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Thread: Back in the doghouse again....

  1. #1
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    Back in the doghouse again....

    So as some of you may have read in my other posts my wifes incredibly hot friend stayed over at my place for the weekend. The hot tub part didn`t happen but that isn`t to say nothing did. Saturday night we had people over and got drunk, I snuck out the twister when people were pretty drunk (a great idea for any party as long as there is a good ratio) Essentially I was playing this game with 3 of my wifes friends for the most part which was interesting. At one point I through the game and went right on top of her friend and it went from playing around to me wanting to kiss her among other things of course I had to snap out of looking into her eyes while I was on top and got off promptly (my wife was there afterall) So next morning my wife,me and her friend get up for breakfast and she is wearing almost nothing. After breakfast she starting doing the dishes in my kitchen and I couldn`t take my eyes off her (I do have a dishwasher that never seems to get used). So throughout the day I guess I must have been looking at her a fair bit which she didn`t seem to mind but this morning I woke up to her(my wife lol) complaining about the way I looked at her etc. She said I don`t look at her that way anymore and all this.What was she thinking bringing this chick in to the house?

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    Seriously she at one point stood in front of my bedroom door for like a full minute dripping wet when she got out of the shower with a towel barely covering her. This all seemed like a setup some how.
    Last edited by redz; 04-10-2012 at 03:52 PM.

  2. #2
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    Will your wife indulge in playing with these ladies? If so, set the stage, because the chick with the towel is obviously ready to go. If NOT, then you're just playing with fire, and at some point your wife is going to burn you. Where does your wife stand on this stuff?

  3. #3
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    dude you have to have some self control or brains. It really seems like you dont care about your wife at all anymore
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    dude you have to have some self control or brains. It really seems like you dont care about your wife at all anymore
    x2 ...i dont know wtf ur thinking redz....
    If your gonna cheat on your wife - just end it, but def , DEF dont be the piece of shit that does it in front of her face, with her friend (whether that wehore is down or not), and in her (and your) home. Christ man - your better than that.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 04-10-2012 at 05:02 PM.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Your wife's friend if f*cked up and a crap friend to your wife. Don't fall for it.

    I see now how much you are struggling. Divorce your wife before you cheat. I am not saying to divorce her now, I am saying either keep it under control, or divorce your wife. Better to hurt her with a divorce than to hurt her twice by cheating and then divorcing.

  6. #6
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    Yeah in our conversation this morning(with my wife) I believe she said something about who will throw in the towel first me or her. I didn`t do anything but the temptation is bigger all the time, things get bad with my wife with the drop of a pin. She gets upset even when I`m not doing anything bad. I will work on cutting down to sub 10% bf and make that my focus to distract me through this mess. I definitely should not be around drunk Colombian girls playing twister.

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Yeah in our conversation this morning(with my wife) I believe she said something about who will throw in the towel first me or her.
    I had that conversation several times with my first wife. I think around the fifth time one of us asked if we should get a divorce, the other said yes. It takes serious work to come back from that point. We didn't make it.

    Funny thing is we stayed friends and sorted out all our crap in the months after we split. We just couldn't do it when we were in the middle of it. Probably should have gone to a professional councilor.

  8. #8
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    Yeah I have been asked if I want a divorce straight up several times now. Not sure if there really is a fix.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Yeah in our conversation this morning(with my wife) I believe she said something about who will throw in the towel first me or her. I didn`t do anything but the temptation is bigger all the time, things get bad with my wife with the drop of a pin. She gets upset even when I`m not doing anything bad. I will work on cutting down to sub 10% bf and make that my focus to distract me through this mess. I definitely should not be around drunk Colombian girls playing twister.
    How would you feel if she was was drooling and eye fvcking your friends in front of you. I wouldnt say you didnt do anything. She has a legit reason to be pissed
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 04-10-2012 at 05:42 PM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
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    Maybe if I wasn`t so sex starved lately I wouldn't be eying up her friend like a juicy steak. But i do see your point, I was wrong but it just seems to be going in circles now.

  11. #11
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    okay sex starved. how often do u get laid...and be honest..cause most the time I hear about us men talking about being sex starved when that is not the case.
    and gixxer is right about- how would you feel if your wife was eyeing some dude all freaking night...

  12. #12
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    Well, sounds like my question was answered, it doesn't look like your wife is quite the sharing type.

