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Thread: Wife found my stash

  1. #41
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    lol...AMEN to that!

  2. #42
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-11-2012 at 12:22 AM.

  3. #43
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    Birds of the feather......

    I'm sure his friends were children too. Notice that my original post was all about being a MAN. Not being a controlling PIG. Being a man is a lot of things. I know 40 yr old children and I know 20 year old men. If someone is everything that encompasses being a man...Then I feel he should be the head of the household and the woman should take the submissive role in the relationship. There is NO SUCH THING as a 50/50 relationship. People say there is...but there's not. Just because your relationship is Give and Take doesn't mean it's 50/50. Someone always has the upperhand dominate role in the relationship. Who should it be then...IMO I think it should be the man even if it's 51/49. TBH I think in to many households its 90/10 with the woman having the upper hand.

    P.S. For all of you viewing this...It's also important for a man to know how to treat a lady. If you're not sure how to do this please go visit the "Gordon Ramsey's How to treat a lady thread" LOL

  4. #44
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    maybe you should have blood tests done, and if low T, then go on TRT

    just a thought. i'll let you progress it from there

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    maybe you should have blood tests done, and if low T, then go on TRT

    just a thought. i'll let you progress it from there
    Great Idea!!! If it's medically can she say no?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Great Idea!!! If it's medically can she say no?
    That's how I transitioned. I had a "no needles in the house" policy, but now since on TRT, I can be more open about what I do. Just not that open with the kids. Woman knows, but she doesn't really know the diff between cruise and blast either.

    It's worth thinking about?

  7. #47
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    Bigdog, what I suggest you do, is get some alone time and just think about what you want in life. Then think about where you are and will be with your wife. Then start to make a decision (not a quick one, it should be long thought out). You were thinking about leaving her before which indicates other problems unsteroid related between your life desire and your marriage.

    You need to find out what makes you happy. Don't worry about staying with your wife for your kid's sake or anything. If you are living a life that makes you happy, ultimately it will trickle down to them too and they will grow up happier. You'll generally be in better moods.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Birds of the feather......

    I'm sure his friends were children too. Notice that my original post was all about being a MAN. Not being a controlling PIG. Being a man is a lot of things. I know 40 yr old children and I know 20 year old men. If someone is everything that encompasses being a man...Then I feel he should be the head of the household and the woman should take the submissive role in the relationship. There is NO SUCH THING as a 50/50 relationship. People say there is...but there's not. Just because your relationship is Give and Take doesn't mean it's 50/50. Someone always has the upperhand dominate role in the relationship. Who should it be then...IMO I think it should be the man even if it's 51/49. TBH I think in to many households its 90/10 with the woman having the upper hand.

    P.S. For all of you viewing this...It's also important for a man to know how to treat a lady. If you're not sure how to do this please go visit the "Gordon Ramsey's How to treat a lady thread" LOL
    I think all I can say about your comment is that “it depends on the situation”.

    If we are talking sex, then the woman has the upper hand. If we are talking about making financial decisions, then quite often (due to earnings inequalities), the man has the upper hand. I could give more examples, but I think you have the idea I am trying to relay?

  9. #49
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    I would just like to say that what yall are saying about being a man etc is all stuff that I think we all had to figure out on our own.

    Im 24 and went through a lot of this same stuff. Being nice and then one day realizing that i gotta be an ass. Then now realizing that neither is the answer , just be yourself, have boundaries, and do whatchado.

    what I came to say though is if yall ever have children (boys) please teach them this stuff. make them macks. if my pops had been tapping on my shoulder when I was in elementary school telling me that the little girl across the way was staring at me, and to go talk to her or i wouldnt get my television for the night I woulda been mackin on so many more girls and had a better understanding of relationships and how it is supposed to work..

    keep it real br0z

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh View Post
    I would just like to say that what yall are saying about being a man etc is all stuff that I think we all had to figure out on our own.

    Im 24 and went through a lot of this same stuff. Being nice and then one day realizing that i gotta be an ass. Then now realizing that neither is the answer , just be yourself, have boundaries, and do whatchado.

    what I came to say though is if yall ever have children (boys) please teach them this stuff. make them macks. if my pops had been tapping on my shoulder when I was in elementary school telling me that the little girl across the way was staring at me, and to go talk to her or i wouldnt get my television for the night I woulda been mackin on so many more girls and had a better understanding of relationships and how it is supposed to work..

    keep it real br0z
    LMAO I'm gunna teach my daughter that if she touches a penis she'll grow one......


