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Thread: Whats the go with the colored nicks ?

  1. #41
    I was recently PM'd by 1 of the higher ups here, the subject was "Turning Red" he stated he's noticed my posts as of lately & said "keep up the good work & be nice & I'll talk to Admin about turning you red". The last few days I have reached some what of a boiling point with a few of the members here, & totally blew any chance I had of "turning red" out of the water because I was mean & aggressive. If the title of knowledgeable member was truly based on knowledge alone, then being nice wouldn't matter, in other words, if you're knowledgeable but not liked, cause you're a "big meany head" lol, you will not receive a promotion. I'm not saying its OK or acceptable to be mean & aggressive & I don't condone it, I'm just saying the knowledgeable member promotion IS partially based on how well you're liked & "get along" with others. It doesn't much matter to me either way, I'm not crying over it & my feelings aren't hurt, I'm just showing popularity IS a factor in promotion selection. And btw, its kinda hard to not post the same answers over & over when you see the same questions over & over, EVERYONE here is guilty of it, even you, you cant come up with a different answer to the same old question, unless you're gona lie or provide false info, so lets do away with the "parroting" accusations, cause EVERYONE repeats themselves here.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    I'm done now.... haha


    Don't piss off Tom Brady. Tebow did and look what happened...

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I was recently PM'd by 1 of the higher ups here, the subject was "Turning Red" he stated he's noticed my posts as of lately & said "keep up the good work & be nice & I'll talk to Admin about turning you red". The last few days I have reached some what of a boiling point with a few of the members here, & totally blew any chance I had of "turning red" out of the water because I was mean & aggressive. If the title of knowledgeable member was truly based on knowledge alone, then being nice wouldn't matter, in other words, if you're knowledgeable but not liked, cause you're a "big meany head" lol, you will not receive a promotion. I'm not saying its OK or acceptable to be mean & aggressive & I don't condone it, I'm just saying the knowledgeable member promotion IS partially based on how well you're liked & "get along" with others. It doesn't much matter to me either way, I'm not crying over it & my feelings aren't hurt, I'm just showing popularity IS a factor in promotion selection. And btw, its kinda hard to not post the same answers over & over when you see the same questions over & over, EVERYONE here is guilty of it, even you, you cant come up with a different answer to the same old question, unless you're gona lie or provide false info, so lets do away with the "parroting" accusations, cause EVERYONE repeats themselves here.
    not being promoted because your "mean" doesn't mean that it's about popularity. It means that it wouldn't reflect well on the board..... period. What do you think "BG" stands for..... ask him about popularity

    I didn't acuse you of parroting anything..... it was a guideline for all members to follow. Also.... I do believe if you run a search on my posts you'll see that I have a pretty extensive list of different threads that I have answered questions in. I don't just specialize in telling the under 25's that theyre too young.

    Lastly..... the Admin has the final say on whether or not you get promoted. The staff here can only give opinions and recomendations. It'd be pretty hard to be disliked to the point that you don't get promoted..... you'd hafta work awfully hard at it. I am glad you aren't crying over it though..... it's only a silly color change right?


  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    not being promoted because your "mean" doesn't mean that it's about popularity. It means that it wouldn't reflect well on the board..... period. What do you think "BG" stands for..... ask him about popularity

    I didn't acuse you of parroting anything..... it was a guideline for all members to follow. Also.... I do believe if you run a search on my posts you'll see that I have a pretty extensive list of different threads that I have answered questions in. I don't just specialize in telling the under 25's that theyre too young.

    Lastly..... the Admin has the final say on whether or not you get promoted. The staff here can only give opinions and recomendations. It'd be pretty hard to be disliked to the point that you don't get promoted..... you'd hafta work awfully hard at it. I am glad you aren't crying over it though..... it's only a silly color change right?

    Nether do I. It just so happens, 70+ % of the people that post in the Q&A are kids under 25.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Trust me it IS partially about popularity, if you're knowledgeable but "mean" to people, you will not be "turned red".
    Not really. I wasn't always the nicest guy and was the first to go red. But then again, it helps your case if you can type out complete, legible sentences. People respond to the extra effort.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 01-26-2012 at 07:43 PM.

  6. #46
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Trust me it IS partially about popularity, if you're knowledgeable but "mean" to people, you will not be "turned red".
    Well stop being an asshole and be more productive...pretty fuc'n easy i think......

