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04-13-2003, 11:28 PM #1
pain sucks--- the problem with being clean
how the hell do football players and wwe stars do it. i have been off for 5 weeks and my back and joints hurt so bad dont even feel like moving.
the problem with getting older is you feel it alot more,when i am on gear i feel so much better but as soon as i come off within a few weeks i feel like my body is falling apart.
all the weights and jiu jitsu dont help either--but i love them to much to stop
how many others feel that way when you come off your cycle.....i want to get back on already--not because of getting smaller or weaker --but because so much pain
even when i lift i can hear all kinds of sounds that should not be coming from my joints
it sucks getting old and being clean
04-14-2003, 05:22 AM #2
I think a lot of them actually stay on all year long. Not to good for the health but it is very addictive and if you are in that line of work you sort of have to I guess. I think if you never used AS then you would be good because you wouldn't know what it felt like to be on, but once you have done it and learn what Deca does for joints it must be hard to come off. My .02
04-14-2003, 06:17 AM #3
while on cycle i am never sore, joints feel great, and i fight through my tendinitis. however after one week of clomid i feel weak and definitely start feeling DOMS in larger muscle groups.
hell, that first bicep workout after one week of clomid last post-cycle was excruciating not only since i had to use lighter dumbells for hammer curls, but also my tendinitis flared.
i welcome the pain while on cycle since i know im pushing myself to my upper limits, however that first month or so after finishing is always the worst
if you are feeling great amounts of pain my recommendation would be to take off an entire week from lifting and only do 4 or 5 days of cardio while maintaining your normal diet.
i have had excellent results from doing this, however i wouldn't recommend doing it in those crucial first few weeks post-cycle. also, i don't do it more than once every 5 or 6 months since that seems to be the time i generally can't stand it any longer.
when you return to hitting the weights again you will feel like a completely different person; i know i do.
04-14-2003, 06:39 AM #4
AAAHHHHH!!! Yes DECA more DECA! IT is so good on my joints. I too also love how I feel on Juice. Right now I am on 400mg of Deca after being off for a year. I can feel the POWER returning and surging through my viens.......
. Winstrol is actually rough on my joints. I dont use Winny till the end of my cycle.
04-14-2003, 01:11 PM #5
Hey Tapout...I feel the same ways I cycle to gain size but pain relief is another big part of it. So don't feel like you're alone on this one bro.
04-14-2003, 06:20 PM #6
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Good to see you around again.
Yes getting older does suck and I think most of us go through the same senerio.
These are a few things I find work for me.
Try some liniment before and after workouts and ice your joints down as well after workouts. You may even want to try some glucosamine.
Also I know you're and advocate of reducing intensity and volume when comming off cycle do you still do that?
Oh yeah last but not least get yourself a pair of elbow sleeves if you have any elbow pain. These things are great I haven't had any elbow problems since I started using them.
Stay Strong,
04-15-2003, 11:34 PM #7
thanks daem and big texan
thanks xxxl83 --its good to be around again i am going to make it a point to get on here more often
and yes you are right(thanks for remembering) i am big into rest(like daems advice). high intensity,heavy weights while on cycle and then dropping volume and intensity when off. yes i still do that it just seems the older i get my coming off intensity drops even more.
i have dropped from 250 area to 237 and planning on going to 228-230 area thats big enough for 5'10".i think it will help my pain to reduce and to get me more flexable for jiu jitsu.
i have been doing more reps like 5 rep ranges for heavy work sets and 8 rep ranges for moderate work sets.i am not doing more than 3 days per week and no more than 10 total sets(counting warm ups) per big body part and 4 total sets for small body parts once per week.
i probably should start wearing the sleeves again and ice ---just got out of habit of it while on cause did not have the aches and clicking sounds.
thanks bros
04-16-2003, 10:51 PM #8
football players cant b on all year long, they get drug tested all the time, and its random
04-16-2003, 11:47 PM #9
thats true footballcat i know they are tested i was just wondering how they can take all the beating and pounding on the joints and not be on--
them and wwe wrestlers(even though fake) take serious poundings
04-17-2003, 04:57 AM #10
I really have no clue, thats what makes it so hard to become a football player. We just started school up, and its taking a toll on some cats, but others are just never sore. I think its how good of shape your in.
04-17-2003, 08:03 AM #11
WWE...those guya are damn near always ball players 9 times out of 10 are either on or just stick to gear during the off season. Hell when I played, the coaches gave us notice when we would be tested. As for pro's all if not most are on. They're just smart about what to take. Hell I've personally talked to a few that said Prop/ growth combos or Suspension/growth combos are the most frequently used during season. But I have little respect for most pro players today, they've become just a bunch of over paid, under worked cry babies compared to a decade or so ago.
04-17-2003, 10:16 AM #12
i hear ya bro i feel ur pain !thi blows ive been off for liek a tottal 6 weeks and waiting another 3 weeks and jumpin on again i cant stand it !!!!no stamina ,strenghth,pumps ,and it like the mind muscle connectoion work only when it wants to
04-17-2003, 10:44 PM #13
i hear ya big N
i will be on soon too!!!
big tex things are not like they used to be,thats for sure---remember Ronnie Lott having part of a finger amputated so he could play in a play off game--thats dedication. Walter Payton always playing no matter how much of a beating he took. defenses were positioned to stop him because he had no other team and still ran up their asses---imange if he had Emmitt Smiths championships teams back then---wow
there are a few tough ones now a days---Emmitt,Charles Woodson--broke leg and played with plate in it..and some more---but i still think for the money all sports players get football players are the least compensated.
what i mean is the average career of a football player is a lot shorter than a baseball or basketball player and the beatings they take
of course they can always go to the wwe after football
04-19-2003, 10:03 AM #14
I know what you mean. I have been off for a year now and I am always hurting. It sucks bad, but I can't give u p the intensity. Oh well, only 3 more months before we get huge!!!
05-22-2003, 11:52 PM #15
update on the pains
i dropped to 225 from 250---wanted to lean and make 215 for submission tournament on may 31 and i feel flippin great
been off 10 weeks and little pains since dropping weight
05-24-2003, 05:06 AM #16
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Tapout if your planning on stay drug free it takes awhile to get used to some new experience. I'm off 7 months now and don't intend EVER doing steroids again. I had all the same pains you've experienced, plus some more. but luckily the strenght gained from many years heavy hardcore lifting has stood my in goos stead and I haven't been dropping awhole lot of weight, while still maintaining probably 80-90% of my strenght. Some of my lifting have dropped, my biggest is on my shoulders and squats. I'm still hitting easy 150kgs benches etc..Probably like yourself I thought I couldn't proform without my gear. I'd more or less stayed 'on' for the best part of 3 years, and the only thing I really miss is the huge pumps you get while on. But they've got their draw backs too. Like you I fight, and I've been finding my flexibilty has improved hugely, plus I'm not tiring as easy because I'm not pumping during fights!. I used to find I was getting the same pumps in my shoulders, arms and calves during a fight as I was getting during a lifting session and it was killing me, literally! So anyway if you decide to stay clean, best of luck. Its easier than you think, and you'll be amazed at the changes in your personality after a few months!. its only the past few months that friends have started to tell me what kind of an aggressive asshole I was while I was using. All my relationships with friends and family have also improved.
Finally before finishing, I don't want anyone thinking I'm anti steroids now. I still love 'em to bitsand wouldn't have made the strenght and muscle gains I've made over the years without them. But there comes a day when all good things come to an end, and I quit while I was at top.
Regards, and fight hard.
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Zebol 50 - deca?