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  1. #1
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Boot Camp Franchises?

    So as some of you know, BrownGirl and I will soon be moving from Las Vegas to Arkansas. We'll be semi-retiring, but we've been looking into things we can do to make a little extra money and keep us busy. I've been looking into doing a personal training studio and today I got the bright idea to look into Boot Camps. Apparently there a lot of franchises out there and I wanted to see if any of you have ever looked into one.

    There's several reasons this is appealing to us.

    Since boot camps are group training type of programs it would give people the opportunity to train at a low cost. Ex. 20 people at 15.00 a session = 300.00/session. Not only would this be easy on the clients pocket book, but it would put a good amount of money in ours for a minimal amount of work.

    It would also allow us to profit in 1 hour what would normally take 4 or more hours of one on one training.

    I think marketing this type of program would be much easier to bring in clients than the personal training route.

    Now...I don't know anything about boot camp training or what a program would look like. Thus, the reasoning on why I would be looking into the franchise route. I have more than enough experience in the business world, but I don't know the first thing about setting up a program like this.

    Have any of you looked into this yourself? If so what were the franchise fee's and such. I've visited several franchises websites, but none of them list franchise cost on the page. You have to email them for info. The last thing I want is my inbox flooded with emails from these guys trying to sell me on something.

    P.S. I would more than likely be doing this in addition to the studio.

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    my brother in atlanta is doing just this and having great success with it..

    as for a franchise, if they aren't doing the marketing for me, i wouldn't need them..

    In your case, do the email, the next thing is going to be location cost, liability insurance etc..

    good luck.. I like the idea..
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  3. #3
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I'm not too worried about location cost. That's the nice thing about Arkansas. It's so damn cheap!!! I found a 10,000 sq ft building for sale in the trendy part of town for 120k. Hell, I could buy that and never have to worry about rent again!!! Right Now I'm paying 180k a year just to lease my building in Vegas.

    I'm not worried about the marketing side of it...that'll be a piece of cake. It's the program side of it that I'm not very knowledgeable of. I myself would never group train, but I'm sure a lot of people would.

    I just need someone to show me how to put together a class. If the franchise fee's are too much....Maybe I'll just take a few classes and copy it...LOL

  4. #4
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Dont get into training for the money, get into it because you have a passion for it and you want to help people! The guys who make big bucks in our business are the ones who do it because they have such a great passion and it shows! there are millions of "wanna be" trainers who have a shitty certification and think they will make a killing and that training is easy money WRONG! business sens will only carry you so far and I see way to many "pop up" boot camps in my area! On the other hand if you want to hire an experienced trainer to run things and you run the business side that is a much better idea! You can hire a head trainer, pay them a small salary with a bonus system based on how many clients come in or just pay them a solid hourly wage ($30 an hour minimum for a good head trainer...If they have alot of experience your looks at $40 plus an hour) Get an good trainer is the key to things running sooth!

    If you want to open one you self I would suggest you really sit down and think about if you have the passion to put in the long hours and keep your self educated! being a good trainer you will always be studying and bettering you self!

    Courses you should look at taking:

    PICP poliquin levels 1 & 2
    Get a strong man certification that has to do with anatomy of strength training
    Certification on how to identify imbalances and weakness in client
    Certification on olympic lifting and proper progression with clients

    These certs will run you about 10 grand and take a couple year but are well worth it!!

    Also pick up some university text books on human nutrition, physiology as it relates to strength training, and biomechanics.

    You do all this and I promise you that you will be way ahead of 99.99% of all trainers our there! and your clients will get results!

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I'm not too worried about location cost. That's the nice thing about Arkansas. It's so damn cheap!!! I found a 10,000 sq ft building for sale in the trendy part of town for 120k. Hell, I could buy that and never have to worry about rent again!!! Right Now I'm paying 180k a year just to lease my building in Vegas.

    I'm not worried about the marketing side of it...that'll be a piece of cake. It's the program side of it that I'm not very knowledgeable of. I myself would never group train, but I'm sure a lot of people would.

    I just need someone to show me how to put together a class. If the franchise fee's are too much....Maybe I'll just take a few classes and copy it...LOL
    if you are just doing a franchise for the program side i would say thats an expensive reason. I would a few different group classes on your own and see what you like and make your own from there. It would be cheaper and your not tied into anyone else
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  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Another thing to take into account is that you will never train clients 8 hours strait....for every hour your clients pays you its really about 3 hours of work because you have to design prescriptions, do a small amount of paperwork, and of course ready and study to keep up to date with the industry so you can get your clients results.

    Only shitty trainers give bargain rates. I put a lot of time and effort into my clients and they get 100% of what they pay for! I have clients who will text me or call me at 11:00 at night for advice lol im open for business 24hrs a day!

