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Thread: The Worst Day You've Ever Had Thread!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town

    The Worst Day You've Ever Had Thread!

    has anyone here ever had a day that nothing went right for you....I think it would be neat to post them.....this actually might not have been the worst day ive ever had but it was a shity day....heres how my day went....

    7:00 A.M - i left for school, realized i lost my stat notes for the test on tuesday...all 12 75 pages

    7:10 A.M - i went to the gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes but forgot to pay for my fuckin gas...

    7:40 A.M - almost half way to school, then i realized i forgot to pay for my fuckin gas, had to drive 30 minutes back, the police were there when i pulled i appolagized to the clerk and the cops walked me outside...

    7:50 A.M - by now, ive been im trying to convince these 2 stupid cops for the last ten minutes...that it was a fuckin accident...but all they wanted to do was bust my balls....he told me its a felony and that he could take me to jail...

    7:53 A.M - i told the cop to fuck himself and asked if i really looked like a fuckin thief....then they decided to cuff me and search my car for drugs and weapons....they said i was bieng hostile and threatening...

    8:30 A.M - by now 2 more cops pull up and one of them lives in my apartment complex...he talks to the other officers and they let me go...

    8:35 A.M - now i start my long fuckin journey back to school...62 miles....

    9:45 A.M - i got to school and im late for my first class...(the one im failing and need to graduate this semester) teacher just shook his head when i walked in late....

    10:40 A.M - im go outside to smoke with a friend and as i light her cigarette i burn her hair...

    10:50 A.M - go to my next hour that starts at 11:00, this is ethics week in business school so we had 4 guest speakers...and all 3 of my proffesors classes were all in our room along with other faculty members..prop 100 people total....there was no seats available by the time i walked in so i had to sit on the floor...the night before i had eaten onions and during class i could barley keep from farting...if i would have i would never have gone back to class again...

    12:30 P.M - off to my next class, stats! i asked the girl that sits next to me if i could go copy her notes at the copy machine, head off to go copy some notes

    12:50 P.M - i walk in to class 30 min late and give her notes back...

    1:30 P.M - leave to go home the stats notes i just spent 7 dollars copying were accidently dropped on the ground and they scattered across the parking lot...gathered them up, but now they are useless because they are out of test is tuesday and i have no clas mates numbers..

    2:40 P.M - i get home check my pm's and head off to go tan...

    3:00 P.M - i get to the tanning place and i bought some new tanning lotion that i didnt know i was alergic to... it made me blotchy and itch worse than i have ever been my skin has white spots all over it...

    3:30 P.M - going home finally to get ready to train....the police station is next door to where i go tanning and guess what same cop this morning that was busting my balls pulls me over for failing to yield as i was pulling out of the parking lot

    4:00 P.M - i finally get home and i have decided not to train and have not left my house since....this day has completley im going to get blazed.....Madmax...
    Last edited by Madmax; 04-10-2003 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sounds really rough bro. That cop is a real asshole!

    Well my day has been pretty lazy to, just found out one of my bros might be a scammer fuck (dont worry his not member of AR). So im pretty pissed off myself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Well....Today I got my car impounded, seems that the courts system didnt process my $1400 that I paid for tickets the right way! Cop was a total dick as well, made a huge deal out of making me look like a criminal at my GF's junior College, so she was late for class. Asshole cop wouldnt let her leave.

    Now I need to unfuck the courts problems to get my car back.

    On top of all that....Im sure we all know that the tow companies STEAL everything that is not bolted to the ground!

