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Thread: your ideal business?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    your ideal business?

    I, for one, would only start a business in which I could enjoy my work and be happy everyday with what I'm doing. I think that's the key to success.

    But that's not what this thread is about. I would like to know what businesses in today's market and economy would be the most profitable. Let's break it down according to start-up costs:

    1) low start-up costs ($10,000-$50,000)
    2) med startup costs ($50,000-$500,000)
    3) high startup costs ($500,000+)

    I'll give my 2 cents later. I don't want to turn this thread into debating on whether my business plans are a good idea or not. Would like to keep it to the topic above. Interested in hearing you guys' thoughts on this!

  2. #2
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    Back from Afghanistan
    i was just shooting the shit with another member aobut this very same subject.

    you know, the business of selling "God" to the masses is a very profitable business.

  3. #3
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    strip bar. The cost of a build out is expensive. But you once you are running it crazy money. The girls pay to work there. The bartenders are paid by tips. The girls tip out the dj. And you make a fortune on alcohol and vip rooms.

    So you have to pay the reg bills and security and managers.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    i was just shooting the shit with another member aobut this very same subject.

    you know, the business of selling "God" to the masses is a very profitable business.
    Let me know if you need an innocent alter boy.

  5. #5
    Opening a supplement shop in a rich area is a decent investment. Low start up costs and you are up in running in a matter of a few weeks. My local supp shop is nothing more than a few closet shelves and a small display case. And people flock to buy from here.

  6. #6
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    Ideally for me the best business has been internet related. You can reach millions of potential customers eager to buy your product, your service or click on an ad all for the price of a domain name and a hosting package - $10 a month or so. You can work from home, make your own hours and automate many of the tasks. For me it's the best for sure.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Scabtree
    Ideally for me the best business has been internet related. You can reach millions of potential customers eager to buy your product, your service or click on an ad all for the price of a domain name and a hosting package - $10 a month or so. You can work from home, make your own hours and automate many of the tasks. For me it's the best for sure.
    Pretty cool. And thats your primary job? If so, kudos to you

  8. #8
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    Opening up a brothel

  9. #9
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    Kinda funny, but my buddy makes a nice livin' cleaning up dog sh!t. He started out handing out fliers to help his son make some extra money. Well, to make a long story short, he now has 9 employees.

  10. #10
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    Great guys! Keep the ideas comin! Really interested in what would be the best business investments in 2012 and years to come.

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I did a lot of typing and realized it sounded incredibly negative. So, I will shorten it to this: owning your own business will be either the most rewarding, or soul crushing thing you will ever do. Oftentimes it is both.

    I own a design/branding firm and a "hobby" business designing and selling t-shirts to the automotive enthusiast market. Both businesses have had their ups and downs and this recession has put a lot of my contemporaries out of business. We are riding it out, but this is a risky time (in Vegas especially) to be a business owner that cannot adapt.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 01-16-2012 at 02:39 PM.

  12. #12
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    heaven and hell
    A clothing and cologne store.
    A nice driving range, with indoor heated options for winter time. and nice putting and chipping green
    An energy drink company,
    an escort service
    street legal golf cart company

  13. #13
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    heaven and hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrickthecool View Post
    A clothing and cologne store.
    A nice driving range, with indoor heated options for winter time. and nice putting and chipping green
    An energy drink company,
    an escort service
    street legal golf cart company
    and have it all available through online internet store.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Opening up a brothel
    Pm me if you need a business partner.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Just remember in the words of the late great PT Barnum..."There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" so with that said create and sell stuff on TV that people think they can't live without, like that Clap-On or the Chia Pet or Stay Sharp Knives...but wait right now we will send you 2 for the price of 1 just pay separate shipping and handling...

  16. #16
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^ My wife got me the Clapper for Christmas. It was an ironic gift as we are both in advertising/marketing and think it is a cheesy product. I think I am going to get her a pair of Pajama Jeans for her birthday.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Just remember in the words of the late great PT Barnum..."There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" so with that said create and sell stuff on TV that people think they can't live without, like that Clap-On or the Chia Pet or Stay Sharp Knives...but wait right now we will send you 2 for the price of 1 just pay separate shipping and handling...
    2 for the price of one! where is this site? i dont care what it is I have to have it!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Let me know if you need an innocent alter boy.
    Sorry we arent going Catholic, we are sticking with Mormon so women/girls only.

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    strip bar. The cost of a build out is expensive. But you once you are running it crazy money. The girls pay to work there. The bartenders are paid by tips. The girls tip out the dj. And you make a fortune on alcohol and vip rooms.

    So you have to pay the reg bills and security and managers.
    Only problem is the legal fees to fight the people, churches who do not want it in their area and paying off the local mafia/police to leave you alone and not drum up bogus charges.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-17-2012 at 12:35 AM.

  19. #19
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    Good feedback guys! I have always wanted to be a talent buyer/concert promoter. Had my first show in my backyard on the farm when I was 16 years old. 5 dollars a pop, and I actually made about 1,200 dollars. Been a dream in the back of my mind ever since. I know there's a lot of money to be made in the music industry but it's also pretty easy to go broke if not well prepared (like any business, I suppose).

    What do u guys think?

  20. #20
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    Obviously, I would keep start-up costs low at first I.e. rent the venue, find sponsors, stick with smaller acts in the beginning, etc...

  21. #21
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    a yacht club, except for exotic cars rather than yachts. You pay a yearly membership fee and get to check out a sweet exotic/sports car every weekend, hang out in the club house which has a full bar, etc. I thought this was an original idea, but apparently its not as I found one operating in my area.