  11. #51
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I love my fiance more than anything else in the world. I'll cook for her sometimes, I'll do chores around the house, I'll give a back massage when she's hurting. I do believe in compromise, but at the end of the day what I say goes. I'm the man of the house, I'm the head of the household, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna kiss her ass if she's making irrational stupid decisions.
    My relationship is the opposite. We both have a strong "you're not the boss of me" policy that has been in place since the beginning. We are both fiercely independent and our relationship only works if we both keep that trait. I think this works because we are so compatible. We have little to disagree on, and both work hard for the betterment of ourselves and each other. This obviously only works with a lot of trust and my post is even less useful to the OP than yours!

  12. #52
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    Bigdog........your problem isn't with steroids and you know it bro, if your looking for an excuse to leave her.....just pick one, it doesn't matter which one you choose the outcome will be the same. Or you could put the steroids away and concentrate on fixing your marriage instead of whining about it. You don't have to become a slob because you're not juicing. You've been married for 13 years and hid the fact from her that you are using an illegal drug that will get you convicted of a felony if caught.......and wonder why she doesn't understand....c'mon man! Go work on your marriage, apologize for treating her like a child an keeping it from her, maybe someday when you EARN her trust you can approach the subject again..........what other choices do you have? Leave her, fix the marriage or keep living a lie and hiding.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard

    LMAO I'm gunna teach my daughter that if she touches a penis she'll grow one......

    Hahahahawesome !!!

  14. #54
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    Stop. get on hrt and blast on the DL and cruise.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I agree, but a wife who loves her husband unconditionally would not threaten divorce over something as small as AAS use unless there are underly issues (insecurities, self-esteem issues, etc.) like xelnaga said.
    This has been my motto for the past 100 threads we seen about this

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkeykong View Post
    Stop. get on hrt and blast on the DL and cruise.
    That wont fix his problem. Using gear isn't his problem, it's just a symptom. He's not going to fix any of the symptoms in his marriage until he fixes the core problems between his wife and himself.

  17. #57
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    Well, one problem is hiding it from his woman in the first place.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Well, one problem is hiding it from his woman in the first place.
    Correct, I always assumed the being open and honest was a pillar of marriage

  19. #59
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    My wife told me that if she ever caught me doing roids we'd be done; no kidding. But well see about that.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scabtree View Post
    My wife told me that if she ever caught me doing roids we'd be done; no kidding. But well see about that.
    Well dont let her catch you, just show her upfront and say hey look woman, this is what it is and if you cant acept me for what i am then pack your shlt and GTFO.

  21. #61
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    Fuk it... i do what i want and when i want don't like it... then pucker up and blow me...
    Sick off ppl teling me what to do.. my life ...

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    i used to let my Miss's call the shots because it wasn't worth fighting over..
    20yrs latter I'm a single dad with sole custody of my kids and shes off whoring around.. Fukkk her .. get ya testicles out of her hand bag and use em bro.. tell her is she dont like it then she knows were the front door is,....

    if she is going to walk out on you for something like that then its better off now then 10yrs latter because she obviously doesn't luv or want you as much as u think she dose/should

    When you Old Fat and ugly and then she will walk leveing you with no chance of geting any one beter ...

    a lot of chicks freek out if you sexy because they think u might get to many offers from someone better looking.

    Rip ya shirt off and say if you want to leave this baby go for it.... ill have some hot bitch in your bed by the end of the week... LOL ... $100 bucks says she wont leve...

    if she dose and u think u have made a mistake then go crawling back as she will luv that,,, then you can ask permission ever time you want do a shit ...

    IMO Gym_

    on a side note... 2 kids?? expensive decision.. wait 4-6 more years, keep using, keep it out of the house gym lockers, or rented lockers are cheap.. there are too many other ways to do it.. and keep eating right...

    and for God's sake... go get a vasectomy...
    The answer to your every question


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  23. #63
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    Yerp I'm a single dad, sole custody of 2 ... 3 on week ends... fuk every one... i stand by my shit,... 20 odd years of being told when to shit and how oftern, and how long to do so....

    I'm sick to death of been a slave to the gov and to the X Miss's and to every dead shittt out their with a opinion thats worth less then the dunny paper i just wiped my asss with...

    year I'm an assss hole but i wounder why..... treat me like a prick for long enough ill act like one ....

