^ that I will absolutly agree on slfmade
it should be equal with both peoples being considered
.. and it is sad whan a guy is making bad choices and the wife/gf has to put her foot down and intervien. In fact I resented having to this regularly with my X, cuz its not in my nature and I hated being made the "bad guy" regularly
cuz he didnt feellike paying rent, or wanted a car we could not afford but got anyway than got repoed for nonpayments or smoked pot while I worked 2 jobs as he stayed home ... it frankley crushed my spirit slowly, but If I just let his lack of judgment (IMO) run the future for myself and son I would hate to immagine what my life would be like to day.
I would like to think that my Tigershark isnt affraid of how I would react to something...unless he knew in his core that its not the correct action for a father husband to do without negitivly impacting the ones he loves, than if he worries about my reaction I am ok with being his compus. I sure as hell would rather not though...Im allready mom and made it clear Im uninterrested in mothering an adult child...again lol