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  1. #1
    Sven7 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    The cycle results section - a suggestion

    They need to have a rule or something for putting " (pics) " in the title so people know what threads have pictures. Who reads the threads without pics? It's much more informational to see visual results alongside their corresponding steron-usage and weight gains/losses numbers.

    Pics are a must in that section. Also, if they could say in the title whether there are before/after, or if it's an "in progress" thread- a more "log" type of thread where they keep posting a new pic every week. Kind of depressing to see the threads where someone is so excited about their cycle and post the starting pics, but never updates it because they didn't get the results they were expecting.

    Just a thought. I hate sifting through threads looking for pics.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    You can see if there are any pics in the thread before viewing/reading the post. It will show a little paperclip next to the title.

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