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Thread: Have some controversial Gay questions

  1. #1
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    Have some controversial Gay questions

    I have some gay questions that have been on my mind for some time now. They are admittedly all kind of controversial. Feel free to ignore the questions or even put me in check. Im not trying to piss anyone off these are just real questions I have wondered about.

    #1 I saw that DSM dates girls and guys and is currently dating a guy. I have a friend who is married to a woman. They have sex often. I know he is at least BI because he offered to have sex with me the day we met. I guess my question is , is he most likely Bi? What I mean is his family is very religious and this has prevented him from really coming to terms with his attraction towards men. Is it possible he is truly a gay man living his life as straight? Or would the regular sex indicate more Bi? Obviously, very involved question.

    #2 A lot of female lesbians.. want to look like men. You know what I mean. They wear a plaid paul bunyan shirt and cut their hair short. Seem to be flat chested dunno if they are taping them down or just a commonality with the masculine lesbians. One thing I have noticed is the masculine lesbians are almost always butt ugly. The appeal seems to be some attractive lesbians are looking for a tough man looking woman to be their protector type. Getting to my question, this is my question. Just like not all ugly people end up as masculine lesbians, do you think these are lesbians that chose to style themselves in a way that made sense with their body they were given? I have long wondered because of how unattractive some of them are if they made a choice to live as a lesbian because they were going to be unattractive regardless and this was a way to have a better role out there a role that could get them laid when otherwise they wouldn't or would have a hell of a time getting any. I know that some of this could be thought in my head out of jealousy. I bust my ass in many ways to be as attractive as I can be to get someone attractive, and these women have found a way to beat the system. A way to look ugly but fuk something beautiful. So of course theres some natural jealousy possibly biasing my thoughts.

  2. #2
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    We all need love mate
    The butt ugly girls too. Maybe this is a way that they have found love.
    Women are by nature more forgiving, and that includes looks. So the lesbian you refer, may have found love with other women, and are more accepted that way.

  3. #3
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    Why so focused on Gay…. Thinking of switching teams? =)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I have some gay questions that have been on my mind for some time now. They are admittedly all kind of controversial. Feel free to ignore the questions or even put me in check. Im not trying to piss anyone off these are just real questions I have wondered about.

    #1 I saw that DSM dates girls and guys and is currently dating a guy. I have a friend who is married to a woman. They have sex often. I know he is at least BI because he offered to have sex with me the day we met. I guess my question is , is he most likely Bi? What I mean is his family is very religious and this has prevented him from really coming to terms with his attraction towards men. Is it possible he is truly a gay man living his life as straight? Or would the regular sex indicate more Bi? Obviously, very involved question.

    #2 A lot of female lesbians.. want to look like men. You know what I mean. They wear a plaid paul bunyan shirt and cut their hair short. Seem to be flat chested dunno if they are taping them down or just a commonality with the masculine lesbians. One thing I have noticed is the masculine lesbians are almost always butt ugly. The appeal seems to be some attractive lesbians are looking for a tough man looking woman to be their protector type. Getting to my question, this is my question. Just like not all ugly people end up as masculine lesbians, do you think these are lesbians that chose to style themselves in a way that made sense with their body they were given? I have long wondered because of how unattractive some of them are if they made a choice to live as a lesbian because they were going to be unattractive regardless and this was a way to have a better role out there a role that could get them laid when otherwise they wouldn't or would have a hell of a time getting any. I know that some of this could be thought in my head out of jealousy. I bust my ass in many ways to be as attractive as I can be to get someone attractive, and these women have found a way to beat the system. A way to look ugly but fuk something beautiful. So of course theres some natural jealousy possibly biasing my thoughts.
    1)We have no way of knowing if he is gay or not. There is such a thing as someone being BI. If that is the case and he has chosen a women to marry then out of respect for her he needs to put all his same sex desires away. Unless she is into that. So to answer your question, it is possible he is gay and just trying to fit it by being with a women. I have done it in the past when i was younger.

    2)I have no clue. I have a lesbian in the family and she use to be beautiful (lip stick lesbian) but now she looks like a beat up football player. I say to each their own. If she is happy with herself then so be it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    #2 A lot of female lesbians.
    Wut other kind of lesbians r there...........

