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Thread: Guy gets shot at carls jr

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93
    Its funny that people are surprised when a cop feels threatened he shoots. I would to.

    Shut up and lift
    I dont believe the cop was threatened or in any danger, unless you count him having to chase the guy and maybe falling down.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    This officer is going to be guilty in the courtroom for his actions. We really have no idea on what is going to happen to him. The point I was trying to make is that he HAS to do something in that situation where as we (normal civilians) do NOT have to take action. I'm gonna follow this up, it's gonna be really interesting to hear the verdict.
    Could be 25 to life, or worse yet they make him eat at Carl's Jr.!

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer

    I'm assuming you haven't seen or dealt with a person using PCP.
    People still do pcp?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by BengalWoman View Post
    Could be 25 to life, or worse yet they make him eat at Carl's Jr.!
    As long as they don't make him eat the fried zucchini. That shit is lethal.

  5. #45
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    Hey **** that dumbass. Put down your weapon and go to jail like a man. These cops are people too and don't always react perfectly, by-the-book in these situations. And I know from personal experience they get very hardened and emotionless having to deal with scum day after day. AND DONT FORGET THE THOUSANDS OF COPS who've been killed or badly injury when they didn't assess a situation properly. My sister-in-law killed a gang banger about 3 years ago. The guy charged her with a knife from about 15 feet away. She knicked him with one round, then got lucky with a round to the forehead when the guy was about 3 feet away. Her partner was a little late to the trigger but put a few rounds in the dude on the ground. If you cross the line with most cops, nothing good is gonna happen. So **** that retard.
    Last edited by DeniZen; 02-04-2012 at 01:42 PM.

  6. #46
    WOW!!!! talk about over kill......I was waiting for the third cop to pull the shotty out and unload too.... And what about that f#cking dog, there no joke, should of let him loose first!!!!

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    As long as they don't make him eat the fried zucchini. That shit is lethal.
    If you do the crime, you got to eat the slime!

  8. #48
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    the 5 times standing necessary but the next rapid 5 on the ground a little overkill, a double tap would have sufficed ... damn cops 1 pcp user 0. However, I have heard stories from Iraq of insurgents being doped up with drugs and the light weight 5.56 isn't enough to take them down with one round that they have to shoot multiple rounds to the hip. So who knows maybe with the 9mm you need 10 rounds for knock down power.
    Last edited by pikenat; 02-04-2012 at 08:26 PM.

  9. #49
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Here is my take, at around the 44 second mark he is sprayed in the face with OC spray. This should impair vision and take away the will to fight. It apparently had no effect on him and at the 47 second mark he raises the ice axe and steps toward the officer that does not have his gun drawn. It was not a crow bar as the video states. It is an ice axe used for climbing glaciers. I used one in Alaska for this very purpose and if you have never slamed one of these into solid ice then you have no idea the damage they can cause. So the first attempt was verbal commands by the officer which escalated to non-lethal force with the OC spray, again failed. An unarmed officer being threatened by a weapon that would have killed if it connected then the officer had no choice but to use deadly force. And when your weapon is drawn you do not shoot to wound, you shoot to kill. The reason you fire so many shots is because even at close range when the adrenalin is running 80% of an officer's rounds will miss the target. So in my opinion this was completely justified and the cops did everything by the book.

  10. #50
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    On a side note that police dog is one bamf, 10 rounds go off feet from its head and the dog is still pulling to go after the bad guy. Obviously they are trained for this but my dog would have ran in terror hearing a shoot, I would know I've seen it.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    On a side note that police dog is one bamf, 10 rounds go off feet from its head and the dog is still pulling to go after the bad guy. Obviously they are trained for this but my dog would have ran in terror hearing a shoot, I would know I've seen it.
    Some dogs are gun shy - some arent. Ive had a few dogs that i could fire multiple rounds out of a shotgun and they would sit on point without so much of a flinch. I also had an English Setter that I wanted in the worst way to train as a hunting dog - he had amazing insticts - but a firecracker would leave him cowering and shaking. They are born with this - as far as I know its virtually impossible to change.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Here is my take, at around the 44 second mark he is sprayed in the face with OC spray. This should impair vision and take away the will to fight. It apparently had no effect on him and at the 47 second mark he raises the ice axe and steps toward the officer that does not have his gun drawn. It was not a crow bar as the video states. It is an ice axe used for climbing glaciers. I used one in Alaska for this very purpose and if you have never slamed one of these into solid ice then you have no idea the damage they can cause. So the first attempt was verbal commands by the officer which escalated to non-lethal force with the OC spray, again failed. An unarmed officer being threatened by a weapon that would have killed if it connected then the officer had no choice but to use deadly force. And when your weapon is drawn you do not shoot to wound, you shoot to kill. The reason you fire so many shots is because even at close range when the adrenalin is running 80% of an officer's rounds will miss the target. So in my opinion this was completely justified and the cops did everything by the book.
    That same adreneline would be flowing in a citizen with a concealed carry permit as well. Why then is it that the citizen would surely be charged and likely end up in prison for a long time for the same exact actions? There is an inherent flaw somewhere that needs fixing in that hypocritical double standard. Lady justice seems to be peeking out from one eye under that blindfold either watching over cops or looking to prosecute the general public.

