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  1. #1
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho

    I hate gold diggers

    aight make this short and sweet, went out to a nice party this weekend, bumped into a friend who had a friend, and she was hot let me tell ya. So we started hitting it off, and she was diggin me and I her. Everything was going cool, and she made a comment that she had a man that took care of her and she didn't work and that her next man would take care of her the same way.
    Well I naturally took offense to this. I dont' know maybe she hit me at a bad time, I kinda went off on her. (maybe it was the test?). I told her that I thought gold diggers were money hungry whores, and yada yada yada. So needless to say rest of the night didn't go to well with me and her. Did I over react? I don't know but she just struck a bad vibe with me, and man she was hot, and she knew it. But I can't stand women that are gold diggers, women that only like guys for their money....
    What do you guys think? Did I f*ck myself up here?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Yea bro you screwed up. I would have kept my thoughts to myself. If thats how she is I would just have let her think you would've been her new suger daddy then screwed her like she would have screwed you. But thats just me..
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    peam's Avatar
    peam is offline Suspended
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    you didn't want her anyways if she was just in it for the money... and what the hell... why would she be telling you that's all she's looking for? weird girl

  4. #4
    WS6_KID's Avatar
    WS6_KID is offline Associate Member
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    I think you did the right thing.

  5. #5
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by WS6_KID
    I think you did the right thing.
    I second that...then, every screw up in my life has been with women. What I wouldn't give to drop the ball in school, friendships or cars for a change.

  6. #6
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Good call!!! I hate gold digging women as well. I am really glad me and my wife met when I was a poor med student..At least I knew she wasn't into me for my money. The car I was driving when we went on our first date was a total piece of shit. It was so bad that you could see the road through the passenger floorboard and if it was snowing then you had better be prepared to shovel out the inside of the car.

    Doc M

  7. #7
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Doc M
    Good call!!! I hate gold digging women as well. I am really glad me and my wife met when I was a poor med student..At least I knew she wasn't into me for my money. The car I was driving when we went on our first date was a total piece of shit. It was so bad that you could see the road through the passenger floorboard and if it was snowing then you had better be prepared to shovel out the inside of the car.

    Doc M
    u could just run inside ur car like the flintstones, saves gas...

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I think that is hilarious. I can just see you going off on her. You should of made an announcement to the whole party and then started auctioning her off. Start the bidding at a dime. Of course you would have had to ask her how much for each favor.

  9. #9
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Props to u bro! I'd do the exact same, she should have to work just like the rest of us

  10. #10
    RON's Avatar
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    I would have told her off too Bro. But thats just cause I fly off the handle about certain things. However if you could think things out and control yourself. You should have lead her on. Did her. With out going into to many details pulled out all over her face then dropped a few cents and told her thanks for her services. Yes she deserves that kinda treatment.

  11. #11
    peam's Avatar
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    Originally posted by RON
    I would have told her off too Bro. But thats just cause I fly off the handle about certain things. However if you could think things out and control yourself. You should have lead her on. Did her. With out going into to many details pulled out all over her face then dropped a few cents and told her thanks for her services. Yes she deserves that kinda treatment.

    I think that's a little harsh! It's not like she led him on and married him then left him and took all his money! She was just saying she wants to be supported!

  12. #12
    RON's Avatar
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    Telling a guy on the first date you expect to be supported. To me that is what you do for a wife but when your dating she can take care of herself. I'm sorry but she was asking for money IMO. I know the type well and I'm just glad my wife was never like that. Sorry if your offended Peam but I have ran into those type before. Always they are 10's and really high maintenance. I'm sure there are guys that don't mind paying for a little arm candy but I'd rather have an 8 or 9 thats into me than 2 10's that want my money.

