Hopefully this is considered the right place to post if not mod can move it.
So today for no apparent reason my left testicle started hurting. Its usually hangs lower if I can remember but seems to be kinda wanting to tuck up. Its also tender to the touch. It hurts in my abdomin like I got kicked in my balls. This is going on for about 3 hours and the pain is very noticeable.
Now I recently had a relapse of my gyno about a week ago. Small lump right nipple after about a 1 year 3months of getting rid of it with Pramipexole.
Im not sure if there is some sort of connection but I remember when I did a cycle years ago now. My balls tucked in and hurt similier to this, just not as bad. Which some people experience and is fairly normal.
I didn't do anything different to day then i normally do.
Well if it hurts tomorrow Im going to check in with the Dr.
Any thoughts about this.???