  6. #6
    I definetely agree with OP #2. I will also say that some women become lesbians after a divorce. I understand it. I couldn't imagine the prospect of having to live with and deal with a man in my house for the rest of my life. In addition, with the rise of women's earning potential, a mans role as the provider has become less clear.

  7. #7
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    this ^ and

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    this ^ and
    not me
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
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  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
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    a quick research on google and this is what i found and it is backed up ... like it or not

    Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?

    there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.

    As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused.

    It is a well-documented fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. (This paper will conclude with a list of some books which support that statement.)
    In other words, there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.

    Indeed, there are many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality. As one large study discussed in a 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found, on average 12.8% of women and 4.3% of men recall being sexually abused.1 (How many do not recall it?)

    According to Dr. James E. Soukup, author of a book which deals with several subjects including sexual abuse: "In one national study in 1985, 27 percent of the females interviewed and 16 percent of the males reported to have been sexually abused as children. Other studies indicate that these figures are too low. It is suggested that eighty percent of all sexual abuse is not reported."2

    The Associated Press noted in late 1998 that, according to an analysis of 166 studies covering the years 1985-97: "As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused."3

    (According to a JAMA review of literature re the sexual abuse of boys, only 10%-33% of male abuse victims ever tell anyone about that abuse.4 The review also found that: "Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused."5 And regarding female abuse victims, one study found that 38% of adult women ages 18-31 who were sexually abused when young [between ages 10 months to 12 years] did not remember that they were sexually abused when young.6)

    Whatever the true percentages are of male and female sex abuse victims, considering how high the suggested/reported numbers are compared to the percentage of the population that is homosexual (only 1%-2%), we can see that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.

    there currently is no definitive proof that anyone is born homosexual. Several studies by homosexual researchers claimed to find some possible biological bases for homosexuality. But other scientists easily pointed out the flaws in those studies, and the results of those studies have yet to be replicated by others. In the words of pro-homosexual Newsweek magazine: "In the early '90s, three highly publicized studies seemed to suggest that homosexuality's roots were genetic....More than five years later the data have never been replicated."

    for the full read ---)

    it should also be noted that most gay or bi men have little or no memory of sexual abuse from younger ages, how ever past medical records were able to produce facts of sexual abuse for that individual... think about it??? if i had lets say a change in my voice when i was young from a negitive situation that happen to me, and i lived with it silently for years and years, then some one offered a positive reason why i was the way i was.... i would jump at it!!! now i could be socially accpetable.

    and that is ok,,, it is good that ppl over come negitive things in there life not accept them as who they are.

    as for men being gay... and being with women... pic a team !!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    a quick research on google and this is what i found and it is backed up ... like it or not

    Sexual Abuse: A Major Cause Of Homosexuality?

    there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.

    As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused.

    It is a well-documented fact that many many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. (This paper will conclude with a list of some books which support that statement.)
    In other words, there is an abundance of evidence that many many homosexuals were born heterosexual but were disoriented by sexual abuse.

    Indeed, there are many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality. As one large study discussed in a 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found, on average 12.8% of women and 4.3% of men recall being sexually abused.1 (How many do not recall it?)

    According to Dr. James E. Soukup, author of a book which deals with several subjects including sexual abuse: "In one national study in 1985, 27 percent of the females interviewed and 16 percent of the males reported to have been sexually abused as children. Other studies indicate that these figures are too low. It is suggested that eighty percent of all sexual abuse is not reported."2

    The Associated Press noted in late 1998 that, according to an analysis of 166 studies covering the years 1985-97: "As many as one in five boys is sexually abused....It [also] concluded that sexual abuse of boys is underreported and undertreated....Earlier studies have shown that 25 percent to 35 percent of girls are sexually abused."3

    (According to a JAMA review of literature re the sexual abuse of boys, only 10%-33% of male abuse victims ever tell anyone about that abuse.4 The review also found that: "Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused."5 And regarding female abuse victims, one study found that 38% of adult women ages 18-31 who were sexually abused when young [between ages 10 months to 12 years] did not remember that they were sexually abused when young.6)

    Whatever the true percentages are of male and female sex abuse victims, considering how high the suggested/reported numbers are compared to the percentage of the population that is homosexual (only 1%-2%), we can see that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.