  13. #13
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by RON
    I would have told her off too Bro. But thats just cause I fly off the handle about certain things. However if you could think things out and control yourself. You should have lead her on. Did her. With out going into to many details pulled out all over her face then dropped a few cents and told her thanks for her services. Yes she deserves that kinda treatment.
    Tooo funny.. yeah that thought did cross my mind and yes, I maybe should've, but her friend she was with is a really good friend of mine, so if I would've done her friend like that, people talk alot here, and next thing you know I would've been the worse male whore in the state..
    I am like you Ron I go off sometimes when little things tick me off, I mean dont' get me wrong I didn't go in her face or anything like that.. I just voice my opinion....

  14. #14
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by Rickson
    I think that is hilarious. I can just see you going off on her. You should of made an announcement to the whole party and then started auctioning her off. Start the bidding at a dime. Of course you would have had to ask her how much for each favor.
    Now why didn't I think of this? LMAO.. Cause that surely sounds like something I would've done if the thought would've came to me. LOL..

  15. #15
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    You should have pulled out a 100.00 dollar bill and when she took it bitch slapped her so hard that she flipped head over arse into over the bar. And when the bitch got up from her fking coma with the money in hand you could have started screaming " lying theiving bitch".

  16. #16
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    You should have pulled out a 100.00 dollar bill and when she took it bitch slapped her so hard that she flipped head over arse into over the bar. And when the bitch got up from her fking coma with the money in hand you could have started screaming " lying theiving bitch".
    you guys are killing me..

  17. #17
    peam's Avatar
    peam is offline Suspended
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    I wasn't offended Ron... I'm not that type of girl to just go after money. It's not even a concern for me... I have enough of my own. I just thought it was a little extreme to sleep with her and then throw her some change just because she said she wants to be supported. Oh well....

  18. #18
    Pumped109 is offline Associate Member
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    Who cares, its your opinion and that what freedom of speech is all about.

  19. #19
    SwoleDiesel662's Avatar
    SwoleDiesel662 is offline Associate Member
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    Chicks like that aren't so bad. Usually they're not very loyal to the sugar daddy cause that's all they get out of the relationship. They crave more from someone else. You can always bang those sluts & let them run back to their guy, no hassle it's great! Never marry those ones though.

  20. #20
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    i woulda fucked her first -well given the opportunity- then told her i aint supportin her for shit. then shed REALLY hate me (or you)

    naw bro you did the right thing...i hate friggin gold diggers too!

  21. #21
    Expendable's Avatar
    Expendable is offline Associate Member
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    hate gold diggers - don't come to Toronto! BEWARE, I WARNED YOU!!

  22. #22
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Gold Diggers ARE whores...Chicks that hump dudes for any type of material return, be it a ring or a dinner, are just as whore-ish as street walkers...some just ahve the honesty to say "I want 50 bucks" outright, instead of making small talk and putting up a front. YOU DID TEH RIGHT THING....MCUH RESPECT FOR THAT!!!! Most guys would have stayed silent in hope to get some ass.

  23. #23
    Terinox's Avatar
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    You did the right thing, absolutely! Stupid bitch thinks she will go through her entire life on just her good looks. And I can't believe there are stupid guys out there that will pay to support her and only get laid out of it (because you know damn well she would never love you). So, in other words, she is just a 24 hour hooker.

  24. #24
    novicemarine's Avatar
    novicemarine is offline Junior Member
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    You were totally in the right. You can have random sex with beautiful women whenever you want, really. 1) Why pay for it 2) It gets old ...well, sorta. And they're cheaters at heart. Most the women in my neighborhood were beautiful women married to rich men. After a few passes, I realized how material the women in those marriages REALLY were.

  25. #25
    BIG R's Avatar
    BIG R is offline Member
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    OH HELL NO!!! You should have Fucked the shit out of the hooche in at least 12 different ways till Sunday. That sexual onslaught is for all of your home boys that got dumbed by Gold Diggin' PUTAS looking for the bigger better deal.

    Then after all was said and done you should have left her high and dry.........just the way she would have done you.

    Not that there is any anger here or anything.........hahahahahahahahah!!!


  26. #26
    BLOOD is offline Associate Member
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    Money is her only god eh? So common, so cheap.

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