    Agree with the others, you need to put a stop to this. It's just going to get worse if you don't get a grip on it.

  13. #13
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    Honestly man I understand that your wife has hot friends but why are you putting your self in a situation were you could cheat? If you know you cant control your self then don't put your self in bad situations its simple. I went to the club with my boys one night and I had a super hot spanish chick (I love spanish girls) come up to me, tell me im hot, and sit on my my gf was not there and non of my friends would have said anything if I went home with her but I took the high road! did I want to bang her? of course I did but I told her I was flattered but she would have to get of my lap because I have a gf and yes in the back of my mind I was thinking "OMG I want this chick so bad" but I knew it was not worth it! I didnt want to throw my relationship away for a one night stand.

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Maybe if I wasn`t so sex starved lately I wouldn't be eying up her friend like a juicy steak. But i do see your point, I was wrong but it just seems to be going in circles now.
    I dont know anyone in the world with a reasoable amount of self esteem that would be motivated to give sex or increase the frequency of sex they are giving to their spouse when said spouse is off fvcking around with strippers and disrespecting the hell out of them by fvcking around with their friend, in front of them, in their own home.
    Call me crazy but maybe you need to look at what YOU do to spur her interest in sex (or maybe not-dunno) - but you damn sure arent helping your cause pulling things like I just mentioned. Especially when we are talking about a woman. Breaking an emotional trust to a woman is the same as doing it physically. They have a huge emotional-physical connection and often they need the emotional aspects to be in order for them to be into the physical aspect.
    Just some thoughts.

  15. #15
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    Bro you got a lot of growing up to do.Wat if she did that to you? Wat would you think then?

  16. #16
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    Canadians sure are stupid. do yourself and her a favor and end it man. then you can play twister with all the girlies you want

  17. #17
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    ill give you props on one thing tho redz you post pics of the girls your talking about lol i like that

  18. #18
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    you were being tested grasshopper...

    you failed.. but not completely..
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  19. #19
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    You are being selfish. Plain and simple. Maybe it's time you start considering your wife's feelings and emotions instead of yours..

  20. #20
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    I have read all your threads about this and came to one easy to see conclusion.

    Your the problem, your take on a relationship is a joke. I feel sorry for your wife and hope she gets smart and gets rid of you.

    I'm not trying to be a hater but you need to be a man and grow up

  21. #21
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    I'm not gunna sit here and jump you for thinking of cheating. A LOT of men AND women think about cheating..... but doing it or even thinking of doing it in the home you own with your wife is not cool lol.

    You and her need to figure shit out.... neither of you are getting any younger and you both deserve to be happy. If either of you thinks it wont work then it needs to be said.


  22. #22
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    Sounds like it went the way I though it would.
    You need to come up with some good lines for the wife. Say yeah she (her friend) looks good or has a nice body but..... find something negative to say, she is superficial, she is the type that will get fat, she seems bitchy or a gold digger. Find something negative to say and follow it up with praising your wife and appreciating she is not like that and you would pick her any day over her friend.

    If you did not notice her or think about it then you would not be a man or at least you should be worried about low T but you have to control those urges especially since you are married and more important to NEVER admit it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Sounds like it went the way I though it would.
    You need to come up with some good lines for the wife. Say yeah she (her friend) looks good or has a nice body but..... find something negative to say, she is superficial, she is the type that will get fat, she seems bitchy or a gold digger. Find something negative to say and follow it up with praising your wife and appreciating she is not like that and you would pick her any day over her friend.

    If you did not notice her or think about it then you would not be a man or at least you should be worried about low T but you have to control those urges especially since you are married and more important to NEVER admit it.
    Out of the 22 posts here this is the most constructive, No I am not kissing your ass lol.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Out of the 22 posts here this is the most constructive, No I am not kissing your ass lol.

    LOL, I have been here to long and read to many of your post/comments to every think you would do that with anyone let alone me....

    Anyone else who thinks that obviously has not been around long or read any of your post.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-11-2012 at 04:57 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    you were being tested grasshopper...

    you failed.. but not completely..
    Exactly what I was thinkin..

    Either it had to be a set up to test you or your wife's friend is one deceitful bitch.

