So in your experience, what works for hair removal in... 'delicate' parts?
So in your experience, what works for hair removal in... 'delicate' parts?
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
From a girl point of view, and if you don't mind someone doing it for you, check out sugaring. It's way less painful than waxing since the hair is pulled out in the same direction as hair growth as opposed to the opposite direction that they use in waxing. Plus when the hair does grow back, it starts to get very sparse and less coarse.
Battery acid might work.
torch it ...lol
shave it.
Tweezers, one by one.
i'm doing laser right now, on the back (shut up) after 1 treatment, there has been no to very minimal regrowth... 2nd session scheduled for feb 12th
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
$430 per session... the hair on my back is coarse so it's worked very well..
the wife is going in for a Brazilian.. good times for me
2 months between sessions
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
That's not near as pricey as I thought it would be. Seems like somebody once told me it was like 4-5k or something stupid.
Brazilian huh? My girl gets sugared and it doesn't get any better. Only problem is once you get used to it....you can't have it any other way. It's likely slipping on a condom after years of not using one. It's just not as good!
I'm tempted to try this thing
that's the issue though as i've read and they told me, once the hair folical dies your body will regrow new near by, so the additional sessions are needed.. but so far, it's like i just had it waxed after 1 month..
friggin armpits get red due to friction (hair), so reluctantly, I've started using an ele razor and shortening (not shavng) down to about 1/4"
For the sensitive areas I use a razor but for 99% of the body that inst so sensitive and I can reach/see I trim it using an electric trimmer set on the lowest setting. Shaving everything always leads to itching, bumps, razor burn etc. It trims you down to what you would look like after 3 or 4 days after shaving without any of the negative side effects.
Just picked up a VISS Home IPL unit. I originally got it to try and reduce facial hair, but have been using on other body parts as well:
You are directed to shave the hair close to the skin before treatment.
After about 10 treatments on the face, no notable reduction
I have lost about 15% of my stomach hair ( treasure trail) after just 1 treatment just did another last night, I expect the same type of results..
10% chest hair reduction after 1 treatment.
10% less butt cheek hair
5% neck hair reduction after 6 treatments
I am moderately hairy. I have coarse dark hair on face and chest.
It seems its working on most spots , for $500 it could be worth it for you..
Im still unsure if I will keep it or return it at the end of my 2 month trial period. IF you have less course hair then me I think it would work better. My face it retarded though.. I think I need more power for those hairs.. Will keep trying though.
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