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Thread: Supplements shops (gnc, vitamin shoppe etc..) What annoys you?

  1. #1
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    Supplements shops (gnc, vitamin shoppe etc..) What annoys you?

    For me its when you go to the store pick up some whey, jack3d whatever and the 150lbs sales men tells you how great it is and how he's on it for a year and loves it. I look at him and think to my self either A) F**K me I might as well throw my money in the trash if he's taking this ... or B) Salesmen are scam masters.

  2. #2
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    What do you think the guy is going to say??? Hey dude this stuff sucks don't buy, and not get paid???

  3. #3
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    haha okay okay I see where your coming from but I would prefer him to suggest stuff based on what it does and testimony he's heard. Not how he's personally been taking it and growing on it, its demotiving.

  4. #4
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    I will agree with you on that. But the problem is those places dont educate them on that. Its not cost effective for the company. Most people do their own research now a days. You could just fucckk with the buy and be like WOW, if it works that well let me get two and the second at half price.

    That's one of those jobs the guy has a personal fight with himself each morning, Do i get up and go to work and make $7 an hour part time or stay home and look at porn.. Good for a student trying to get by while in school but that's it, Its a suck ass job!!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-1000 View Post
    I will agree with you on that. But the problem is those places dont educate them on that. Its not cost effective for the company. Most people do their own research now a days. You could just fucckk with the buy and be like WOW, if it works that well let me get two and the second at half price.

    That's one of those jobs the guy has a personal fight with himself each morning, Do i get up and go to work and make $7 an hour part time or stay home and look at porn.. Good for a student trying to get by while in school but that's it, Its a suck ass job!!
    Words of wisdom and very true ... at least he's working

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  7. #7
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    its their job, if you decided to sell your car on you wouldnt tell prospective buyers it was a heap of crap

  8. #8
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    True, I was more leaning towards the side like what if a fat person tried to sell you a diet and told you how much personal success they have had on it... and they are still fat. You would think the diet was a load of shit, instead of them selling you their personal success sell the product and how it can benefit you. G-1000 had a good point that most workers aren't trained well in the products and don't have that kind of knowledge.

  9. #9
    Nutra shop guys really piss me off. There's usually one or two at any decent sized gym giving out crappy advice and selling snake oil to the 14yrs.

  10. #10
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    True, I was more leaning towards the side like what if a fat person tried to sell you a diet and told you how much personal success they have had on it... and they are still fat. You would think the diet was a load of shit, instead of them selling you their personal success sell the product and how it can benefit you. G-1000 had a good point that most workers aren't trained well in the products and don't have that kind of knowledge.
    ive worked alongside to pt's who were very overweight believe it or not, they were well qualified and knew they're stuff but tongues wagged amongst club members and other staff

  11. #11
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    That's to bad when some one who is knowledgeable is hindered by stereotypes. But I can defiantly say, unfortunately, I would feel better about paying a PT who was in good shape vs out of shape. Normally those who are bigger than me or better shape I listen to, they normally know a thing or two I don't.

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