a quick research on google and this is what i found and it is backed up ... like it or not
Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?
there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.
As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused.
It is a well-documented fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. (This paper will conclude with a list of some books which support that statement.)
In other words, there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.
Indeed, there are many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality. As one large study discussed in a 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found, on average 12.8% of women and 4.3% of men recall being sexually abused.1 (How many do not recall it?)
According to Dr. James E. Soukup, author of a book which deals with several subjects including sexual abuse: "In one national study in 1985, 27 percent of the females interviewed and 16 percent of the males reported to have been sexually abused as children. Other studies indicate that these figures are too low. It is suggested that eighty percent of all sexual abuse is not reported."2
The Associated Press noted in late 1998 that, according to an analysis of 166 studies covering the years 1985-97: "As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused."3
(According to a JAMA review of literature re the sexual abuse of boys, only 10%-33% of male abuse victims ever tell anyone about that abuse.4 The review also found that: "Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused."5 And regarding female abuse victims, one study found that 38% of adult women ages 18-31 who were sexually abused when young [between ages 10 months to 12 years] did not remember that they were sexually abused when young.6)
Whatever the true percentages are of male and female sex abuse victims, considering how high the suggested/reported numbers are compared to the percentage of the population that is homosexual (only 1%-2%),
we can see that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.
there currently is no definitive proof that anyone is born homosexual. Several studies by homosexual researchers claimed to find some possible biological bases for homosexuality. But other scientists easily pointed out the flaws in those studies, and the results of those studies have yet to be replicated by others. In the words of pro-homosexual Newsweek magazine: "In the early '90s, three highly publicized studies seemed to suggest that homosexuality's roots were genetic....More than five years later the data have never been replicated."
for the full read ---)
it should also be noted that most gay or bi men have little or no memory of sexual abuse from younger ages, how ever past medical records were able to produce facts of sexual abuse for that individual... think about it??? if i had lets say a change in my voice when i was young from a negitive situation that happen to me, and i lived with it silently for years and years, then some one offered a positive reason why i was the way i was.... i would jump at it!!! now i could be socially accpetable.
and that is ok,,, it is good that ppl over come negitive things in there life not accept them as who they are.
as for men being gay... and being with women... pic a team !!