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Thread: Looking for info about leasing home cardio equipment

  1. #1

    Looking for info about leasing home cardio equipment

    I want a Life Fitness Elliptical--commercial grade--but I can't drop the required 5-7k right now. Anyone know anything about home/personal leasing of exercise equipment? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If you take that $7,000.00 and apply that to what i pay for my gym membership, I would be able to go to the gym for 29 YEARS !

  3. #3
    I currently reside in east bumblef_ck and the closest commercial gym is a 30 minute ride, one way. Luckily I did find one at the local hospital, in their physical therapy department, which sells memberships to its gym. The only problem with that place would be the hours of operation, or lack thereof. Still, it's better than the hour round trip commute I was doing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Its very rare any place will lease a piece of equipment to your home. Places do financing.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    I should open up a gym because there's a definite market for one. I would just need to find a company that would lease 20 treadmills, 20 ellipticals and 10 stationary bikes, along with free weights and benches, etc., to me via my company, which doesn't exist.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by acmoore View Post
    I should open up a gym because there's a definite market for one. I would just need to find a company that would lease 20 treadmills, 20 ellipticals and 10 stationary bikes, along with free weights and benches, etc., to me via my company, which doesn't exist.
    i'm in the industry. That still will be very hard. Since the economy went shitty how companies lease went away. I sell the stuff. I used to buy on 90 day terms. Not 1 manufacturer does 90 days anymore. Some do 30 days. Life Fitness you have to pay in advance
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    The gym that is about a half hour from my house is fairly new and I was really surprised at how nice it is. All of the cardio equipment, strength training machines, and free weights/barbells, etc., are all from Precor. Row after row of machines. Several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment. I just assumed the guy leased all of it, since there's so much of it.

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