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  1. #1
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Derek Poundstone and Soy

    Derek is a big Soy advocate, downing his Soy shake every night, and when waking at night.
    Claims Soy-Estrogen has no relation.
    Goes against everything I have read on Soy on this Forum and elsewhere.

    "Soy and soy lecithin, which is in emulsifier, is in a lot of products people consume daily. There's never been a study linking soy to estogen in men plus most of the phytoestrogens are removed while extracting the protein from the soy. On the other hand studies have proven that soy protein is heart healthy and ita endorsed by the American Heart Association. It pays to be a Poundstone fan, you learn sonething new everyday. Now off to drink my nightly soy protein and casinate shake b4 bed." Poundstone.

  2. #2
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Yeah but isn't soy a GMO?

    Its not real...from what i heard. Made mostly by Monsanto....the most corrupt fvckin corp in the world (or one of them).

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