    there currently is no definitive proof that anyone is born homosexual. Several studies by homosexual researchers claimed to find some possible biological bases for homosexuality. But other scientists easily pointed out the flaws in those studies, and the results of those studies have yet to be replicated by others. In the words of pro-homosexual Newsweek magazine: "In the early '90s, three highly publicized studies seemed to suggest that homosexuality's roots were genetic....More than five years later the data have never been replicated."

    for the full read ---)

    it should also be noted that most gay or bi men have little or no memory of sexual abuse from younger ages, how ever past medical records were able to produce facts of sexual abuse for that individual... think about it??? if i had lets say a change in my voice when i was young from a negitive situation that happen to me, and i lived with it silently for years and years, then some one offered a positive reason why i was the way i was.... i would jump at it!!! now i could be socially accpetable.

    and that is ok,,, it is good that ppl over come negitive things in there life not accept them as who they are.

    as for men being gay... and being with women... pic a team !!
    If its on the internet it must be true.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsm4life View Post
    if its on the internet it must be true.

    ^^ lol

  15. #15
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    internet is a source of info... if it came from a blog or a persons point of view sure i would agree with you dms but it was a study that took over 10 years to complete...

    read it it might help you over come some issue


  16. #16
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    Great info on this post. I think the stuff amcon looked up is mostly true to be honest.

  17. #17
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    it was a simple google search, ppl try to take thier op and make it the truth... that was just a more professinal way of posting my thoughts, really not my words just sience

    educate your self wisdom is power.

  18. #18
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-11-2012 at 01:19 AM.

  19. #19
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    to say that being gay is a brain or cromozone issue... is just well your op, (and if we want to chat about being lame i think that your intitleed to your op but it is not ... well, proven in mainstream studies) cuz it has been sientificlly proven that it is plausible, but contrary to what is excepted no studies can prove any biological connection.

    again i do believe this but only after reading both sides of the fence.

    being gay is environmental

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    to say that being gay is a brain or cromozone issue... is just well your op, (and if we want to chat about being lame i think that your intitleed to your op but it is not ... well, proven in mainstream studies) cuz it has been sientificlly proven that it is plausible, but contrary to what is excepted no studies can prove any biological connection.

    again i do believe this but only after reading both sides of the fence.

    being gay is environmental
    Why don't you try pulling your head out your @$$ and learn something new. You have gay people here in front of you that can answer any question or test any theory you might have but yet you still choose to base all your knowledge from information off a "serious study" on the internet that a stranger posted. If you have a question ask me. I won't down you in anyway but don't expect me not to challenge your thinking.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    to say that being gay is a brain or cromozone issue... is just well your op, (and if we want to chat about being lame i think that your intitleed to your op but it is not ... well, proven in mainstream studies) cuz it has been sientificlly proven that it is plausible, but contrary to what is excepted no studies can prove any biological connection.

    again i do believe this but only after reading both sides of the fence.

    being gay is environmental
    Your logic is flawed. There are thousands of human conditions with unknown causes. For you to announce that "being gay is enviromental", because no study has confirmed otherwise is irresponsible.

  22. #22
    I would also be very curious to find out what environmental factors contribute to being gay?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life

    Can i play?
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    I would also be very curious to find out what environmental factors contribute to being gay?
    Watching Will & Grace.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Watching Will & Grace.
    I like watching HGTV...Sooner or later I'm gonna have to borrow some Capri's from you!!!

  26. #26
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    I dont understand why this stuff gets people so worked up in 2012. Big deal if someone is straight/bi/gay/confused/getting back at overbearing parents or what have you

    I know a lot of girls who turned to same sex cause they finally got sick of the kind of men they had been with. Never felt they connected or that men could understand the "female condition"... some have even told me its for the sex. They prefer a more oral style of pleasure and they found a fellow woman was much better at it. Some say it wasn't so much the sex, but the intimacy. Girls seems to be able to make out more often, or for longer without actually having sex where as guys seem to want to get warmed up quick and throw it in a hole, hoping its moistened up by then (pardon the crudeness, just repeating it as I get told)

    Ive heard the same kind of thing from guys. No one can hurt someone like a vendictive woman can. Especially an "emotional" kind of guy, they get hurt really easy and in the end, turn to another man like them in the same situation and they end up connecting... who really cares who that person is? If you connect, theres really nothing wrong there. People get so up in a rage over same sex couples, but I really cant see why... Heterosexual couples have been making a mess of the institution of marriage for hundreds of years, its not like gays are going to make it worse.

