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  1. #1
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Whats your Moral Code with women and your Rating System

    So I see this girl at cracker barrel and shes eye balling me. Petite and in shape. Goofy. Probably the worst hair ive ever seen on a woman kind of reminds me of flock of seagulls. Can't be far out of the teens maybe 20ish. I guess she's what my one buddy would call the wounded buffalo, like shes cute in a way but goofy. Personally I like those kind of girls they are my type. I end up dating them then I get mad when they don't want to work out which is against their nature cause they are goofy/dorky girls..

    Kind of got me thinking.. whats your play. Do you try to f- anything that moves? Or do you look for something you would go out with for a while?

    Also this is my rating system and wanted to see what other men have: (I say men but most of us we're more like a bunch of immature juiced out schoolboys lets be honest)

    #1 Would marry it
    #2 Would date it
    #3 Would one night stand it
    #4 Keep it away from me for the love of God

  2. #2
    bubsy's Avatar
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    1. Tap it
    2. With a squirt
    3. fair
    4. need a drink
    5. Im not taking one for the team again

    but im married now so times of playing are over!

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would only date a girl that looked like i wanted to marry.
    if she is ehh i would one night stand it but she has to come up to me. I'm not hitting on a eh girl
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I'm practically married and have been for the past 4 years, but back in my day if I was looking for a relationship she had to be an 8/10 all round meaning looks, personality, vocabulary, the whole nine. If I was just horny I would settle for a 6/10 or better. The hair wouldn't bother me in the bedroom, but I'd be damned if I was taking her around my friends! LOL

    And you forgot #5&6

    #5 The Friends with Benefits Girls
    #6 The booty call!

  5. #5
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    1-hit it
    2-head game
    3-fuk no
    4-wifey material

  6. #6
    Bryan2's Avatar
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    4. Missing teeth /body part
    5. Very fat
    6. Have to be drunk / your friends have a right to crack jokes
    7. Average cute girl / plain jane
    8. Hot girl
    9. Model type that is next to perfect
    10. Someone incredible and also possibly famous / in other words one and a million chance of banging

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I was going to say something, but after a rethink, I'd be a hypocrite.

    Yeah, i've dated a few that were incredible and knew right from the start the relationship would never last

    ....sometimes i just think with the wrong head.

  8. #8
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ....sometimes i just think with the wrong head.
    Isnt that called being a guy

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Isnt that called being a guy
    in a way...'s also a sign of impulse control issues.

    ....something i'm getting much better at, but will always be somewhat challanged by as well

  10. #10
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I'm practically married and have been for the past 4 years, but back in my day if I was looking for a relationship she had to be an 8/10 all round meaning looks, personality, vocabulary, the whole nine. If I was just horny I would settle for a 6/10 or better. The hair wouldn't bother me in the bedroom, but I'd be damned if I was taking her around my friends! LOL

    And you forgot #5&6

    #5 The Friends with Benefits Girls
    #6 The booty call!
    And the ever important:

    #7 It's been a while, I've been striking out. So, keep the lights out, tap that hog and imagine someone hotter.

  11. #11
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    1) wont tap it
    2) wont tap it
    3) wont tap it
    4) wont tap it
    5) wont tap it
    6) might tap it
    7) tap it
    8) tap it
    9) tap it
    10) tap it

  12. #12
    bubsy's Avatar
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    When u get woody your blood runs from your head and feet to your little guy, so u cant run and you cant think!

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    JD250's Avatar
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    1,916 guys are all full of shit! You know damn well that if she answers your craigslist're gonna hit it!! Rating system my ass!!

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250;58***55 guys are all full of shit! You know damn well that if she answers your craigslist're gonna hit it!! Rating system my ass!!
    Did you not read my #7 response?

  16. #16
    JD250's Avatar
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    LOL Now I did, OK you get credit for being honest.

  17. #17
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Its very simple I have primary characteristics a women must meet in order to get a date with me and secondary once we are on s date in order to go further :

    Primary (to get a first date)
    1. Eyes (Does she have sexy eyes)
    2. Skin (does she have nice skin or does she already have winkles in her 20's, basically will she age well)
    3. Smile (does she have a nice smile or razor teeth?)

