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Thread: Anyone else feel incredibly alone

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Anyone else feel incredibly alone

    I work 8-5 M-F. Come home, eat, lift in my basement, eat, tv/computer, eat, go to bed. I do the same thing everyday except on weekends where I usually just sit in my room. I take working out pretty seriously so I dont go out or drink. And even if I wanted to I do not have and friends... at all. I do have a girlfriend but she is away at school so I dont see her too much. It sometimes bothers me that I dont have any friends and I dont know why... Just wondering if im the only one because I feel like I am.

  2. #2
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    Well need to get out and find something else to do besides weights. Weights 6 days a week can be done....but its not good for you and your body will eventually stop progressing. Pick up another sport that involves direct competition (basketball, golf, boxing, tennis, etc). You can make some friends at the a pick up game of B Ball or anyone of the above mentioned sports.

    There's a big world out there dude...better grab life while you can. Because when you get older....your options become limited.

  3. #3
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    i would recommend you sell all your basement equipment and join a commercial gym. meet some people with the same interest, who probably are not drinkers anyway. if you're serious about your training, gym buddies will make the best friends

  4. #4
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    3,937 always have the forum!

  5. #5
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    I agree with asaindude. Sell your home gym stuff and get into a proper gym, best thing for you.


  6. #6
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    3x with Asiandude. Good advise.

  7. #7
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    Well people have helped me a lot around here I have the same problems. I have decided to go on a world trip, I am leaving in the summer and heading to Europe to meet new people and see cool stuff and end up in Thailand with DanB in Dec 12 to end the trip, then come home, Re evaluate life and see what happens next with my life

    But some advice that they game me, dont spend your nights home alone, get out and try new things even if they make you uncomfortable and have more self confidence.
    Last edited by Razor; 03-18-2012 at 12:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Once I graduated from college and moved away from campus it became almost impossible to make friends. I don't the bar scene anymore either, so any friendship cannot be solely predicated on going out. Not having friends bothers me about 2% of the time. The other 98% on the time im happy I don't have any obligations to other people.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Well people have helped me a lot around here I have the same problems. I have decided to go on a world trip, I am leaving in the summer and heading to Europe to meet new people and see cool stuff and end up in Thailand with DanB in Dec 12 to end the trip, then come home, Re evaluate life and see what happens next with my life

    But some advice that they game me, dont spend your nights home alone, get out and try new things even if they make you uncomfortable and have more self confidence.

    Good for you, I'm sure you wont regret a minute of it and it will give you some good or at least new perspectives on life.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    Good for you, I'm sure you wont regret a minute of it and it will give you some good or at least new perspectives on life.
    Hey I owe you a thank you cause your the one that pointed me in the right direction, so thank you!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Hey I owe you a thank you cause your the one that pointed me in the right direction, so thank you!
    Just watch out for those ladyboys.

  12. #12
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    Yea I know about them...I'll steer clear of them
    My rule of thumb is if you have to ask...its a he

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Yea I know about them...I'll steer clear of them
    My rule of thumb is if you have to ask...its a he
    Dude, when you go to Europe, make some stops in Varna and Sofia. Some of the hottest broads you'll ever meet are there. Plus there are some wicked parties on the shores of the Black Sea. Just think about the first half of the movie Hostel. It's like that!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    i would recommend you sell all your basement equipment and join a commercial gym. meet some people with the same interest, who probably are not drinkers anyway. if you're serious about your training, gym buddies will make the best friends
    I agree with this statement. Being a homebody will eventually take its toll on your mental health. Humans were built to be socially interactive with one another. GTFO of your house and breathe fresh air bro.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Hey I owe you a thank you cause your the one that pointed me in the right direction, so thank you!

    NP, I know I and several other people suggested it. Nothing like getting first hand experience in life. Like I said before. I have never heard anyone who said they regretted traveling or wished they never had the experiences; Everyone regrets not doing more.

  16. #16
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Well people have helped me a lot around here I have the same problems. I have decided to go on a world trip, I am leaving in the summer and heading to Europe to meet new people and see cool stuff and end up in Thailand with DanB in Dec 12 to end the trip, then come home, Re evaluate life and see what happens next with my life

    But some advice that they game me, dont spend your nights home alone, get out and try new things even if they make you uncomfortable and have more self confidence.

    you will too, start by just chatting up the drive threw teller or coffee server ... next thing you know you find yourself chatting up with people everwhere you are and laughig alot people are way funny when they dont know you or think they will never see you again! lmao

    what a great plan razr ~ ya lucky @#U&^%$#@ lol

  17. #17
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I work 8-5 M-F. Come home, eat, lift in my basement, eat, tv/computer, eat, go to bed. I do the same thing everyday except on weekends where I usually just sit in my room. I take working out pretty seriously so I dont go out or drink. And even if I wanted to I do not have and friends... at all. I do have a girlfriend but she is away at school so I dont see her too much. It sometimes bothers me that I dont have any friends and I dont know why... Just wondering if im the only one because I feel like I am.
    nope your not alone
    i feel like this at times, my sched is school bus work kids appointments home chores repeat/ weekends are all homework and home chores/fianances catchup ...gym is squeezed when time opens. The gf's I did have that fit in with my life values have all but phased out due to d@mn girl cattyness/jealiousy
    so the summer I have no classes and a lot of free plan is joining a mount bike trail rider group and kayakers club or possibly art club, gonna feel out a few things and meet some new peeps, maybe you might wanna do the same kind of thing with hobbies you love?