  7. #7
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    if you are just doing a franchise for the program side i would say thats an expensive reason. I would a few different group classes on your own and see what you like and make your own from there. It would be cheaper and your not tied into anyone else
    That sounds like a good plan! I'll do that and see how it goes. Worse comes to worse I'll pay spy wizard's brother a consulting fee...wink wink.

  8. #8
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Dont get into training for the money, get into it because you have a passion for it and you want to help people! The guys who make big bucks in our business are the ones who do it because they have such a great passion and it shows! there are millions of "wanna be" trainers who have a shitty certification and think they will make a killing and that training is easy money WRONG! business sens will only carry you so far and I see way to many "pop up" boot camps in my area! On the other hand if you want to hire an experienced trainer to run things and you run the business side that is a much better idea! You can hire a head trainer, pay them a small salary with a bonus system based on how many clients come in or just pay them a solid hourly wage ($30 an hour minimum for a good head trainer...If they have alot of experience your looks at $40 plus an hour) Get an good trainer is the key to things running sooth!

    If you want to open one you self I would suggest you really sit down and think about if you have the passion to put in the long hours and keep your self educated! being a good trainer you will always be studying and bettering you self!

    Courses you should look at taking:

    PICP poliquin levels 1 & 2
    Get a strong man certification that has to do with anatomy of strength training
    Certification on how to identify imbalances and weakness in client
    Certification on olympic lifting and proper progression with clients

    These certs will run you about 10 grand and take a couple year but are well worth it!!

    Also pick up some university text books on human nutrition, physiology as it relates to strength training, and biomechanics.

    You do all this and I promise you that you will be way ahead of 99.99% of all trainers our there! and your clients will get results!
    Thanks. I appreciated your input. I both agree and disagree with some of your statements. You can have all the passion in the world and not be sucessful. On the other hand someone with a good business sense can be successful in just about anything with or without passion. I think too many times people put to much emphasis on passion. Just because you're passionate about something now doesn't mean you're going to in the future. Think about how many people come on the boards and say I used to be really passionate about fitness and then I burned out and got fat. It happens a lot...people can burn you out as well.

    Also, I built a retail furniture business from the ground up. I started with 200.00 and now I'm about to semi-retire at 30yrs old. I've never been interested in selling furniture (actually I hate it), but it seemed lucrative at the time and has served me well since. My customers love me and my business, but that's because I'm out going and knowledgeable about what I do. I didn't go to school for this either. I'm just honest, knowledgable, and have a stellar personality. So, IMO if you're knowledgeable about what you're doing, honest, and people like you...this is 99% of starting a business.

    And...I am passionate about fitness. It's only been a year since I've been back in the game, but I guarantee you my diet and training is just as dedicated as ANY member on this forum! Will I still be passionate in a year or 2 or 3. I hope so, but if not I have my business sense to carry me through. As of now though, I'm already helping friends and family with workout routines and diet and I'm doing this for free. The way I look at is why not start up a business that I enjoy while earning a decent side income. I'm looking to earn about 5k a month. I wouldn't expect this to be too hard.

    I agree with you about not undercharging people. The rates I mentioned above were examples of group training rates. This would give me the ability to help people without charging them an arm and a leg. And quick side note: This entire thing has been about boot camps...I highly doubt I need to take a course in "Powerlifting" to start a bootcamp. I'm looking more toward helping people drop weight, lose bodyfat, and gain LBM.

  9. #9
    Razor is offline Banned
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    You too young to retire old man lol

  10. #10
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Thanks. I appreciated your input. I both agree and disagree with some of your statements. You can have all the passion in the world and not be sucessful. On the other hand someone with a good business sense can be successful in just about anything with or without passion. I think too many times people put to much emphasis on passion. Just because you're passionate about something now doesn't mean you're going to in the future. Think about how many people come on the boards and say I used to be really passionate about fitness and then I burned out and got fat. It happens a lot...people can burn you out as well.

    Also, I built a retail furniture business from the ground up. I started with 200.00 and now I'm about to semi-retire at 30yrs old. I've never been interested in selling furniture (actually I hate it), but it seemed lucrative at the time and has served me well since. My customers love me and my business, but that's because I'm out going and knowledgeable about what I do. I didn't go to school for this either. I'm just honest, knowledgable, and have a stellar personality. So, IMO if you're knowledgeable about what you're doing, honest, and people like you...this is 99% of starting a business.

    And...I am passionate about fitness. It's only been a year since I've been back in the game, but I guarantee you my diet and training is just as dedicated as ANY member on this forum! Will I still be passionate in a year or 2 or 3. I hope so, but if not I have my business sense to carry me through. As of now though, I'm already helping friends and family with workout routines and diet and I'm doing this for free. The way I look at is why not start up a business that I enjoy while earning a decent side income. I'm looking to earn about 5k a month. I wouldn't expect this to be too hard.

