This is a list of countries that gear is legally obtainable. I also found the following articles addressing the legalities of them. Feel free to add or subtract from the list. It would seem that in my research just about everything is illegal in the U.S.(But we all ready knew that).This should turn out to be an interesting thread.
1. Article 4.1 of the Anti-Doping Convention states: "The Parties shall where appropriate adopt measures to restrict the availability (including provisions to control movement, possession, importation, distribution and sale) as well as the use in sport of banned doping agents and doping methods and, in particular, anabolic steroids".
2. Denmark, Norway and Sweden have adopted legislation making transfer, import or acquisition for the purpose of (financial) gain a crime. Canada has adopted legislation to reschedule anabolic steroids in the Food and Drugs Act, making it a criminal offence to import, export, traffic, manufacture or distribute all (human) steroid products, except by authorised persons or for authorised purposes. In Denmark and Sweden, use and in Norway, possession and use, remain unpenalised. Finland is contemplating similar legislation.
3. The United States of America has implemented the Steroid Control Act of 1990 which brings all steroids intended for human use under the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act. This criminalises production, trafficking, non-medical use, possession, or distribution of steroids with penalties of up to 20 years imprisonment, and/or $1m fine and/or asset forfeiture.
4. In most European countries other than those mentioned in paragraph 2 above, controls on anabolic steroids are exercised through existing medical drug control acts or regulations. These usually stite that obtaining drugs or pharmaceutical preparations containing steroid compounds is subject to appropriate medical prescriptions. However, it is believed that it is possible to obtain some such preparations in Belgium and Portugal over the counter (OTC) from a pharmacy. Unauthorised or unprescribed possession or use of such compounds is not usually penalised. Some doctors and pharmacists have however suffered penalties either under law or under their appropriate professional codes for illicit distribution of these drugs.