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Thread: Were To Meet A Nice Girl ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Were To Meet A Nice Girl ?

    Were to Meet a nice Girl .. So ive been out of the dating game for about 20yrs...
    I hate clubs and pubs... i would like to meet a nice Milf with out wired piercings and FFS no tats ..

    Some one drug and smoke free.. some one with out metal issues thats nut hung up over her last boy friend ..
    Some thats kind and gentle, Funny and smart... not dominate but knows what she wants..
    Some one who's not fat but not skinny...
    Some one.... O fuk it who am i kidding... i give up already ...

    No seriously were the hell do u meet a nice girl theses days

  2. #2
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    Dec 2011
    My trouble is that i cant hit on chicks or talk to them like there Ho's or a peace of meat...
    Guys that walk up to chicks and say " Hey Want a Fuk " and then amazingly get one.. WTF ?
    I cant do that.. i am luck to even flirt with a chick let alone hit on one..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good Woman:
    Must Be Able To Clean,
    Cook, Sew, Dig Worms
    Clean Fish.
    Must Have Boat And Motor.
    Please Send Pictures

    Of Boat And Motor.

  4. #4
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    When you discover the answer to this question, feel free to let me know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Gym, you do realize you posted this in the New Male Members Introduction Forum?

    Not sure if the women at AR are into digging worms and cleaning fish. Probably few that come with a boat and motor either.
    Last edited by Vettester; 01-31-2012 at 04:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    lolz its the urge of the juice! Gyms are usually the first places to find easy women with money! shop around try some planet fitness and Virgin actives!

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Try associations for things you are interested in. Time to hit the local Dungeons and Dragons get togethers! Obviously just a funny example, but if you are passionate about something it is great to find someone with the same interest.

    A lot of friends tried to fix me up after my divorce, and I met some nice women that I wasn't compatible with.

    In the end I ended up renting a floor of my house to a girl I had known for a long time, but really only knew because I had been friends (and previous business partners) with her mother for a decade. We didn't expect to end up dating, but she was perfect and we were married a year later. Funny thing is, I was introduced to her mother by my first wife.

    Soooo, I guess my advice is to see if your ex can introduce you to people that have smart, cute daughters?? That doesn't sound right.

  8. #8
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    Not the health department!!!

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkeykong View Post
    Not the health department!!!
    Especially the ones with the big Q-Tips. They already know you are a dirty whore, so you probably stand no chance of getting a date.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Go to the neighborhood gay bar. Some really hot chicks hang out there thinking no one will hit on them so they can let their guard down and have a good time and they will think your gay. So you can size her up without her knowing your real plan...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Go to the neighborhood gay bar. Some really hot chicks hang out there thinking no one will hit on them so they can let their guard down and have a good time and they will think your gay. So you can size her up without her knowing your real plan...
    very true. My wife and the girls go there some times
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
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    good women are every where. They go to stores, the gym, bars too. But if you cant go up and talk to them then it doesnt matter.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Yeah you have to put yourself out there and be prepared for rejection and not let it bother you. Man you would not believe how many times I've been rejected. Now that I think about it I never was. but anyways....

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    how about attending a charity event or maybee some sort of comunity event to find a nice girl...

  15. #15
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    The Dude Abides
    Nice girls with dirty sides to them go to church a lot.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong
    Nice girls with dirty sides to them go to church a lot.
    Everyone has a dirty side.

  17. #17
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    Just go out to public spots and put yourself out there to some women..... if you see a woman at starbucks that peaks your interest - tell her you think shes pretty in a non-creeper way. I've complimented women before without the intent to fvck..... well.... I probably would have if offered LMAO but sometimes its nice to give and/or receive a compliment.


  18. #18
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    In my house

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Hahahaha yeah look in the massage section.

    As said by many, go do things you are interested in, not bars or clubs unless you want a bar/club girl and just looking to date and have fun but if you want someone with more values look in places where you are into doing similar things. Better yet, dont look. It's true, when you truly are not looking you will find it.

  20. #20
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-10-2012 at 11:33 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Dude forget women are not that great, I just went and got a electric penis pump, feels like a a blow job for hours, screw getting a girl from now on it got this thing.
    I needed a pick me up and I got it.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.
    Dude forget women are not that great, I just went and got a electric penis pump, feels like a a blow job for hours, screw getting a girl from now on it got this thing.
    I needed a pick me up and I got it.
    Oh hell no, I hope your joking.

