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  1. #1
    DCI's Avatar
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    Anyone else just loose motivation

    I've been training properly for near on 6 years started at 18 and I'm nearly 24 now. But for some reason the last 3-4 months have been really hard to motivated back into properly. I think work has a certain role to play, I've been moved over 6 times with work due to me being in Sales. And it's grand but it seems to ruin all the momentum you build up before the move and then it destroys it all. And I also think the gym I am in at the min is miles too busy and not helping with the lack of motivation. I am on th elook out for another gym at the minute but I'm kinda gone a bit meh.

    I also feel that I need to change up my training and try and get motivated to do cardio, how does someone like me who hates cardio get my head back into it? Any advice from people who are the same way?

    And if you say, take a year off training would you see reults in 3 months if you do go back on it?


  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Wouldn't take a year off but changing up the routine is the key. Lighter weight more reps: drop sets: supersets: have fun. As far as cardio goes start out short sessions 20 mins for a week, then 30 the following and so on and you will be fine.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
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    The times I hate cardio I find something active I like to do like plays bb or wrestle with my nephews and jump rope. And I watch my diet more when I am being cardio lazy...

  4. #4
    DCI's Avatar
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    Cheers lads Dsm sounds good any good links to routines set up? I think I am just stuck in a rut and need to change things up and maybe even diet. I need just get my head in order work has a lot of my time occupied etc.

  5. #5
    Flier's Avatar
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    Yes .....but Test in the gutter might have something to do with my motivation. How ´bout yours?

  6. #6
    DCI's Avatar
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    Lol, I think my main reason is the gym to be honest. I hate crowded places never mind crowded gyms and this place is too busy and too crap to be worth the time.

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I hit it hard all last year, but burned out mid De***ber. I planned on taking maybe two weeks off while taking care of my wife (elective surgery) and it turned into six weeks. No motivation to get back to the gym or back on diet. I have been working out the past two weeks, but am still not feeling it. Did my bulk cooking yesterday, so I am back on diet starting today and that usually helps me get motivated.

    I did change my workout this week and it was great. But the higher volume make me extra sore, meaning I need to take a couple of days off between workouts. Hopefully that doesn't allow me to fall back into complacency.

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    There really is no set routine. Just pick movements you don't normally do and throw them in the mix. Check out this site.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  9. #9
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I hit it hard all last year, but burned out mid De***ber. I planned on taking maybe two weeks off while taking care of my wife (elective surgery) and it turned into six weeks. No motivation to get back to the gym or back on diet. I have been working out the past two weeks, but am still not feeling it. Did my bulk cooking yesterday, so I am back on diet starting today and that usually helps me get motivated.

    I did change my workout this week and it was great. But the higher volume make me extra sore, meaning I need to take a couple of days off between workouts. Hopefully that doesn't allow me to fall back into complacency.
    Just described me but with the fact I was moved in work and the gym I'm just not feeling it up here and to be honest just kinda lost interest and now having an old doll too not really bothered by training but like you I know once I get my head right I'll get back into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    There really is no set routine. Just pick movements you don't normally do and throw them in the mix. Check out this site.
    Class link thanks man I'll actually just print out a load diff training regimes for the craic and see what I like and can get outta it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Just described me but with the fact I was moved in work and the gym I'm just not feeling it up here and to be honest just kinda lost interest and now having an old doll too not really bothered by training but like you I know once I get my head right I'll get back into it.
    I am big on routines. Moving can really mess that up. Time to get a new routine going.

  11. #11
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-11-2012 at 12:28 AM.

  12. #12
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    also not feeling it lately...not sure why
    schools taking alot of my time and have to ride the bus to the gym/back (2hours just on the bus uggg) and the kids sched have me running around alot lately...think Im just burnt, unsure...but def lost all motovation
    Commuting raises Cortisol levels, which can lower serotonin

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I am big on routines. Moving can really mess that up. Time to get a new routine going.
    Yeh, I'm the same. The problem is with work sometimes it can be unpredictable to what time you get finished by. And thus ruining the whole routine and then on top of it the gym I am in is mental busy and has the wrong kinda crowd ie the people who stand around all day and chat and do a bitta training on the side and there is no respect for the place either dumbbells all over the place and they only go to 30kg which is crap so I think I'll move onto somewere else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    also not feeling it lately...not sure why
    schools taking alot of my time and have to ride the bus to the gym/back (2hours just on the bus uggg) and the kids sched have me running around alot lately...think Im just burnt, unsure...but def lost all motovation
    Something similar to me also.