    Just me Gym_

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    maybe you should have blood tests done, and if low T, then go on TRT

    just a thought. i'll let you progress it from there
    Good Advice^^^^

    Go off for a bit, no PCT and then get blood work done. This does work.

  25. #65
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    i feel bad for you bro, I met a great girl about 5 months ago. The type that changes ya in a good way. i am almost positive she knows that i juice i mean my nuts are the size of ****en raisins, i got little boy balls ha. Been blasting and cruising since june. We just recently talked about moving in together...I feel like its going to be hard to hide it from her. I am not sure how I am going to handle to situation, i will probably not tell her to be honest. good luck with everything keep us updated on how everything goes. Some guys luck out and their girl does not care, i have read of bros gfs giving them their shots. and then i have heard of gfs going to the police when they broke up.

  26. #66
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    Thank you for everyones thoughts and comments. Talked to the wife. Told her this is something I really wanted to do so she agreed for me to see a doc to get on TRT. Being almost 40 and just coming off a cycle.....I am stopping my PCT a week short (now) and have a doc's appt lined up in 2 weeks (I am traveling on Biz next week). My levels should be in the toilet by then and hopefully the problem will be solved. Also agreed to go to consouling to see if we can work out our other issues. Got to give it a shot. Too much to lose. kids. new house. 1/2 my stuff (she is a stay at home mom and doesnt work) etc etc.

    Will let you all know how I make out. Thanks again.

  27. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LMAO I'm gunna teach my daughter that if she touches a penis she'll grow one......

    ^^^LMAO. Don't do that dude, seriously bad idea. I have a 2.5yr old daughter that thinks when she gets bigger she's gonna grow a penis like her older brother. She really believes this and wants this and nothing we say will convince her otherwise.

    If we taught her that if she touched one she would grow one........I'd wind up in jail for life.

  28. #68
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    Been a couple months, but I have been deal with loads of sh*t. If anyone cares....I want to share an update on this. Got my total testosterone Lvl taken at my regular doc. Level came back at 192.8 ng/dL. Normal levels are 175 -781. So it is on the low side, but still within the set my doc would not write me an Rx for Test. I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism and it was recommended that I go on Synthroid because my thyroid is not working as well as it should....TSH level was 3.337 ulU/mL (normal range is 0.300-3.000). All my other blood work was fine and normal. Also, my wife and I mutually decided to break up and get a divorce. Trying to keep the lawyers out of it. So she takes the kids, I keep the house with most of the stuff in it. I take on our debt (credit card--about 9K), I keep the dog and I pay her 1500 per month for both kids child support. House was just bought about a year ago, so if I sold it today I would break even or maybe even make a couple thousand. So 9K and 1500 per month to get on with my new life. Seems worth it to me. Plus now I can do gear and will have no one to answer to but myself. I AM FREE!

  29. #69
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    Good to see you are back and updated your post. Sorry to hear things did not work out so good with the wife. Sounds like you good off cheap/fair and not slammed like most guys do. No reason for things to go down that road but it usually does. Glad to hear your wife was reasonable.

    I think on your levels you meant 275-781, 175 sounds WAY low and actually the more recent figures are 300-900+. your doc may be looking in an OLD book.

    I'm betting as others had said before the aas was just an excuse for her, right? Best of luck to you and get it final asap. If she asks for something minor dont fight it if it means not delaying the final divorce.

  30. #70
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    Thanks for the advice and I have been not fighting about anything minor. As long as the 1500 is set and I get the house etc.....I am good and still can live pretty well off what I have left out of my check. Plus I can pick up side money doing other stuff here and there that she wont know about. She is being reasonable and I am too. We don't hate each other...we just grew apart. The gear was just one of many issues, some she was not able to get past. I can't control her and I am not even going to try. Sure I will miss my kids like crazy, but I think everything will work out for the best. She will move back to PA and I have the stay in NC for my job so that is the going to be the biggest hurdle to get over. I will be lucky to see my kids once a month now.

    I thought the level seemed low too and I was just reading TRT thread stickys and now I know it is low. Nope they have the range of 175 to 781 as the normal range right in my results. I will take the results to someone to get a second opinion.
    Last edited by Bigdog99; 03-25-2012 at 09:58 PM. Reason: spelling

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdog99 View Post
    Thanks for the advice and I have been not fighting about anything minor. As long as the 1500 is set and I get the house etc.....I am good and still can live pretty well off what I have left out of my check. Plus I can pick up side money doing other stuff here and there that she wont know about. She is being reasonable and I am too. We don't hate each other...we just grew apart. The gear was just one of many issues, some she was not able to get past. I can't control her and I am not even going to try. Sure I will miss my kids like crazy, but I think everything will work out for the best. She will move back to PA and I have the stay in NC for my job so that is the going to be the biggest hurdle to get over. I will be lucky to see my kids once a month now.