  13. #53
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    Not sure about other states, but here in New Hampshire if someone threatens your life you can use your concealed weapon to defend yourself. New Hampshire also has the one the easiest conceal to carry permit processes I have ever seen. Which is also one reason we do not have too many of these types of crimes, because the criminals know anyone can be carrying.
    Last edited by Tigershark; 02-04-2012 at 10:20 PM. Reason: added a few more sentences

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Not sure about other states, but here in New Hampshire if someone threatens your life you can use your concealed weapon to defend yourself.
    I tend to think regardless of the law in the state where you live the overwhelming outcome would be that firing that number of rounds - in that manner - would be viewd as well beyond self defense and charges would be filed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    New Hampshire also has the one the easiest conceal to carry permit processes I have ever seen. Which is also one reason we do not have too many of these types of crimes, because the criminals know anyone can be carrying.
    Should be that way in all 50 states imo. The people with legally registered guns with concealed carry permits sure as hell arent the ones commiting the crimes!
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 02-04-2012 at 10:29 PM.

  15. #55
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    If they thought he was a duster than I say too bad for him, I remember watching one of those early cops shows from years ago and they were making a drug bust on a guy that was known to be violent but their real concern was that he was a duster, the cop in charge instructed his lead man that after they kicked the door if the suspect showed any aggression that we was to drop to his knees in the hallway and empty his mag and the second cop was instructed to empty his mag over the shoulder of the first cop......he gave those instructions on camera. PCP is some serious stuff, if that guy was on the dust he could've taken down the dog and all those cops if they didn't shoot him, pepper spray and tasers will only piss them off! I've seen it first hand, they feel nothing and have unbelievable strength.

    The turd is dead whether he took 5 rounds or 10, I don't condone excessive force and the officer should of seen that the last 5 rounds weren't needed, the guy was gonna be shot down either way.

  16. #56
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-10-2012 at 11:30 PM.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    the 5 times standing necessary but the next rapid 5 on the ground a little overkill, a double tap would have sufficed ... damn cops 1 pcp user 0. However, I have heard stories from Iraq of insurgents being doped up with drugs and the light weight 5.56 isn't enough to take them down with one round that they have to shoot multiple rounds to the hip. So who knows maybe with the 9mm you need 10 rounds for knock down power.
    Not true about Iraq, I worked the streets of Bacouba, Fallujah & Baghdad and all insurgents are given a blood test by the BCCF upon arrival dead or alive for this reason. a 5.56mm NATO round is nothing more than a .223 or 22 caliber. SO absolutely no knockdown power. when they are hit with a 7.62 round from a 240B they are put on their ass.

    Also 10 rounds from a 9mm does not have a knockdown effect, more like a "Fvck i'm in pain let me lay down effect"

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    i dont get how scarey law braking people suddenly become victoms IF the guys risking their lives to protect us dont follow certain rules to a T...seems @ss backwards to me
    I dont think its about picking one or the other here.
    The guy got shot.... fine...the cop went ape shit with a firearm in a public area with innocent civilians and other officers in close proximinty. He went way way overboard. He shouldnt be in law enfoer***ent. He shouldnt be allowed to carry a firearm. He should face the same repercussions you or I or anyone in that situation would. The threat was neutralized - you stop ..adrenaline ok ...maybe one or 2 more shots..what he did is disturbing to me. He pumped shots in the guy when he was on the ground ...not moving ..prob already dead and surely not a threat.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I dont think its about picking one or the other here.
    The guy got shot.... fine...the cop went ape shit with a firearm in a public area with innocent civilians and other officers in close proximinty. He went way way overboard. He shouldnt be in law enfoer***ent. He shouldnt be allowed to carry a firearm. He should face the same repercussions you or I or anyone in that situation would. The threat was neutralized - you stop ..adrenaline ok ...maybe one or 2 more shots..what he did is disturbing to me. He pumped shots in the guy when he was on the ground ...not moving ..prob already dead and surely not a threat.

    That's the key here. Like I said before, when the threat is OVER, the officers use of force is over too.

  20. #60
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    one less thug

  21. #61
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    Probably another sad casualty of the drug industry.
    Meth, K, X, must have been on something.

  22. #62
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    WTF dude.... How about fire one mother****ing shot and PAUSE? See what the dude does..... Nope... That cop STRAIGHT MURDERED HIM.... He wasnt trying to disable him.... HE WAS TRYING TO KILL HIM... That is ****ed up....

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Probably another sad casualty of the drug industry.
    Meth, K, X, must have been on something.
    maybe. did the taser malfunction? was he wearing a bpv? did he have a gun in his belt? did he want to die by cop? was he simply being a violent douche? (and an unintelligent one at that)...these are the questions the video leaves me with. BUT he was swinging around a pickaxe...he was warned several times to drop it, didn't drop it, didn't go prone, taser had no effect or malfunctioned AND he cocked his axe....all a perfect recipe for 1, 5, 10 or 20 bullets in ya.

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