    I agree with you about not undercharging people. The rates I mentioned above were examples of group training rates. This would give me the ability to help people without charging them an arm and a leg. And quick side note: This entire thing has been about boot camps...I highly doubt I need to take a course in "Powerlifting" to start a bootcamp. I'm looking more toward helping people drop weight, lose bodyfat, and gain LBM.
    I see...with all due respect and I honest do mean this in the most sincere way! but without sounding to harsh you are wrong and yes you will need to take courses on power lifting because those courses are the same courses that will teach you how to get your clients from point A to point B, you will need to understand the body, and its energy systems,what rest intervals to use, tempo and program designed to correct imbalances, the fact that you made "I highly doubt I need to take a course in "Powerlifting" " is why you do need to take a course on power lifting! these classes teach you the primal movements....a squat is a squat whether your a bodybuildy with a bar on your back or a 46 year old over weight women doing body weight squats....what if the same women has kyphotic posture, has a knee repla***ent, and has a lower back issue? this is were your expertise and learning comes all my time training I have never met a perfect client! they will always have imbalances!

    Please dont take this as me putting you down Im just trying to help you understand the magnitude of trying to run your own studio with little education or back round. business sens and people skills are a major part of any business I agree! in fact its the number one reason why there are so many good trainers out there who make horrible money! because they dont have any business sens or people kills...IMO you would be wise to run the business end of things and hire a head trainer who can run the boot the mean time take the courses you need to take so that you can also train people.

  11. #11
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Remember you want to open a studio...not just a couple boot camps for extra cash on the side but a full blown studio! you will have to have all kinds of variety! Not just general weight loss camps....the real money is in sport specific camps! most weight loss boot camps only last 2-3 months and 95% of the client will not sign back up....most are brides, middle age women ect. athletes are the ones who will sign up over and over if they are getting results!

  12. #12
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    All good points and advice taken! I don't feel like going to school is what I really wanta do. I'm too old for that. LOL So I'll more than likely take your advice and hire a qualified head trainer and front the money for the business while assisting on the side.

    If I were to do some schooling, I would more than likely do something with sports nutrition. I feel like I already have a solid understanding of dieting and I'm learning more every day. Are there any certifications you can get in less than a year to show quality credentials? I've see several online ones that you can get fairly quickly and they're pretty cheap. I don't really care about accreditation because I plan on working for myself and not someone else. However, the quality of information is important.

    I almost feel like I'm better off learning the info on my own and getting a random certification just to say I have it.

  13. #13
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    PICP level 1 and level 2 are amazing courses! If your a smart guy and you prioritize your time then you could get both in a year....most people take longer but it is deff. doable If you study a small amount every day! there 3 parts to each, theory exam which you must get 92%, practical exam also 92%, and 3 day internship. These two courses would put you miles above most trainers! there costly and you might need to travel in order to do the internship depending on were you live? but well worth it! I would also pick up a book on human anatomy and physiology relating to strength training and take your time teaching your self the human body....dont stress you self out just take your time and learn everything in the book! I used a university text book and time slowly going threw it all in detail.

    You can get a super easy cert...there are certs you can get 100% online but they are a joke and wont teach you a thing! Check out poliquins web site and see what you think.

  14. #14
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I am good friends with two guys who are business partners and owners of a studio here in the city that I live. One guy run mostly the business and promo side of things and assist with boot camps, ad the other partner does only training and boot camps...he is the "head trainer" while the other guys is the "manager" but they are 50/50 partners. This is a wise way to run it IMO because they both get to focus on their strong points and its one of the reasons they are so successful!

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I agree, there is nothing that says if you are doing what you love you have to do it for free or not make a profit. The best job is one you love and makes money doing it. Ive never dreamt about being poor.

  16. #16
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    I have been to 2 of these types of Gyms in Birmingham, Alabama. They are used to train/keep in shape the 20th SFG and are mostly run by former/retired SOF/DS guys who know how the "Boot amp" style of training it applied/effective.

    Having said that, If you dont know about BCT style of training, then get some advisors as most of your customers will want to get that Mil style training experience.

    Place here in Kuwait ran by 2 former Marines called "HardCorp". lol these guys put a hurting on their clients and its paying off well.

    Good Luck

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Remember you want to open a studio...not just a couple boot camps for extra cash on the side but a full blown studio! you will have to have all kinds of variety! Not just general weight loss camps....the real money is in sport specific camps! most weight loss boot camps only last 2-3 months and 95% of the client will not sign back up....most are brides, middle age women ect. athletes are the ones who will sign up over and over if they are getting results!
    why are you telling him what kind of business he wants to have. He said he wants a boot camp and you you are telling him to do sport specific personal training.
    I know plenty of places that do group training or boot camp and are very successful. You are decribing a complete different business then he wanted.

    Also maybe if you have a 46 year old overweight woman with bad posture, a knee repla***ent and lower back pain you shouldnt have her squat.

    yes more middle age people sign up for boot camps. And they do come back if they get results and recommend to friends.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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