    Life is a bitch at times!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Wow...that's DAMN bad. I'd already be shitcanned.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fuck bro! it just seems like everything was against you today. Sorry to here that. Cops are bunch of piglets.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Last Monday night....slid into second base, broke my fucking leg...and I was out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    tonight wasnt the worst ever.... but...

    a girl im friends with invited me to a reggae/rap concert because the guy she was going with she didnt like and wanted me to come. so she gave me lots of beer and we smoked on the way alot and everything,,,, it was cool. the kid that was with us im friendly with, but i dont like that much. anyway, hes really annoying all the time and i ussually want to snap his neck. well for some reason, he gets all jealous and upset and decides to turn the night into a horrible episode of MTV"s "Dismissed". I had to listen to him act tough and take little stupid jabs at me all night. i just hung out and didnt say a word b/c i was so fucking annoyed and i woulda went off and ruined kristins night. anyway, there was all of that on top of the fact that i was one of mabye 15 white people at a concert with well over 2000 in attendance. it was a Sean Paul concert... i felt entirely out of place.... as soon as my bud wore off about 2 hours into it, i couldnt take it. so now ive got a sore back from standing in one spot for 4 hours, i had to deal with this tool annoying me all night, and theres nowhere to smoke before i sleep bbecause my windows dont open...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    well, my day was average, but i like reading about other peoples makes me feel good j/k ....sorry to hear about everyone's shitty experiences....monstercojones, i can't stand cocky dorks who try to constantly hate....nothing worse than a cocky dork....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    I have no life therefore there is no adventure in my life. I have a daily routine that is sooo boring that it could put a meth addict to sleep. I guess that it could be a good thing though because (knock on wood) I have never been arrested and I have very few run-in's with the law. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so tied down to responsibilities. Sorry to hear about what happened madmax!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    monsterco - I can feel ya with the concert thing - my buddy just haaaaaaad to drag me to a concert of LL Cool J (it was his first tour) - "the Time" and Whodini" were opening (only thing older could be a Fat Boys concert ) Well, he gets us all the way up to the front of the stage and there we were - he is a tall blond haired, blue eyed ivy league guy and lets just say I dont fit the rapper image (back then there were no thugz) people are crushing the back of me to get forward and I elbow a few - then I look back - the WHOLE stadium is a sea of black and I and my buddy are the only white dots except for a few blond girls sprinkled about! (mind you this is all happening south of the Mason Dixon ) - anyway, everyone was cool (maybe they thought we were part of security since we were right at the front) - girrls were throwing their panties on the stage, clawing over us to get to him (he was not jacked back then) and it was the first time I had really ever heard rap - gotta understand this is way way before the days of eminiem or even vanilla ice for that matter when rap was a very black thing - but I remember thinking at the time that it was different but pretty kickin and then when Run DMC came out, that took it mainstream - "walk this way" with aerosmith sealed the deal so that led zeplin ACDC loving white people could get into rap as well

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    yea cyc, so you know how it feels. problem is, i dont even like rap. i was just doing kris a favor by running interference on the "cocky dork" and it wa squite possibly one of the top 5 worst nights of my life.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing

    Re: The Worst Day You've Ever Had Thread!

    Originally posted by Madmax

    3:00 P.M - i get to the tanning place and i bought some new tanning lotion that i didnt know i was alergic to... it made me blotchy and itch worse than i have ever been my skin has white spots all over it...

    Selsin(spelling) Blue bro. I've had that problem before. It's the only thing thats worked at getting the spots to go away

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Ya, there comes a point in every super shitty day when you need to put everything down and say 'fuck it, I'm going home to smoke up!', and pick up where you left off tomorrow after all the stress and shit has subsided.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro that just reminded me of the movie fallin down with micheal douglas ,honestly that sound like a shitty ass day bro ,im suprzed u kept ur cool like that ,hit me up then or call me !lata .

  15. #15 How 'bout if I give you a big AR Board hug...will that make you feel better

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    bro that just reminded me of the movie fallin down ....
    I love that movie. When I was younger I always thought that would be me 'falling down' someday. Ding, ding!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR
    Originally posted by mammoth
    I have no life therefore there is no adventure in my life. I have a daily routine that is sooo boring that it could put a meth addict to sleep. I guess that it could be a good thing though because (knock on wood) I have never been arrested and I have very few run-in's with the law. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so tied down to responsibilities. Sorry to hear about what happened madmax!
    You have just described my life as well.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    wow... that was depressing

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