    I thought the level seemed low too and I was just reading TRT thread stickys and now I know it is low. Nope they have the range of 175 to 781 as the normal range right in my results. I will take the results to someone to get a second opinion.
    Keep receipts for EVERYTHING and never pay her in cash. Always have a paper trail that shows you were/are paying support.

  32. #72
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    Going to direct deposit the child support. Already took her credit cards and cut them up. Took her name off the account too. She still has access to our checking account and debit card, but she and the kids will need that while we are still "together" . Going to be a long day. We just spent 4-5 hours yesterday talking and deciding who gets what/planning our break up yesterday. I work from home and I haven't found a place to move out temporarily yet, so she has been in my office every 5 minutes bitching and yelling. I need to get the F out of here before I lose it

  33. #73
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    CONGRATS! I'm going through a divorce now myself.....


  34. #74
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sounds like it is going pretty well, all things considered. Keep the peace and try to remain friends. I know it sounds impossible, but the more you guys concentrate on the the things that you like about each other, the smoother it will go. Hopefully you can both continue to be civil and trustworthy. If not, it will get ugly if attorneys are brought in. I did an uncontested divorce with my first wife, we stayed friends and I now consider it one of the best things to ever happen to me. But, it did take a while for the pain and frustration to go away.

  35. #75
    Glad things are looking a little brighter. Thanks for updating the thread.

  36. #76
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    Looks like most of us who have been there have the same advice. Keep it as civil as possible, dont sweat the little stuff and always cover your ass.
    It's fine letting her have access to you account but make sure you have your own separate or better yet CASH. I still suggest liquidating as much as possible for CASH or at least some of it on paper that it's gone/sold. The less you have the better she will feel if she says it or not. If she sees you are getting the better end of the deal especially in the beginning she wont be so apt to get upset and go for more even if she seems reasonable. Better to be safe than sorry.

    When you talk dont seem upbeat about things or say things to make it look like you are not having any problems.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-26-2012 at 10:52 PM.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Looks like most of us who have been there have the same advice. Keep it as civil as possible, dont sweat the little stuff and always cover your ass.
    It's fine letting her have access to you account but make sure you have your own separate or better yet CASH. I still suggest liquidating as much as possible for CASH or at least some of it on paper that it's gone/sold. The less you have the better she will feel if she says it or not. If she sees you are getting the better end of the deal especially in the beginning she wont be so apt to get upset and go for more even if she seems reasonable. Better to be safe than sorry.

    When you talk dont seem upbeat about things or say thinks to make it look like you are not having any problems.
    ^^^^ So true!

    Save the "I'm doing well...." and "Never been better" for when the divorce is final..... that'll really fvck her brain up. Unless she might be able to take you back to court for more alimony..... then you gotta act like it sucks for a long time lol.


  38. #78
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    OK Haz it seems you and I need to co author a Divorce self help book for men. Women have them. A buddy of mine found one and it was basically how to take everything you can and leave him with nothing or less.

  39. #79
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    I'm going to be straight forward with you........I have two kids married for 13 years and divorced for three.I was always attracted to a muscle head,I was the one injecting each boyfriend before husband and as well as him.Each person is different while on cycle and it can cause major problems, you sometimes don't see the change in your mood or attitude.If your wife doesn't want you doing it for those reasons she is not wrong.Gear will make you feel the best and in your head you are probably thinking you can do's not worth losing your family cause your going to snap back to reality and it will be to late.I don't know your situation or your wife but seriously think before you act on it.maybe you can compromise on something. Good luck !

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessgirl View Post
    I'm going to be straight forward with you........I have two kids married for 13 years and divorced for three.I was always attracted to a muscle head,I was the one injecting each boyfriend before husband and as well as him.Each person is different while on cycle and it can cause major problems, you sometimes don't see the change in your mood or attitude.If your wife doesn't want you doing it for those reasons she is not wrong.Gear will make you feel the best and in your head you are probably thinking you can do's not worth losing your family cause your going to snap back to reality and it will be to late.I don't know your situation or your wife but seriously think before you act on it.maybe you can compromise on something. Good luck !

    Day late and a dollar short. lol

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