  14. #14
    tcw's Avatar
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    Getting stale sucks.

    For me...its all about challenge and results. If its not a challenge...and i don't get results....i get bored.

    My Thoughts

    1. Take 6mths off and try a new exercise program. Every few years i get the MA bug (stated as a punk and then in the military). Its all about the Yin & Yang. Sometimes i stay for 6 mths...sometimes only a few weeks. Keeps the monotony out. MA is kewl...and I highly recommend it as an alternative to lifting.

    2. A friend of mine quit going to the gym...and now does an outdoor Physical fit program that includes running, playing BB, tennis, swimming and Tire Flipping. She looks great...better than ever.

    Weights aren't everything and gettin stale can lead to injuries....long term ones.

    Drop out for a few won't lose much and when you go will be even better than before!

  15. #15
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Heres what does it for me

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to the gym
    #2 I talk to everyone and their mother about the gym
    #3 When possible I lift hard then go out to clubs or maybe just a restaurant and put on my getting swole shirt
    #4 I have a crush on a girl at work but I don't think we can be together because its just too complicated so instead of getting hung up on her I imagine how much hotter the bitches vags im going to smash will be
    #5 I change my ipod mix every couple of weeks. When I need a hard lift I find the perfect song.
    #6 I have my wardrobe meticulously arranged so I only wear my hot-guy shirts to work and get compliments (today's compliments were "sup He-Man" and "hey you been working out?" Believe it or not I get assorted compliments like this daily.
    #7 I skype with a hot bitch and she tells me I have a huge cock and I look hot about 50 times while we are talking then she shows me her tits ass and vag. I don't know what this has to do with anything.
    #8 I avoid alcohol like the mother****in plague cause im an alkie

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to do cardio
    #2 I get on a treadmill that has a tv it sucks a lot less that way
    #3 I don't run I set the speed to 3.0 and the incline to maximum. Some people will call bullshit but after a couple weeks of this regular i see new veins in my calves and my butt hurts on the first go of it so you know its giving cardio + resistance and toning
    #4 I stare at my abs in the mirror and say things out loud like "I'd f me all day everyday and twice on Sunday"
    #5 I wear that one shirt you can only wear with a flat stomach to reward myself
    #6 I text a few friends abs and double bicep pose shots
    #7 I daydream pretending Im Haz

  16. #16
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    When all else fails this or a similar product will make you whip ass for at least a couple weeks:

  17. #17
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Heres what does it for me

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to the gym
    #2 I talk to everyone and their mother about the gym
    #3 When possible I lift hard then go out to clubs or maybe just a restaurant and put on my getting swole shirt
    #4 I have a crush on a girl at work but I don't think we can be together because its just too complicated so instead of getting hung up on her I imagine how much hotter the bitches vags im going to smash will be
    #5 I change my ipod mix every couple of weeks. When I need a hard lift I find the perfect song.
    #6 I have my wardrobe meticulously arranged so I only wear my hot-guy shirts to work and get compliments (today's compliments were "sup He-Man" and "hey you been working out?" Believe it or not I get assorted compliments like this daily.
    #7 I skype with a hot bitch and she tells me I have a huge cock and I look hot about 50 times while we are talking then she shows me her tits ass and vag. I don't know what this has to do with anything.
    #8 I avoid alcohol like the mother****in plague cause im an alkie

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to do cardio
    #2 I get on a treadmill that has a tv it sucks a lot less that way
    #3 I don't run I set the speed to 3.0 and the incline to maximum. Some people will call bullshit but after a couple weeks of this regular i see new veins in my calves and my butt hurts on the first go of it so you know its giving cardio + resistance and toning
    #4 I stare at my abs in the mirror and say things out loud like "I'd f me all day everyday and twice on Sunday"
    #5 I wear that one shirt you can only wear with a flat stomach to reward myself
    #6 I text a few friends abs and double bicep pose shots
    #7 I daydream pretending Im Haz
    I love you idea about spreading the word. All my friends and family know im into the gym- so it becomes a topic of conversation when your shooting the breeze. Keeps your head in the game.