  22. #22
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    Im a personal trainer at the moment which can be tough at times especially in the beginning but once you get your name out there and the ball starts rolling you can make very good money! I have found in any business you have to specialize in one thing and not try to be a jack of all trades...pick one thing and be the best at it!

    My goal is to open a studio and to hire other trainers who will pay me on a per client bases.

  23. #23
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    I brewed beer regularly for over 5 years. At one time, I and a partner were looking at a resturant. the intent was to set it up as a brew pub, and raise my own rabbits. at the time, i calculated i could make a glass of beer for around 10 cents, and sell it for $2. this was back in about 1985 or 6 or so. because of the rabbits, we were thinking of naming the place.... "BUGS", or maybe "Euromerican". (rabbit would be an item omn the menu)

    remember, this was before the big craze of the brewpubs. it would have been inno vative, and there seemed to be sufficient interest to everyone that tasted my beer. my buddies dad was willing to put a second on his house, and Jim and i would work for several months until we could afford to pay ourselves. we got tripped up over the city beer license. I may give it another go when i retire...

  24. #24
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    OP, I have a friend who was a promoter, did very well, hung out with some of the greats of rock and in more recent years has promoted a few christian concerts too, he was fantastic at it and made a bunch of money, very outgoing and outspoken man........long story short.........beware of business partners!! ALWAYS cover your ass even if it's your dearest friend or a relative....ALWAYS protect yourself legally from your partner, don't trust someone else with your future. I've owned a few businesses and can tell you without a doubt that people change and do stupid shit and have different goals and dreams than you and if you don't take control of your dreams and future.....they will do it for you and you won't like the result. You may need a partner, just make sure that you set it up so that they can be legally replaced or eliminated without costing you dearly.

  25. #25
    Natural Gas & / or Oil supplier. Insanely expensive start up, but the world is ruled by these resources, & even after all the Gasoline & Diesel operated vehicles r phased out, there will always b a fortune 2 b made in selling oil 2 manufacturing companies 2 b used in various products that we use everyday. And of coarse I'm sure most of u kno bout the Natural Gas boom that's going on rite now, I kno of 2 oil companies that hav momentarily stopped drilling & retrieving oil, 2 pursue Natural Gas bcuz there's so much money in it rite now.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    OP, I have a friend who was a promoter, did very well, hung out with some of the greats of rock and in more recent years has promoted a few christian concerts too, he was fantastic at it and made a bunch of money, very outgoing and outspoken man........long story short.........beware of business partners!! ALWAYS cover your ass even if it's your dearest friend or a relative....ALWAYS protect yourself legally from your partner, don't trust someone else with your future. I've owned a few businesses and can tell you without a doubt that people change and do stupid shit and have different goals and dreams than you and if you don't take control of your dreams and future.....they will do it for you and you won't like the result. You may need a partner, just make sure that you set it up so that they can be legally replaced or eliminated without costing you dearly.
    I'm a CPA and naturally spent several years in public accounting. I hve seen plenty of partnerships and done their tax returns. you would be shocked at how many viable partnerships lack a written partnership agreement. Best friends go into partnership with a handshake, and next thing you know, there is a misunderstanding, and best friends turn into adversaries. It's a shame really. Never, Never, Never go into a partnership unless everything is spelled out in writing, and then have an attorney check it to make sure nothing is overlooked.

  27. #27
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    Ideal job?
    I would own a gear production/testing lab. (If this was legal or I lived somewhere it was)

    I could make a living in a field I love, have the best quality gear, and do some testing for you guys.

    A realistic business? Commercial developer/Commercial property owner.
    My uncle does this in New York n is now a multi multi-millionaire. It's a hell of a lot of work but massive income and many perks.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Opening up a brothel
    If i did that, it would be the "skinniest" brothel in town. I wouldn't know where to look to find "employees"! =)

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by the bear 79 View Post
    natural gas & / or oil supplier. Insanely expensive start up, but the world is ruled by these resources, & even after all the gasoline & diesel operated vehicles r phased out, there will always b a fortune 2 b made in selling oil 2 manufacturing companies 2 b used in various products that we use everyday. And of coarse i'm sure most of u kno bout the natural gas boom that's going on rite now, i kno of 2 oil companies that hav momentarily stopped drilling & retrieving oil, 2 pursue natural gas bcuz there's so much money in it rite now.


  30. #30
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    main goal in life is to own a chain of laundromats carwashes and drycleaners the dry cleaners in and old southern neighborhoods because there constantly used for the people who go to church the carwashes mainly in the north because were I live there very profitable and the laundromats in cities since people there are always willing to wash there clothes for quarters .

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Sorry we arent going Catholic, we are sticking with Mormon so women/girls only.

    Only problem is the legal fees to fight the people, churches who do not want it in their area and paying off the local mafia/police to leave you alone and not drum up bogus charges.
    If you want to be ordained for free. Checkout the Universal Life Church

    I'm an ordained minister... And for a tax deductable donation of $20 to my paypal account, I'll forgive your minor sins like Lying. Stealing is $30, Adultry is $40 and Murder is $100.

  32. #32
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    *Government Contractor
    *Selling Drugs (legal)
    *Computer Programming Contracting
    *Head Hunting Pla***ent Firm

    I know or am aquainted with individuals in all the above fields. Some of them are MM.

    check this book for more ideas

    Last edited by tcw; 01-19-2012 at 07:34 AM.

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