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Thread: any of you guys take anti-anxiety medications?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    any of you guys take anti-anxiety medications?

    been dealing with a death in the family (my brother who was killed by a piece of sh*t drunk driver and grand father in the same week) and other personal matters and my anxiety has been out of control lately, having trouble sleeping, having anxiety attacks all the time, been to the er twice because of this in the last 2 months..

    so i was just wondering if any of you guys on this forum take anxiety meds ?

    and if so, what are they? and do they make a difference ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Shit bro, that's a bad week. I wish you and your familly the best.

    What drugs have you tried? Have you seen a doctor or anyone related that may be able to help with these attacks?

    I used to get a little anxiety from steroids, mainly Test and Eq. I dealt with it, but I know its not that easy for some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Those are all normal feelings. Don't get caught up in the pill solution. Let the feelings happens and learn to work through it it's 100 percent better.

    If you start taking anti depressants now you may never get out of the cycle.

    I understand that it's hard but it's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't be human or caring.

    Talk to parents talk to friends talk to a therapist if you need to.

    Sorry to hear about your losses.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    once you go on benzos they are very difficult to get off, they can seriously fvck up your life in the long run

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Those are all normal feelings. Don't get caught up in the pill solution. Let the feelings happens and learn to work through it it's 100 percent better.

    If you start taking anti depressants now you may never get out of the cycle.

    I understand that it's hard but it's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't be human or caring.

    Talk to parents talk to friends talk to a therapist if you need to.

    Sorry to hear about your losses.
    I agree. Medication will only postpone the brains ability to process what has happened. You are doing the right thing by reaching out in all available forums.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I took Valium after a relationship break up I started to get addicred to the shit. I don't suggest using meds unless you NEED to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    On vacation
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Those are all normal feelings. Don't get caught up in the pill solution. Let the feelings happens and learn to work through it it's 100 percent better.

    If you start taking anti depressants now you may never get out of the cycle.

    I understand that it's hard but it's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't be human or caring.

    Talk to parents talk to friends talk to a therapist if you need to.

    Sorry to hear about your losses.
    Wise words spoken from the hospital bed!
    Anti depressants/anxiety meds. only mask.
    Be emotional, be human.
    99% of people on meds should never be on them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    damn man, sorry for your losses. what lovbyts says is usually how i deal with it, get around your friends, they should know how to make ya feel better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Those are all normal feelings. Don't get caught up in the pill solution. Let the feelings happens and learn to work through it it's 100 percent better.

    If you start taking anti depressants now you may never get out of the cycle.

    I understand that it's hard but it's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't be human or caring.

    Talk to parents talk to friends talk to a therapist if you need to.

    Sorry to hear about your losses.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Wise words spoken from the hospital bed!
    Anti depressants/anxiety meds. only mask.
    Be emotional, be human.
    99% of people on meds should never be on them.

    At the advice of the exwife I went to a shrink for depression and as alway he fllled me with pills. It wasn't until I ran out of prescriptions (changed jobs lost insurance, moved across country) that I had to deal with my "depression". I found exercise and divorce and never felt better. Sorry for you loss man but no need for drugs. Feel the pain and grow from it. Best of luck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    My best advice is find people you can talk to about even if its here. I'm really sorry about your brother and grandfather that sucks. I had a girlfriend overdose on me and it was the worst thing so far in my life. I dealt with a lot of feelings of guilt as it was after a fight we had. I definitely needed psychiatric help and maybe even meds.. hard to say. That is probably the closest Ive ever come to having my mind break. I'm surprised I didn't have a nervous breakdown. As I look back on everything, I have to say, alcohol and drugs even legal ones they ruin lives.

    You need to work through your issues and think about all the great reasons you have to be alive and living life. Every night before bed I pray to my higher power that I call God and I thank him for everything whether its my gfs hot poon or a cheeseburger I had at lunch.

    You asked about meds so I will tell you some secondhand information as I have never been prescribed anything. My dad sometimes has to give speeches for hundreds of people. He takes percoset which he calls "the president's pill" because it calms the nerves and has widely been used by presidents. If you watch Bigger Stronger Faster they talk about beta blockers. The orchestra people who seem nerdy take them so they can chill out and play their instruments in front of audiences. The one dude even says "Im on so many beta blockers even california traffic doesn't bother me". I don't know how I feel about that sounds like it shuts you down like a zombie. But whatever.

    Finally dude I want to tell you, this stuff takes time. It took me several years to get to an OK place. My dad, his father (my grandfather) committed suicide when my dad was a kid. This is what my dad said about it: "I just don't think God can be everywhere at one time. The universe is too vast and complex for him to intervene at every moment." I used to think hell this is bs he's God, but if you think about how big just our planet is nevermind the universe, theres a lot of bad shit happening at every moment that even superman couldn't stop. So maybe the rules God is playing under don't allow him to step in every time, because I will tell you bro he loves you and he wants you to be happy. Don't ever lose sight of that - he loves you and wants you to be happy. Thats just what I believe.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    In my house
    Go for a run, get some pvssy, punch a heavy bag, kick the neighbors dog, get some pvssy, you're human bro maybe you just need to be emotional in your own way there's nothing wrong with that, it's normal, maybe you need to cry, maybe you need to pray, maybe you need to scream at the top of your lungs.....don't turn to meds when what you need is the freedom to be human.....did I mention get some pvssy?

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