    I think the bisexual people are really the smart ones. I always get told, "why limit yourself when theres so many possibilities out there."... hard to argue with that kind of logic. I, myself, cant see myself being in a situation like that, but it doesnt mean its wrong... just different

  27. #27
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    They were fair questions as i would agree on seeing alot of butch lesbians.

    There is a lesbian trainer at my gym that over the years has gone from having long hair to now a mohawk and dressing like a man!

    That study suggesting that homosexuals are sexual abuse victims is hilarious... You wanna know why i bet the study was by a religious group they cannot get over the fact that same sex is normal because the bible said so i guarantee the study is done by some sort of christian group!

    gays lesbians have been around from the dawn of time there are even gay animals lol im serious

    great thread some great debating going here people

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclelover View Post
    They were fair questions as i would agree on seeing alot of butch lesbians.

    There is a lesbian trainer at my gym that over the years has gone from having long hair to now a mohawk and dressing like a man!

    That study suggesting that homosexuals are sexual abuse victims is hilarious... You wanna know why i bet the study was by a religious group they cannot get over the fact that same sex is normal because the bible said so i guarantee the study is done by some sort of christian group!

    gays lesbians have been around from the dawn of time there are even gay animals lol im serious

    great thread some great debating going here people
    If that study is true then priest created half the gay community.

  29. #29
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    I dont think lesbians are all butch, its just those are the ones who stand out more. People are still hung up on the gold club swinging, gay, militant, sexually repressed, unwanted by any man version of the lesbian from 30 years ago.

    I would have to say that its pretty much a 50/50 split, or close to, as far as good looking vs "butchy" lesbians I know.

    The interesting thing that I do find, is that the homosexual or bi community seem to be more conscious about keeping themselves in better shape... wonder why that is

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    If that study is true then priest created half the gay community.
    I supposed you are taking credit for persuading/converting the other half?

  31. #31
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclelover View Post
    They were fair questions as i would agree on seeing alot of butch lesbians.

    There is a lesbian trainer at my gym that over the years has gone from having long hair to now a mohawk and dressing like a man!

    That study suggesting that homosexuals are sexual abuse victims is hilarious... You wanna know why i bet the study was by a religious group they cannot get over the fact that same sex is normal because the bible said so i guarantee the study is done by some sort of christian group!

    gays lesbians have been around from the dawn of time there are even gay animals lol im serious

    great thread some great debating going here people
    musclelover...your avy disturbs me more then anything I've read on this thread...

  32. #32
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    lol DSM4life that was a hilarious comment seriously classic lol

    you wanna know why there alot true about the statement lol

    girlgymrat Its female muscle at its rawest your not the first to complain i might just change it lol

    peace LOL

  33. #33
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    lol DSM4life that was a hilarious comment seriously classic lol

    you wanna know why there alot true about the statement lol

    girlgymrat Its female muscle at its rawest your not the first to complain i might just change it lol

    peace LOL

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    musclelover...your avy disturbs me more then anything I've read on this thread...
    No kiddin...........I bet she has a bigger dik than I do..............did I say that out loud......................wheres my pump, its time 4 some redeeming pix........

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    No kiddin...........I bet she has a bigger dik than I do..............did I say that out loud......................wheres my pump, its time 4 some redeeming pix........:wg:
    Please don't...that'd be mental abuse...I might turn gay

  36. #36
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    lol with that many complaints im enjoying the avatar lol

    The only way i will change is people power you will have to start a thread with a poll lol

    Otherwise she stays lol

    but back to topic people ....

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclelover View Post
    lol with that many complaints im enjoying the avatar lol

    The only way i will change is people power you will have to start a thread with a poll lol

    Otherwise she stays lol

    but back to topic people ....
    Or we could just start ignoring you til you changed it.....starting NOW!!!!!!

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Or we could just start ignoring you til you changed it.....starting NOW!!!!!!
    Ignoring who?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Ignoring who?

  40. #40
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    ^^^ LMBO.....but I do like the idea of a poll!!!

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