    Secondary (while on a first date)

    1. Does she have a nice body and if not does it have potential (look to see if she has a flat ass and if so its a no go!)
    2. Can she hold a conversation about politics and or what going on in the world (she doesnt have to be a rocket rocket scientist but she cant be stupid!)
    3. Does she take her self to seriously or is she fun (This is simple but no one wants to be with a boring hag lol)
    4. hygiene (How her makeup is done, does she have nice nails, does her breath smell good? if not then she prob will let her self go haha)

  18. #18
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i would only date a girl that looked like i wanted to marry.
    if she is ehh i would one night stand it but she has to come up to me. I'm not hitting on a eh girl
    ^^^^ FTW

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    4. Missing teeth /body part
    5. Very fat
    6. Have to be drunk / your friends have a right to crack jokes
    7. Average cute girl / plain jane
    8. Hot girl
    9. Model type that is next to perfect
    10. Someone incredible and also possibly famous / in other words one and a million chance of banging
    ^^^^ Pretty good assesment right there.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  19. #19
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Only 10 months old... Looking to get banned in only 1 day?

  20. #20
    austinite's Avatar
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    Marry the one that swallows, everytime.

  21. #21
    milky01623's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Marry the one that swallows, everytime.
    That's when they stop swallowing trust me I'm married ;-)

  22. #22
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milky01623 View Post
    That's when they stop swallowing trust me I'm married ;-)
    Sounds like ALL my friends after they got married. For some reason I have never experienced this. I'm on #3 (#1 & #2 are deceased) and they both kept up just as much after marriage as before.

    Well to be 100% honest #1 never swallowed but she gave head at least 3x a week and also brought home girls frequently.
    #2 was a swallower no problem before, during and after. We still came around after we divorced up to a couple weeks before she died.
    #3 so far so good except she doesn't swallow 100% but gets a good portion down so I'm not complaining. lol

  23. #23
    milky01623's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Sounds like ALL my friends after they got married. For some reason I have never experienced this. I'm on #3 (#1 & #2 are deceased) and they both kept up just as much after marriage as before.

    Well to be 100% honest #1 never swallowed but she gave head at least 3x a week and also brought home girls frequently.
    #2 was a swallower no problem before, during and after. We still came around after we divorced up to a couple weeks before she died.
    #3 so far so good except she doesn't swallow 100% but gets a good portion down so I'm not complaining. lol
    Dude you fast becoming a living legend in my world lol

  24. #24
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Sounds like ALL my friends after they got married. For some reason I have never experienced this. I'm on #3 (#1 & #2 are deceased) and they both kept up just as much after marriage as before.

    Well to be 100% honest #1 never swallowed but she gave head at least 3x a week and also brought home girls frequently.
    #2 was a swallower no problem before, during and after. We still came around after we divorced up to a couple weeks before she died.
    #3 so far so good except she doesn't swallow 100% but gets a good portion down so I'm not complaining. lol
    I have a new hero.
    I like your moves. I like your style.

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Well one thing I have always done different than most everyone I know and I have never had anyone who tried it say it didnt work but it's hard to do if you have been doing the opposite.

    Women seem to be the ones who have the power and men are always trying to get to them especially after marriage. They know they have what we want. My trick is to not make it so obvious it's what you want. NEVER act like you NEED it. You like it, it's fun but you dont NEED it. I have said no plenty of times. It drives them crazy. They think you have someone else??? They arent very good??? You arent attracted to them??? or 1000 other things go through their head and they try that much harder to please you. Honestly I have never had a GF or wife who wasnt ready when I was and typically they want more. Sometimes I have gone a little over board due to missing the mark and not being interested or to busy for a few days then they start their period so it turns into a week or almost 2 and they really get worried. lol

    I can honestly say I also get oral more than straight sex and always have. Easily 3x a week on a normal/good week. Hasn't quite been that for a while due to circumstances but it has only been 2 days since last time.

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