  23. #23
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Dude forget women are not that great, I just went and got a electric penis pump, feels like a a blow job for hours, screw getting a girl from now on it got this thing.
    I needed a pick me up and I got it.
    ^baaahahaha awsome!

    Attachment 119917

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_m63 View Post
    Oh hell no, I hope your joking.
    No im dead serious. Read this thing

    A special control valve allows you to precisely regulate the level of vacuum desired. The moment that you slip on your new custom expansion chamber, you'll know that you made the Best Choice! Not only will the system length and thicken your penis with its controlled suction it will provide an erotic sucking, pulsating and throbbing sensation as euphoric as any deep-throat job you've ever had.

    Just lay back and enjoy, and develop your cock to stud-like proportions and get the "Ultimate" suck job at the same time!

    Why the fvck not!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Dame from these responses i take it ya's are all virgins ....

    Ok well theres no gay bars around here.. and if there was ..
    ( I'm in a hippie area ) it would be packet to the brim with hairy legged dikes with shaved heads and many facial piercings .., So thats out

    Theres no way I'm going to a Church to find a chick I'm a atheist ..., So thats out

    I go food shopping 4 times a week and they ant no chicks in Woolworth's Worth trying to chat up, So thats out

    As far as finding a chick with same interests as me... dame thats not good... spending hrs building stuff is what i do..
    either in building my car or my body or my house or a website or some softwear... So thats prob out

    My mother says i should look on a singles website.. WTF am i really that desperate ? thats like going from 12yr old scotch to Heroin ..

    Oww i think i need to face facts... I'm Fuked and not in the naked sheet boxing type of fuked ether

  26. #26
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Dude get that shit i just posted you would care less about women, they cant suck dick that good anyways, even the ones that say they can.

  27. #27
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    I'm lonely.. not horny .. don't even really care that much about sex.. just want someone to spend time with and do shit with...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    I'm lonely.. not horny .. don't even really care that much about sex.. just want someone to spend time with and do shit with...
    Yea that's how it starts, then its meet the parents, buy me shit, you don't listen to me, we need more excitement If its not one thing its another...really man, take it from me who just got out of it
    And then you have no money

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Go to the neighborhood gay bar. Some really hot chicks hang out there thinking no one will hit on them so they can let their guard down and have a good time and they will think your gay. So you can size her up without her knowing your real plan...
    Dude that never works, you gay guys love to cock block the straight guys if we come in and try to pull that shit

  30. #30
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    Jan 2012
    The only ''b'' word you should call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love to be called beautiful.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    I'm lonely.. not horny .. don't even really care that much about sex.. just want someone to spend time with and do shit with...

    OK time to go get y our blood work done. Sounds like yoru E2 is to high, you are sounding like a woman. You need to get your test higher, E2 lower so you are horny.
    You know you like a woman if after you cum you are still interested in talking to her and NO, telling her to make something to eat doesnt count.... OK maybe it does if you talk to her while you are eating.

  32. #32
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    Jun 2004
    Went to my first gay bar on christmas of all times lol. Went to an after christmas party with my buddy and his lesbian roommate. Having never met any of the people of said party I figure its gonna be a new experience. I don't really plan much when I go out and party really, its usually where ever I end up for the night and then make it awesome. Met a bunch of cool people at the house party an didn't figure anyone was gay until all of the chicks started making out with each other. You know when you first see it at a party you think oh yeah this is pretty bad ass.

    Then there is that moment of clarity that goes through your head when you realize they have been making out way too long to just get the guys attention. Oh look over there 4 other chicks making out with each other as well. After a few drinks and literally only being there for maybe 20mins everyone says lets go to this bar. I role with it and apparently where we end up at a is to be my first gay bar. Drag night I guess of all times to go, never been prior so I'm not sure if that shit is like a regular thing or not?

    Side note: I always thought that drag queens were supposed to look like chicks? These dudes were just horrible by the way!

    Im out smoking a cig in front of the club and a dude/lesbian chick role out ask me and my buddy who was gay or straight. The lesbian chick hears I'm straight and goes right for my junk really got in there with a nice cup action. Her and the gay dude start fighting over who would **** me better. I laugh at the gay pudgy dude and told him sorry bro I don't role that way and told him there is no way he would make a respectable women. The bouncer outside overhears and must have been the funniest shit he heard all night because he just lost it over by the door.

    Ended up hooking up with my first lesbian at my first gay bar.

