....I think my right knee is about shot. Sitting here with my leg up, trying real hard to not violate any of the provisions or covenants of my man card by moaning and groaning about the pain i'm feeling right now.
I've been nursing my knees for a couple of decades now. But with the MSM, PT, recommended exercises, and annual knee shots, the female doctor I go to for the knee injections said it's probably time to think about the next step. An orthopedic surgeon will be calling me here soon to set up an appointment.
Pain is a funny thing. At any particular moment, the pain isn't so great. But after three or four days of non stop pain, and couple that with not being able to sleep at night, and it just wears you out..
btw..... sometimes when someone says they do not have the knees to do squats anymore, sometimes the answer isn't "you are not doing it right". Sometimes they should not be doing squats, and instead, find something else, like leg presses.
people that advise not doing it right probably have OK knees anyways