  18. #18
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    Boyfriend likes hemo rage sometimes just to give that kick ! Definitely find gym you like, but I do think longer you stay out the harder its going to be. Diet is key if your not a cardio fan. Famous phrase "Its hard work being beautiful " ! GOOD LUCK

  19. #19
    Hazard's Avatar
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    ahhh fvck hemorage ^^^^ that shit makes me sick lol - NO Shotgun actually treated me real well.....

    I lost motivation..... took some time off and that turned into 3 years! It got to the point where I felt like such shit that themotivation came back 10 fold. Definately don't take a lot of time off and make sure you get your ass back when you plan on getting back. The motivation will come..... everyone gets burnt out from time to time.... it's normal.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  20. #20
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Heres what does it for me

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to the gym
    #2 I talk to everyone and their mother about the gym
    #3 When possible I lift hard then go out to clubs or maybe just a restaurant and put on my getting swole shirt
    #4 I have a crush on a girl at work but I don't think we can be together because its just too complicated so instead of getting hung up on her I imagine how much hotter the bitches vags im going to smash will be
    #5 I change my ipod mix every couple of weeks. When I need a hard lift I find the perfect song.
    #6 I have my wardrobe meticulously arranged so I only wear my hot-guy shirts to work and get compliments (today's compliments were "sup He-Man" and "hey you been working out?" Believe it or not I get assorted compliments like this daily.
    #7 I skype with a hot bitch and she tells me I have a huge cock and I look hot about 50 times while we are talking then she shows me her tits ass and vag. I don't know what this has to do with anything.
    #8 I avoid alcohol like the mother****in plague cause im an alkie

    #1 I tell everyone and their mother im going to do cardio
    #2 I get on a treadmill that has a tv it sucks a lot less that way
    #3 I don't run I set the speed to 3.0 and the incline to maximum. Some people will call bullshit but after a couple weeks of this regular i see new veins in my calves and my butt hurts on the first go of it so you know its giving cardio + resistance and toning
    #4 I stare at my abs in the mirror and say things out loud like "I'd f me all day everyday and twice on Sunday"
    #5 I wear that one shirt you can only wear with a flat stomach to reward myself
    #6 I text a few friends abs and double bicep pose shots
    #7 I daydream pretending Im Haz
    Epic! Now im motivated

  21. #21
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    LOL im not im still trying to talk my self into going to the gym tongiht

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Getting stale sucks.

    For me...its all about challenge and results. If its not a challenge...and i don't get results....i get bored.

    My Thoughts

    1. Take 6mths off and try a new exercise program. Every few years i get the MA bug (stated as a punk and then in the military). Its all about the Yin & Yang. Sometimes i stay for 6 mths...sometimes only a few weeks. Keeps the monotony out. MA is kewl...and I highly recommend it as an alternative to lifting.

    2. A friend of mine quit going to the gym...and now does an outdoor Physical fit program that includes running, playing BB, tennis, swimming and Tire Flipping. She looks great...better than ever.

    Weights aren't everything and gettin stale can lead to injuries....long term ones.

    Drop out for a few won't lose much and when you go will be even better than before!
    Thanks for that TCW sounds exactly like the way I am at the min I just need a brake from it and get my head in gear and the rest will fall into place. I'm finding also lately I'm gaining the wrong weight I think it's due to the fact I am wasting time in the current gym so I'm going to find a place that is quieter and go from there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    ahhh fvck hemorage ^^^^ that shit makes me sick lol - NO Shotgun actually treated me real well.....

    I lost motivation..... took some time off and that turned into 3 years! It got to the point where I felt like such shit that themotivation came back 10 fold. Definately don't take a lot of time off and make sure you get your ass back when you plan on getting back. The motivation will come..... everyone gets burnt out from time to time.... it's normal.

    Cheers man it won't be 3 years like yourself but I am thinking I have a holiday away in mid march and I will join up back then and set out some goals and actually get a new routine with cardio involved and correct diet and get outta this rut that I am.

  23. #23
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    I did for a while but I realized my focus, goals and over all life outlook was very flawed. I had some what of an awakening and got my ass back in gear and feel pretty good. Life isn`t about 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or even 1 year. Goals need to be long term, sustainable and achievable.

  24. #24
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    True that Redz I think it's exactly like you said above it's something more long term I have to think about.

