So as some of you may have read in my other posts my wifes incredibly hot friend stayed over at my place for the weekend. The hot tub part didn`t happen but that isn`t to say nothing did. Saturday night we had people over and got drunk, I snuck out the twister when people were pretty drunk (a great idea for any party as long as there is a good ratio) Essentially I was playing this game with 3 of my wifes friends for the most part which was interesting. At one point I through the game and went right on top of her friend and it went from playing around to me wanting to kiss her among other things of course I had to snap out of looking into her eyes while I was on top and got off promptly (my wife was there afterall) So next morning my wife,me and her friend get up for breakfast and she is wearing almost nothing. After breakfast she starting doing the dishes in my kitchen and I couldn`t take my eyes off her (I do have a dishwasher that never seems to get used). So throughout the day I guess I must have been looking at her a fair bit which she didn`t seem to mind but this morning I woke up to her(my wife lol) complaining about the way I looked at her etc. She said I don`t look at her that way anymore and all this.What was she thinking bringing this chick in to the house?
Seriously she at one point stood in front of my bedroom door for like a full minute dripping wet when she got out of the shower with a towel barely covering her. This all seemed like a setup some how.