money without being scrutinized anymore..... it's fvckin aggrivating. The last time..... I heard the guy call managment to the desk. I freaked the fvck out and took my money back and left lol..... why the hell would they need to call management to send my money.....?


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Ive been going through this everytime the last 5 transactions...... I figured i'd hit up the mexican run western union...... and that lady asked me where moldova was..... shes never heard of it. If i was related to the receiver..... etc.

    So then I tried another WU in a different town that was foreign run...... He took a picture of me and proceeded to tell me I was being scammed. I told him they were familly and I wasn't purchasing anything.

    I then went to a WU in a major food store and the overweight guy behind the desk proceeded to say "well..... you've sent money to minn cheng, xiao zhou, wenping chen, and now another receiver for a large sum?"

    I just can't seem to send money without being scrutinized anymore..... it's fvckin aggrivating. The last time..... I heard the guy call managment to the desk. I freaked the fvck out and took my money back and left lol..... why the hell would they need to call management to send my money.....?

    It's bullshit. I'm sure everyone in that place thought I was an absolute retard when she asked "are you absolutely sure you want to send $xx to yuri popovokov in the ukraine?" loud as hell. You definitely look like you could be related to a minn cheng though idk what there problem is with that.

  15. #15
    You guys should go to the mexican town or Arab town near you. They can care less

  16. #16
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I used to work for a bank. If you say any wierd shit they are allowed to raise the red flag on your ass. Its really just a question of if you get a dick or not.

    One time this cock sucker called in (no offense to my man loving friends) and he was a dick to me cause he was trying to get some cash out of his dead mothers account. Apparently she died and he kept getting the checks from her social security and retirement funds sent to this account that he was finding ways to withdraw. I figured out what he was doing and since he was a dick I raised the red flag on his ass. No doubt hes back at mcdonalds since the cow udder done dried up. Moral of the story always be very civil very congenial to someone who can f you up the ass. Otherwise you will find out what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    It's bullshit. I'm sure everyone in that place thought I was an absolute retard when she asked "are you absolutely sure you want to send $xx to yuri popovokov in the ukraine?" loud as hell. You definitely look like you could be related to a minn cheng though idk what there problem is with that.
    LOL I said he was my sisters fiance - they're living abroad. So he says "well you have 4 other names here....."

    Why can't they just look the other way...... the best ones are the kids right out of highschool..... they don't give a good fvck.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Otherwise you will find out what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.
    Hahahahaha. TV edited Big Lebowski reference?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LOL I said he was my sisters fiance - they're living abroad. So he says "well you have 4 other names here....."

    Why can't they just look the other way...... the best ones are the kids right out of highschool..... they don't give a good fvck.

    Why don't you just give a false name and address? They've never asked me for any form of ID before.......

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Why don't you just give a false name and address? They've never asked me for any form of ID before.......
    They don't ask for ID for sending less than $999 - although one time I was ID's for $600. Those other times I was sending over the $999 limit so I was ID'd everytime by WU requirement.


  21. #21
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    Never had a problem but I dont need to do this anymore. You'd think the business should want to make money is that not while they are there?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Macon_Bacon View Post
    Hahahahaha. TV edited Big Lebowski reference?
    HAHAH Yeah

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LOL I said he was my sisters fiance - they're living abroad. So he says "well you have 4 other names here....."

    Why can't they just look the other way...... the best ones are the kids right out of highschool..... they don't give a good fvck.

    I had this kid at UPS once. I needed to send (some) money. So just in case my shit gets lost I wanted to fill out a form for insurance cause you never know. He goes "whats in the box"? I pause for the longest 10 seconds. "Its a diamond ring". He knew it was bs he just didn't give a f like you said. Plus kids usually know somebody whos into something and they know not to f with those types unnecessarily. Not for $8.50 an hr and he might see your ass again.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Ive been going through this everytime the last 5 transactions...... I figured i'd hit up the mexican run western union...... and that lady asked me where moldova was..... shes never heard of it. If i was related to the receiver..... etc.

    So then I tried another WU in a different town that was foreign run...... He took a picture of me and proceeded to tell me I was being scammed. I told him they were familly and I wasn't purchasing anything.

    I then went to a WU in a major food store and the overweight guy behind the desk proceeded to say "well..... you've sent money to minn cheng, xiao zhou, wenping chen, and now another receiver for a large sum?"

    I just can't seem to send money without being scrutinized anymore..... it's fvckin aggrivating. The last time..... I heard the guy call managment to the desk. I freaked the fvck out and took my money back and left lol..... why the hell would they need to call management to send my money.....?

    Money orders. No questions, no I.D.'s, no "red flags", no transaction history, no problems..................EVER!

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    just use cell tech...
    Thats my fav. And my source accepts cash for this too..

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    They don't ask for ID for sending less than $999 - although one time I was ID's for $600. Those other times I was sending over the $999 limit so I was ID'd everytime by WU requirement.

    Gotcha. Good to know.

  27. #27
    I am worried about using a WU online to send money to Ukraine, am I just being paranoid? Scammed? Legal issues? Any tips?

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by ucla3030
    I am worried about using a WU online to send money to Ukraine, am I just being paranoid? Scammed? Legal issues? Any tips?
    Ya they could track that down

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    Ya they could track that down
    They "could" but what is the likelihood of that? I mean if you're not bringing in thousands of dollars of product what is the likelihood that the LEO's use manpower to go after small time end users? Besides what could they get you for if you don't have possession of the material?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    They "could" but what is the likelihood of that? I mean if you're not bringing in thousands of dollars of product what is the likelihood that the LEO's use manpower to go after small time end users? Besides what could they get you for if you don't have possession of the material?
    x2 people get wayyyyyyyyy to paranoid over there personal orders. As long as your not selling your fine.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I went to the store today to send my buddy yuri from the Ukraine some money to buy a new donkey. The lady at the desk kept telling me how I was most likely getting scammed, and kept asking if I knew this dude. I assured her that he was a good friend and informed her on how hard it is to live in the Ukraine without a donkey. I honestly thought this bitch wasn't gonna send my money. It took me a good 15 minutes to fill out my name, my boy yuris name, and his country after waiting in line for fvcking half an hour. I want the normal stupid minimum wage help that could give a **** if I want to send 5 million dollars to the prince of nigeria. Now i'm drenched in sweat thanks to that bitch that actually cares about my well being. ho.
    none of her fvckin business, id of told her and went elsewhere!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    none of her fvckin business, id of told her and went elsewhere!
    lol I was getting so angry. I'm pretty good at controlling my temper though, I just wanted to send my ****ing money and go home. I don't really like confrontation unless you really fvcking piss me off good.

  33. #33
    no cell tech!

  34. #34
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    I would have said fun this and gone to the next place

    I send money gram if I can anyway....

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    The WU is always a funny process... what I do is talk in an off strange accent...such that they have no clue if im american who has a speech impediment, or if i am foreign, they assume foreign because i am sending money to a country they never heard of and names they never heard anything close to...


  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh
    The WU is always a funny process... what I do is talk in an off strange accent...such that they have no clue if im american who has a speech impediment, or if i am foreign, they assume foreign because i am sending money to a country they never heard of and names they never heard anything close to...

    Thats a smart idea actually..

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