  18. #18
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    I have thought about joing a gym but the closest gym is like 15-20 minutes from my house and it seems like it would be a lot more inconvenient. Maybe I will go check some out. I do other sports such as motocross but I was considering quiting because it would interfer with working out. And I have made "friends" doing that but I do not see or hear from them all winter so they are really not friends. But I think I will look into the gym thing. Not trying to be a cry baby here but its getting to the point where im almost ok with just sitting in my room all day and I dont want that to be my life.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I have thought about joing a gym but the closest gym is like 15-20 minutes from my house and it seems like it would be a lot more inconvenient. Maybe I will go check some out. I do other sports such as motocross but I was considering quiting because it would interfer with working out. And I have made "friends" doing that but I do not see or hear from them all winter so they are really not friends. But I think I will look into the gym thing. Not trying to be a cry baby here but its getting to the point where im almost ok with just sitting in my room all day and I dont want that to be my life.
    don't quit everything including life for working out. You need to have a life. Your not pro or going pro so your life shouldn't revolve around working out. Missing a work a work out isnt going to effect anything long term.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I have thought about joing a gym but the closest gym is like 15-20 minutes from my house and it seems like it would be a lot more inconvenient. Maybe I will go check some out. I do other sports such as motocross but I was considering quiting because it would interfer with working out. And I have made "friends" doing that but I do not see or hear from them all winter so they are really not friends. But I think I will look into the gym thing. Not trying to be a cry baby here but its getting to the point where im almost ok with just sitting in my room all day and I dont want that to be my life.
    Fk bro I have been where you are. It sucks. You are going to have to ask yourself what you want out of life and go for it. You can try sites like my brother uses them to play board games with people and nerdy stuff like that. I have three friends who I love and love me. My three best friends, I met the first at a bar, the second at AA, and the third in a grocery store.

    One of the biggest issues you will face is how to be a friend to someone. Early in the relationship, you may get a call asking do you want to go to such and such or do such and such. Now because you never do anything, part of your brain will tell you to turn them down, or not show up, or whatever. DON'T DO THIS. Have a can do attitude. Whatever it is they want to do as long as its not expensive or illegal be down for whatever. Have the attitude you are going to hang out with them every chance you get. This is how real friendships get formed versus just being acquaintances.

    Another thing I will tell you, try to make yourself AS ATTRACTIVE AND INTERESTING AS POSSIBLE. Once you start doing this every day what you will notice is not only do YOU like YOURSELF more, but so does EVERYBODY ELSE.

    I will tell you a quick story. Long time ago in college I joined this club with like 20 guys in it. I dont even want to say what club it was it was so stupid. To make a long story short I figured out they didn't like me didn't even want me in this club they just were trying to keep their head count high so when they went on trips they could split the costs across more people. So they didn't like me and they are using me essentially. I had no friends, zero. I had a best friend who cut me out of his life not long before this, would not return my calls or see me because he had made other friends and gotten into drugs.

    I come home and bury my face in my pillow so my girlfriend wont see and I start crying I guess, not bawling and moaning just tears running down my face. I tell my girlfriend at the time "I just feel like an outsider, like im not accepted or wanted around by anyone". I was in college and supposed to be having the time of my life and I wasn't. I weighed 135 -140 lbs and was still very small. My girlfriend is trying to console me at this time and God bless her shes trying to make me feel better lol but she goes "you have to forget about this stuff.. remember that song where he says the kid was never one of the guys and he died of suicide?". So she basically told me not to take all this stuff so seriously or worry about being one of the guys.

    So did I take her advice? No fk no. I kept lifting weights and bettering myself. Now Im 180 lbs and good looking and have friends and a degree and lots of shit going for me. So what has made the difference in my life?

    #1 I didn't want to be an outsider, so I started lifting. Big, muscular men are almost never outsiders if you ever watch a group of people. Its just human nature to respect someone who appears they could go toe to toe with you, and women are more attracted and see them as protector types.

    #2 I learned how to be a friend. To be a friend, always pick up the phone when they call and always be down to go hang out when they want to hang out, at least in the beginning. Also, be a giver.

    #3 Find someone who is more sophisticated than you and have them help you dress yourself. The way you dress yourself is almost as important as lifting weights from an appearance standpoint. You don't need a huge wardrobe, maybe 5 shirts and 2 jeans to start with dress shoes, but they should be expensive items. I currently get my jeans at Buckle and they are about $100 each. I still get a lot of shirts from Express although I have started buying Tees at Buckles. All of the shirts I wear out make me look jacked, which is the goal.

