has anyone here ever had a day that nothing went right for you....I think it would be neat to post them.....this actually might not have been the worst day ive ever had but it was a shity day....heres how my day went....
7:00 A.M - i left for school, realized i lost my stat notes for the test on tuesday...all 12 chapters...like 75 pages
7:10 A.M - i went to the gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes but forgot to pay for my fuckin gas...
7:40 A.M - almost half way to school, then i realized i forgot to pay for my fuckin gas, had to drive 30 minutes back, the police were there when i pulled up...so i appolagized to the clerk and the cops walked me outside...
7:50 A.M - by now, ive been im trying to convince these 2 stupid cops for the last ten minutes...that it was a fuckin accident...but all they wanted to do was bust my balls....he told me its a felony and that he could take me to jail...
7:53 A.M - i told the cop to fuck himself and asked if i really looked like a fuckin thief....then they decided to cuff me and search my car for drugs and weapons....they said i was bieng hostile and threatening...
8:30 A.M - by now 2 more cops pull up and one of them lives in my apartment complex...he talks to the other officers and they let me go...
8:35 A.M - now i start my long fuckin journey back to school...62 miles....
9:45 A.M - i got to school and im late for my first class...(the one im failing and need to graduate this semester)...my teacher just shook his head when i walked in late....
10:40 A.M - im go outside to smoke with a friend and as i light her cigarette i burn her hair...
10:50 A.M - go to my next hour that starts at 11:00, this is ethics week in business school so we had 4 guest speakers...and all 3 of my proffesors classes were all in our room along with other faculty members..prop 100 people total....there was no seats available by the time i walked in so i had to sit on the floor...the night before i had eaten onions and during class i could barley keep from farting...if i would have i would never have gone back to class again...
12:30 P.M - off to my next class, stats! i asked the girl that sits next to me if i could go copy her notes at the copy machine, head off to go copy some notes
12:50 P.M - i walk in to class 30 min late and give her notes back...
1:30 P.M - leave to go home the stats notes i just spent 7 dollars copying were accidently dropped on the ground and they scattered across the parking lot...gathered them up, but now they are useless because they are out of order....my test is tuesday and i have no clas mates numbers..
2:40 P.M - i get home check my pm's and head off to go tan...
3:00 P.M - i get to the tanning place and i bought some new tanning lotion that i didnt know i was alergic to... it made me blotchy and itch worse than i have ever been before...now my skin has white spots all over it...
3:30 P.M - going home finally to get ready to train....the police station is next door to where i go tanning and guess what same cop this morning that was busting my balls pulls me over for failing to yield as i was pulling out of the parking lot
4:00 P.M - i finally get home and i have decided not to train and have not left my house since....this day has completley sucked....now im going to get blazed.....Madmax...