  25. #25
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    about 2 weeks into pct I was finding it hard to stay motivated so I'm no gonna do that anymore. It's a lifestyle for me though, even if my minds somewhere else eating and going to the gym is still the same. Competing and setting goals for myself has really helped with motivation though.

  26. #26
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 02-11-2012 at 12:23 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    about 2 weeks into pct I was finding it hard to stay motivated so I'm no gonna do that anymore. It's a lifestyle for me though, even if my minds somewhere else eating and going to the gym is still the same. Competing and setting goals for myself has really helped with motivation though.
    That's what I think is lacking for me in general just not in the gym. Lack of focus and desire it's all become a bit meh to me so I think some time off and to re think everything might help and set some goals and actually stick to them I'm sure I'll be fine it's just my routine has been ****ed with so much with work it's grating now you know and even work is getting boring at this stage ireland is going down the shitter faster than the titanic

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    if this is true...that would explain ALOT, winter (less sun months) also do a number on me...maybe the 2 combined are just doing me no favors lol

    I hear you on the gym...same with us, gym is packed lately too... its truely irritating having to wait for equipment when your already on a tight sched, but we could be working out at home~just feeling blah about it I guess lol

    DCI Im sure you will find your groove again soon
    Nothing worse than getting all motivated in the travelling to the gym and some dickhead just wanking around on the weight machine who is clearly there just to prick around and waste time sitting there faffing around it takes all the momentum outta the training.

    Ahh I know I will, it's just I need to find the right gym and be happy there.

  28. #28
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    It definitely becomes annoying when the gym's crowded. I suppose you could just scowl at them until they moved! lol j/k As far as cardio, when we get bored with the treadmill, we just walk outside, walk through the mall for a couple of hours or go hiking. It's a great change of pace...

  29. #29
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    It might say gay to you but try writing about your feelings.


    Where you want to be

    What u got to do to be like that

    And create an ideology that can be applied not just to the gym but for work, for relationships and everything else. You really got to connect with your mind to overcome hard times and loosing motivation.

    Check out mine, I've been struggling lately

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownGirl View Post
    It definitely becomes annoying when the gym's crowded. I suppose you could just scowl at them until they moved! lol j/k As far as cardio, when we get bored with the treadmill, we just walk outside, walk through the mall for a couple of hours or go hiking. It's a great change of pace...
    Yeh, I think that's my main problem really the gym I'm in is crap and there's no outlet really where I live is busy I'm in Dublin which compared to where I'm from people are just different and a lot less respect for everyone else I suppose it comes with the territory.. I hate really crowded places I think I'm weird never really feel comfortable in them for some reason. Same reason I hate shopping centers and the like too many people bumbling around etc. Haha I've tried the scowling thing etc Ahh ya I'm thinking cycling or something to do over weekends might help as I hate running etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iamdetermined View Post
    It might say gay to you but try writing about your feelings.


    Where you want to be

    What u got to do to be like that

    And create an ideology that can be applied not just to the gym but for work, for relationships and everything else. You really got to connect with your mind to overcome hard times and loosing motivation.

    Check out mine, I've been struggling lately
    Thanks for the advice, what you're saying above is true and I need to have a think etc I'm young only 23 so have lots of time but I'm at a kinda cross roads I've said it to the old man but he is old skool and just says what the **** are you talking about we didn't have any of that shit when I was your age etc but then in saying that he was practically married by now. I'll check out your link I may give you an aul pm too if that's ok.

  31. #31
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    Thanks for the advice, what you're saying above is true and I need to have a think etc I'm young only 23 so have lots of time but I'm at a kinda cross roads I've said it to the old man but he is old skool and just says what the **** are you talking about we didn't have any of that shit when I was your age etc but then in saying that he was practically married by now. I'll check out your link I may give you an aul pm too if that's ok.
    I am young also (I am 20) I think the age we are at now we are still trying to decide who we are, where we want to go and get a better understanding of life but don’t know how. It’s frustrating I know and sometimes you lose control because you don’t know what is the most important thing to do !!

    Right now most people at our age want to go to the gym to look good and because it’s a trend and everything that revolves them is materialistic but ask yourself WHY U GO TO THE GYM is it because it makes you look good or because it builds up things like mental strength, perseverance, determination .. all these things you learn in the gym can be applied to other aspects of your life … But you got to be open to try everything, fail at a lot of things and listen to both the good and bad and make a final decision on what is the best way to approach things based on the outcomes both on yourself and other people and the future.