    #4 Learn how to hit on women (or dudes if your into that). Because I grew up buck toothed big glasses and small, I had serious confidence issues. I listened to self help tapes and copied the techniques of pickup artist type guys. I never dipped into the realm of evil with women, I never became a vampire so to speak, but I did get skills where at one point I could walk up to ANY girl and hit on her. Then I started dating this girl and those skills went to shit but thats another story.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Dude, when you go to Europe, make some stops in Varna and Sofia. Some of the hottest broads you'll ever meet are there. Plus there are some wicked parties on the shores of the Black Sea. Just think about the first half of the movie Hostel. It's like that!
    True, i used to live on the black sea shore. Best looking chicks you can find in this world. And it only gets better once you go even more eastern europe in ruski land. In my opinion you cant find hotter chicks anywhere else, no matter what country. Adn they do know how to party big time. A famous bulgarian sea-shore restort is the Golden Sands. Cheap all inclusives, nice hotels, tons of single beauties and the bonus part is they all want to party and have fun, if you know what i mean.

    For the OP, what you need my friend is a woman. Stop wanking your life away, it'll make you go blind !

  22. #22
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    CherryDP- Bro I can totally relate to everything you said man. I know what your saying about being a friend to somebody but that is exactly what I do. I help them out, do favors and all that and never get the same in return.
    Jimmy- I have a girl friend so I dont do too much wanking lol.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    True, i used to live on the black sea shore. Best looking chicks you can find in this world. And it only gets better once you go even more eastern europe in ruski land. In my opinion you cant find hotter chicks anywhere else, no matter what country. Adn they do know how to party big time. A famous bulgarian sea-shore restort is the Golden Sands. Cheap all inclusives, nice hotels, tons of single beauties and the bonus part is they all want to party and have fun, if you know what i mean.

    For the OP, what you need my friend is a woman. Stop wanking your life away, it'll make you go blind !
    Slavic broads are my personal favourite. And the best part is your don't even need game to have a great time there.

  24. #24
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    i just wish people would leave me alone sometimes. i hate getting bs texts. now that im older i enjoy quiet time

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    i just wish people would leave me alone sometimes. i hate getting bs texts. now that im older i enjoy quiet time
    No kidding! I love coming back to my phone with no txts or calls!! Then I dont have to get back to anyone, I do enjoy when girls send me naked pics of themselves though.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Dude, when you go to Europe, make some stops in Varna and Sofia. Some of the hottest broads you'll ever meet are there. Plus there are some wicked parties on the shores of the Black Sea. Just think about the first half of the movie Hostel. It's like that!
    Where is Varna and Sofia?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Where is Varna and Sofia?

    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 03-18-2012 at 10:42 PM.

  28. #28
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    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!IM going there!!!! Im assuming there all sluts who like to fck

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!IM going there!!!! Im assuming there all sluts who like to fck
    Let me put it like this, the average income out there is 350 euros a month. If you can afford to live in SD, you're filthy rich to them. So you shouldn't have any problems finding women.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Let me put it like this, the average income out there is 350 euros a month. If you can afford to live in SD, you're filthy rich to them. So you shouldn't have any problems finding women.
    I might never come come back

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    I might never come come back
    It's probably a lot easier to find gear there too.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    It's probably a lot easier to find gear there too.
    Is it a controlled substance?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Is it a controlled substance?
    I don't know the laws out there, but I do know if you get stopped by a cop, slipping him a $20 will get you off.

    There is a huge black market out there though.

    I feel like a fvcking travel agent.

  34. #34
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    Ok you posted two pics of two different places, which is which?
    Im going for sure in July for at least a month and Ill explore all over

  35. #35
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    The top pic of the shoreline is Varna, the other city is Sofia

    While you're there, you should check out Plovdiv.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Ok you posted two pics of two different places, which is which?
    Im going for sure in July for at least a month and Ill explore all over
    July is a good time to go, it gets cold in the winter there. You should also check out the Czech Republic and Russia.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    July is a good time to go, it gets cold in the winter there. You should also check out the Czech Republic and Russia.
    Im going to see it all..Were do I go there there?
    Last edited by Razor; 03-18-2012 at 11:35 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I work 8-5 M-F. Come home, eat, lift in my basement, eat, tv/computer, eat, go to bed. I do the same thing everyday except on weekends where I usually just sit in my room. I take working out pretty seriously so I dont go out or drink. And even if I wanted to I do not have and friends... at all. I do have a girlfriend but she is away at school so I dont see her too much. It sometimes bothers me that I dont have any friends and I dont know why... Just wondering if im the only one because I feel like I am.
    Man you gotta get out there. Don't be so strict where you can't go drinking at all! At least go out 1 or 2 times per month and have some god damn drink's. It's part of stress management.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Im going to see it all..Were do I go there there?
    Moscow, Plizen (if you like beer go there), Prague, St. Petersburg. You can't go wrong. The best experience you'll have is to just take trains across europe and stay at hostels all over eastern europe. You'll meet a lot of hot women.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Im going to see it all..Were do I go there there?

    Learn how to salsa dance before you go to Russia then you will have some babes.

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