    It was a weird atmosphere though and if I had not hooked up with the lesbian that night would of said not worth going back. Still wouldn't ever plan on going back but if another unplanned random night brought me there id be ok with my next at bat with the lesbian variety...
    Last edited by Bryan2; 02-01-2012 at 01:29 AM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubsy View Post
    The only ''b'' word you should call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love to be called beautiful.
    This is awesome. You actually got out loud laughing with that one

  34. #34
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    Jan 2012
    lol i heard a good one a few days ago:
    For all the girls that say all men are the same.......who told u to try them all??

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    Went to my first gay bar on christmas of all times lol. Went to an after christmas party with my buddy and his lesbian roommate. Having never met any of the people of said party I figure its gonna be a new experience. I don't really plan much when I go out and party really, its usually where ever I end up for the night and then make it awesome. Met a bunch of cool people at the house party an didn't figure anyone was gay until all of the chicks started making out with each other. You know when you first see it at a party you think oh yeah this is pretty bad ass.

    Then there is that moment of clarity that goes through your head when you realize they have been making out way too long to just get the guys attention. Oh look over there 4 other chicks making out with each other as well. After a few drinks and literally only being there for maybe 20mins everyone says lets go to this bar. I role with it and apparently where we end up at a is to be my first gay bar. Drag night I guess of all times to go, never been prior so I'm not sure if that shit is like a regular thing or not?

    Side note: I always thought that drag queens were supposed to look like chicks? These dudes were just horrible by the way!

    Im out smoking a cig in front of the club and a dude/lesbian chick role out ask me and my buddy who was gay or straight. The lesbian chick hears I'm straight and goes right for my junk really got in there with a nice cup action. Her and the gay dude start fighting over who would **** me better. I laugh at the gay pudgy dude and told him sorry bro I don't role that way and told him there is no way he would make a respectable women. The bouncer outside overhears and must have been the funniest shit he heard all night because he just lost it over by the door.

    Ended up hooking up with my first lesbian at my first gay bar.

    It was a weird atmosphere though and if I had not hooked up with the lesbian that night would of said not worth going back. Still wouldn't ever plan on going back but if another unplanned random night brought me there id be ok with my next at bat with the lesbian variety...
    I use to take my buddies (straight) to the gay bar all the time. They loved it. They would always end up leaving with a chick.

  36. #36
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-10-2012 at 11:33 PM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubsy View Post
    The only ''b'' word you should call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love to be called beautiful.
    That was awesome

  38. #38
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    you can meet girls anyplace. You just have to man up and go after one you see. You mentioned the food store. Sure they might be out looking to start a conversation. That doesnt mean they wont talk to you if you start.
    This was years ago. But i was at the Macy's and there was a cute girl working i saw walking by. She was in the bedroom section. So i found a comforter i liked and asked her for help finding sheets to match. Started talking and joking with her and she asked me how i was going to thank her for her help. We dated for a couple months after that. You just got to man up
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    I'm lonely.. not horny .. don't even really care that much about sex.. just want someone to spend time with and do shit with...
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OK time to go get y our blood work done. Sounds like yoru E2 is to high, you are sounding like a woman. You need to get your test higher, E2 lower so you are horny.
    You know you like a woman if after you cum you are still interested in talking to her and NO, telling her to make something to eat doesnt count.... OK maybe it does if you talk to her while you are eating.
    you stole my thunder

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    Dame from these responses i take it ya's are all virgins ....

    Ok well theres no gay bars around here.. and if there was ..
    ( I'm in a hippie area ) it would be packet to the brim with hairy legged dikes with shaved heads and many facial piercings .., So thats out

    Theres no way I'm going to a Church to find a chick I'm a atheist ..., So thats out

    I go food shopping 4 times a week and they ant no chicks in Woolworth's Worth trying to chat up, So thats out

    As far as finding a chick with same interests as me... dame thats not good... spending hrs building stuff is what i do..
    either in building my car or my body or my house or a website or some softwear... So thats prob out

    My mother says i should look on a singles website.. WTF am i really that desperate ? thats like going from 12yr old scotch to Heroin ..

    Oww i think i need to face facts... I'm Fuked and not in the naked sheet boxing type of fuked ether
    You started a thread on a steroid forum asking for advice on finding chicks... I think that answers your question.

    As to the rest... you've been given advice (that works) but are too proud to take it.

    Dating sites work. Especially for guys like you who are awkward socially. You can meet hot chicks there who are also awkward socially, or tired of meeting assholes.

    So, suck it up... or find new hobbies. Instead of spending hours building stuff indoors, maybe you can spend a couple hours building relationships outdoors...and/or interacting with people.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    It really is that simple.
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