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Not really. I wasn't always the nicest guy and was the first to go red. But then again, it helps your case if you can type out complete, legible sentences. People respond to the extra effort.
    Childish cheap shots..............yeah, that's productive........... And I got that PM when I was still typing short hand, so that has nothing to do with being promoted. Its pretty asinine to think it did to begin with.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-26-2012 at 07:58 PM.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Well stop being an asshole and be more productive...pretty fuc'n easy i think......
    Funny how you just magically show up in a thread you were mentioned in just moments ago.......................guess someone called for backup. And as much of an a$$hole as I can be, no one can say I'm not productive.

  9. #49
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    I have yet to check a members color to substantiate what they post. If they are intelligent, articulate and have knowledge about what they are posting about it's going to show regardless of post count of color of their name.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    I have yet to check a members color to substantiate what they post. If they are intelligent, articulate and have knowledge about what they are posting about it's going to show regardless of post count of color of their name.
    That's been my thought since day one of "the colors" but I never said anything cause I didn't want to discredit admin's faith in certain members, or admin's ability to accurately judge.

  11. #51
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    I wonder who's dick DSM had to suck to change colors?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Funny how you just magically show up in a thread you were mentioned in just moments ago.......................guess someone called for backup. And as much of an a$$hole as I can be, no one can say I'm not productive.
    Since I mentioned his name..... I'll address this. I don't need back up to talk to you or anyone else on this board about any subject.....

    Let me enlighten you on how this board works since you havn't been promoted at all..... it's not your fault that you don't know. When threads get a little heated some members hit the "report post" button near the bottom of each post. This gets the attention of the staff. When more than one staff member is logged in..... more than one may show up in this thread.

    While BG is here you may as well ask him if this is a popularity contest.

    This thread has now gone to shit..... we can drop the subject and move on or it's going to have to be closed.


  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Since I mentioned his name..... I'll address this. I don't need back up to talk to you or anyone else on this board about any subject.....

    Let me enlighten you on how this board works since you havn't been promoted at all..... it's not your fault that you don't know. When threads get a little heated some members hit the "report post" button near the bottom of each post. This gets the attention of the staff. When more than one staff member is logged in..... more than one may show up in this thread.

    While BG is here you may as well ask him if this is a popularity contest.

    This thread has now gone to shit..... we can drop the subject and move on or it's going to have to be closed.


  14. #54
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    Here we go this is something productive!

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Not really. I wasn't always the nicest guy and was the first to go red. But then again, it helps your case if you can type out complete, legible sentences. People respond to the extra effort.
    Heh. I was actually going to use you as an example this debacle of a thread.

    Haz covered everything, but my .02:

    Promotions here are based on several factors: knowledge, ability to communicate, maturity level, ability to get along with other members/staff, length of time here, to name a few.

    So, no, popularity actually has nothing to do with it.

    But at the end of the day, who the hell cares what color you are? I was on here for years before I become even a Monitor, and whatever color my name was didn't change a thing about how I interacted on the board.

    Just be yourself and enjoy the board, dude.

  16. #56
    Like i said, I really don't care, I was just trying to make a point. I DO enjoy it here, & I will continue to do so no matter what color my name is.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Like i said, I really don't care, I was just trying to make a point. I DO enjoy it here, & I will continue to do so no matter what color my name is.
    Can we just call you Care Bear and make you watercolors?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Not really. I wasn't always the nicest guy .......
    Now that you mentioned it its been over a week now that you havent called a person or a thread retarded. You are getting nicer.

  19. #59
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    Girls Girls Girls... are all you Lady's on the Rag ? I just asked a simple Q and all of a sudden theres a tampon slinging match ....

    I'm Going to have to ask more Q's like this Booo yahhhhh !!!

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    Girls Girls Girls... are all you Lady's on the Rag ? I just asked a simple Q and all of a sudden theres a tampon slinging match ....

    I'm Going to have to ask more Q's like this Booo yahhhhh !!!
    ha ha ha

    gotta love it!! =)

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Now that you mentioned it its been over a week now that you havent called a person or a thread retarded. You are getting nicer.

    Your right jimmy....

    BP have you dropped your tren dose down a little

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    A good way to get promoted is to conduct yourself in a proper manner and show that you know what you're talking about and not parrot information over and over.

    ^^ this. Nuff said.

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