  26. #26
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    You're married, don't play twister with hot chicks or any other kind of chicks.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    You're married, don't play twister with hot chicks or any other kind of chicks.
    so he should play twister with guys? Where's the gay stripper?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  28. #28
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    find urself a nice rub n tug...

    grab a massage with extra relief....keeps the urge down and its not cheating, its a massage...
    i love south florida..

  29. #29
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    No twister with dudes! I know this whole thing got really messed up i even added her friend on facebook which probably wasn`t the best idea but I convinced her it was harmless. Then she asked me if I wanted to trade her for friend(as if that scenario is even possible in theory) so of course I said no I don`t want that.
    Last night she came up with this idea that we each write down all the things we want in our relationship, all the things we wanted to change about each other and all the things we love about each other. So we did that and there was more good than expected with of course lots of the bad things coming out. Over all it didn`t seem as bad as I originally thought and we aggreeed to start with a clean slate. We'll see how things go but ultimately I know I have to put effort in to this for it to work.

  30. #30
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    come off the exo hormones

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    find urself a nice rub n tug...

    grab a massage with extra relief....keeps the urge down and its not cheating, its a massage...
    i love south florida..

    Florida? You should try Philippines, this is really just part of a standard massage and cost you $10 including tip, hot tea before and after and your choice of dry sauna or steam room. At least that's what I'm told....

    Dont skip my post #22, you might find it helpful if you play it right and a lot less work than starting over.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-11-2012 at 09:00 AM.

  32. #32
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    Op- sounds like you got a good woman. Treat her right about she will be the best woman you can imagine.

  33. #33
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    Op- sounds like you got a good woman. Treat her right about she will be the best woman you can imagine.
    You are right, temptation can be a bitch especially when things get rocky but I`ll just have to keep myself away from those things.

    ill give you props on one thing tho redz you post pics of the girls your talking about lol i like that
    I figured it would help explaing the overwhelming urges though I now know I have to control myself better. Probably the last clean slate I`m going to get at this point.

    come off the exo hormones
    PCT sucks lol, not sure this is the right time for it. I will drop the Tren and Mast and go to just Test/winny HGH for a while.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so he should play twister with guys? Where's the gay stripper?

    I knew I should've made that a little more clear Don't play twister!

  35. #35
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    Yeah I have no intention of playing twister with a bunch of dudes. So far I haven`t got in to a bind since but I find myself thinking I`m going to get in trouble all the time now even last night when I was at my moms place watching hockey. We had some great sex right after doing the lists, but then nothing the last 2 nights. Hopefully tonight works out better.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Yeah I have no intention of playing twister with a bunch of dudes. So far I haven`t got in to a bind since but I find myself thinking I`m going to get in trouble all the time now even last night when I was at my moms place watching hockey. We had some great sex right after doing the lists, but then nothing the last 2 nights. Hopefully tonight works out better.
    bro its not going to get better overnight. By expecting sex every day you are expecting to much and setting it up to fail. You may never get laid 7 days a week. That is life. But you have upset her alot lately expecting her to bang you every day is alot. What have you done for her every day?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  37. #37
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    What have you done for her every day?
    I know that's true I messed up yesterday in the sense I had a chance to do something nice for her but i was out with my mom all day. She got a temporary job and I was off I should have made her dinner but i wasn`t home. I guess it's good i atleast noticed I should have done something but none the less I still missed the opportunity.

  38. #38
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    Well if something like that happened to me and the other chick were hot, my fiance would be all over her before i could even think of some 3-some action, but that's just my girl. On the other hand, if my girl wouldnt want to sex the other one, i would actually loose interest very quick in the other girl. It happened before, nothing to do with looks i guess it just turns me on that my girl wants another girl. I have no frustrations, i would always pick my girl before any other chick. Not because its the right thing to do, but she's always smoking hot in my eyes, good in bed, comfy, very tight connection, i know what makes her tick and go boom and so on. Nonetheless, when its on its definately on, no jealousy or such from my girl in 3somes. She actually encourages me to make sure the other one has a good time. Probably because she knows i'll always take care of her too.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so he should play twister with guys? Where's the gay stripper?
    LMAO......forgot what I was going to say! I agree that you are playing with fire and even if you and wife are having p problems, get a divorce or work s++t out.Its gross enough that there's a lot of women that like to f+++k cause it's a challenge, but her friend needs a serious as+ kicking ! Good luck

  40. #40
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    If you have to work this hard just to keep the relationship going is it really worth it?

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