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  1. #1
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bodybuilding books?

    I'm always looking to further my knowledge of bodybuilding. Has anyone read any good books about nutrition, training, bodybuilding, chemicals, etc.? I read muscular development and that's about it.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Nothing beats the internet.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  3. #3
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Arnold's Encyclopedia and Men's Body Sculpting are 2 of the best books I've seen/read.

    The MBS book is much more current n goes in to great detail on diet, however no book compares to this site.
    If a beginner were to ask, I would highly recommend these books, but for many on here, the books are just too basic. I think most regulars on here are much more advanced in BB knowledge than the average gym go-er and though these would be a refresher or provide some motivation, they aren't going to teach you much that you don't already know.

    On the other hand, I would like to get my hands on The Steroid Bible. It's pretty pricey though. They go for almost $200 for a used paperback. Anyone ever read this? Is it really worth all the hype?

  4. #4
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    i have the Arnold one myself, must have book. might have to check out the other ones

  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Nothing beats the internet.
    I agree, my eyes hurt from staring at this computer so much! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Arnold's Encyclopedia and Men's Body Sculpting are 2 of the best books I've seen/read.

    The MBS book is much more current n goes in to great detail on diet, however no book compares to this site.
    If a beginner were to ask, I would highly recommend these books, but for many on here, the books are just too basic. I think most regulars on here are much more advanced in BB knowledge than the average gym go-er and though these would be a refresher or provide some motivation, they aren't going to teach you much that you don't already know.

    On the other hand, I would like to get my hands on The Steroid Bible. It's pretty pricey though. They go for almost $200 for a used paperback. Anyone ever read this? Is it really worth all the hype?
    I have Arnold's encyclopedia of bodybuilding and it's interesting but very outdated. I think my old man pirated the steroid bible and printed it out so ill see if he still has it. I definitely don't need books aimed at beginners, was just curious to see if their were any books on more advanced principles.

  6. #6
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Here the shortest book ever..ready?
    Train Hard ie Slingshot training meathod, Eat a ton, Drink a lot of water, Take lots of gear

  7. #7
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Here the shortest book ever..ready?
    Train Hard ie Slingshot training meathod, Eat a ton, Drink a lot of water, Take lots of gear

  8. #8
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding

    Men's Body Sculpting

    Body Sculpting Bible for Men

    Stay away from this one. It is loaded with fake reviews and is nothing more then an advertisement for a website.

  9. #9
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Ive heard the steroids Bible is good to actually. I wanna get a copy after I get deployed

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    There is another good book "The Laymans Guide to Steroids " is pretty good as well. You can get it for free online from some torrent sites.

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