    Sure you can PM me

  32. #32
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iamdetermined View Post
    I am young also (I am 20) I think the age we are at now we are still trying to decide who we are, where we want to go and get a better understanding of life but don’t know how. It’s frustrating I know and sometimes you lose control because you don’t know what is the most important thing to do !!

    Right now most people at our age want to go to the gym to look good and because it’s a trend and everything that revolves them is materialistic but ask yourself WHY U GO TO THE GYM is it because it makes you look good or because it builds up things like mental strength, perseverance, determination .. all these things you learn in the gym can be applied to other aspects of your life … But you got to be open to try everything, fail at a lot of things and listen to both the good and bad and make a final decision on what is the best way to approach things based on the outcomes both on yourself and other people and the future.

    Sure you can PM me
    Do u have skype I need help with gym motivation

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Do u have skype I need help with gym motivation
    Click image for larger version. 

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  34. #34
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Dude I know something that will fix you right up its called "invincible"
    Makes me rage and run to the gym, all I want to is flip trains and jump buildings in a single bound.

  35. #35
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Dude I know something that will fix you right up its called "invincible"
    Makes me rage and run to the gym, all I want to is flip trains and jump buildings in a single bound.
    WTF is that ??? Never herd of it, Like PCP/ Angle Dust or something ?

  36. #36
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iamdetermined View Post
    I am young also (I am 20) I think the age we are at now we are still trying to decide who we are, where we want to go and get a better understanding of life but don’t know how. It’s frustrating I know and sometimes you lose control because you don’t know what is the most important thing to do !!

    Right now most people at our age want to go to the gym to look good and because it’s a trend and everything that revolves them is materialistic but ask yourself WHY U GO TO THE GYM is it because it makes you look good or because it builds up things like mental strength, perseverance, determination .. all these things you learn in the gym can be applied to other aspects of your life … But you got to be open to try everything, fail at a lot of things and listen to both the good and bad and make a final decision on what is the best way to approach things based on the outcomes both on yourself and other people and the future.Sure you can PM me
    such a smarty!!!
    determined... such a good head on your shoulders for a 20 year old!!! (or any age for that matter lol) just had to throw some lovins your way cuz hearing this type of stuff is good for anyone at anytime, and its very easy to fall in a slump, but getting out of 1 takes much more work and a few helping hands LOVE THE ATTITUDE!

  37. #37
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Do u have skype I need help with gym motivation
    ^ LMBO! affraid, be very affraid LOL

  38. #38
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iamdetermined View Post
    I am young also (I am 20) I think the age we are at now we are still trying to decide who we are, where we want to go and get a better understanding of life but don’t know how. It’s frustrating I know and sometimes you lose control because you don’t know what is the most important thing to do !!

    Right now most people at our age want to go to the gym to look good and because it’s a trend and everything that revolves them is materialistic but ask yourself WHY U GO TO THE GYM is it because it makes you look good or because it builds up things like mental strength, perseverance, determination .. all these things you learn in the gym can be applied to other aspects of your life … But you got to be open to try everything, fail at a lot of things and listen to both the good and bad and make a final decision on what is the best way to approach things based on the outcomes both on yourself and other people and the future.

    Sure you can PM me
    Yeh, all of the last bit is why I was in the gym. I think because I have lost focus there it's kinda had a knock effect and well really living in Ireland isn't exactly a bundle of laughs at the min everyone is ****ing depressing to listen to.

    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Do u have skype I need help with gym motivation
    Some boy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Dude I know something that will fix you right up its called "invincible"
    Makes me rage and run to the gym, all I want to is flip trains and jump buildings in a single bound.
    Film is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    such a smarty!!!
    determined... such a good head on your shoulders for a 20 year old!!! (or any age for that matter lol) just had to throw some lovins your way cuz hearing this type of stuff is good for anyone at anytime, and its very easy to fall in a slump, but getting out of 1 takes much more work and a few helping hands LOVE THE ATTITUDE!
    I used be like that too but it seems to have kinda gotten lost somewere along the line.

  39. #39
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Sounds like you just need a kick in the balls

  40. #40
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gym_ View Post
    WTF is that ??? Never herd of it, Like PCP/ Angle Dust or something ?

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