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Thread: Has Anyone Ever Looked Up In The Sky And Wondered WTF Are We Breathing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place

    Has Anyone Ever Looked Up In The Sky And Wondered WTF Are We Breathing?

    Ok so I was down at the farm in southern missouri a few weeks ago. It was a bright sun shiny day at 80 degrees outside and I was just walking around taking it all in and happened to look up in the clear sky only to see a ton of Jet Airline Con Trails. For those that don't know what that is. It is the spent fuel left behind the jet leaving a white trail across the skies. Well there were so many that day it got me to wondering WTF are we breathing. I mean here I am way out of the city, down in Gods Country where the air is fresh and clean of city pollutants and I saw a article on the evening news about the jet industry doubling flights in 20 years. And there are already approx 7000 flights a day in the US alone. So all these jets are burning tons and tons of aviation fuel which is highly toxic and it all is expelled way above our heads all day and night. So it all got me to wondering what if anything does it do to us as humans. Well with a little research here is what I found...Were All Fvcked! Sorry just bend over now and kiss your Azz good bye. People wonder where all these new strange diseases of man are coming from well one source is this jet fuel being dumped up there in the jetstream on a constant basis. Whats in it you may ask. What is true and what is not you be the judge. But it's an interesting article as I for one have always wondered what the heck was in those trails left by the jets and if they were dangerous to our health. I've never heard any reports about this on any national TV. Granted this article could be just a sensationalist report but a lot of it makes sense. And it gives you pause the next time you look to the skies and see those jet trails above. Sad thing is even if this is all true there is nothing you or I can do about it but sound off on here. Isn't it ironic though that our top scientists are constantly discovering life saving/extending medicines and on the flip side we are constantly polluting ourselves to death. I think the American Indians of days gone by were on the right track about respecting nature and the environment. But Custer had another idea in mind for them. But then they had something in mind for Custer as

    LIFE IN THE TIME OF CHEMTRAILS 1997-2012: YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, VIRALLY MUTATED MOLDS, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIO-ACTIVE MATERIAL: "We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes." "Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria" <="" a=""> Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out. The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including sedatives in chemtrail fallout. Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Dr Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers. Additionally Drs. Staninger and Karjoom and researcher Jan Smith have reported findings of self-replicating nano-machines and rivers of silicon running wild through the bodies of the Morgellons infected. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers & abnormal blood cells that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers & blood cells found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new world of toxic skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP. Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a bizarre and frightening new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a previously unknown agent that appears to be a synthesis of a bio lab created pathogen combined with self-replicating nano-technology. Over 60,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons. I am one of the infected. My health and the health of my family has already been drastically affected. There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. Realized or not people are already dying from chemtrail related illnesses. People are dying from Morgellons Disease. During this time of chemtrails a shocking drop in general life expectancy in the U.S. has occurred. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones. We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Some of you reading this may be in a position of influence and power to take significant action to bring chemtrails to a halt. Everyone can do something to help. Whatever your position or realm of influence please do whatever you can to bring an end to the aerosol spray program popularly known as Chemtrails. ADDED 7/13/2009 FUND RAISING FOR A CURE At this point just stopping the chemtrails will not be nearly enough. It is becoming increasingly apparent to researchers that virtually the entire population has most likely been infected by chemtrail pathogens that cause Morgellons Disease. The government to date has basically done nothing to fund research to find a cure for the Morgellons problem. Scientist, Clifford Carnicom has proven himself to be a dedicated and formidable researcher into Chemtrails/Morgellons for over a decade. Working on his own without funding he has managed to make many important discoveries about the nature of Morgellons disease and about the effects of chemtrails on the environment and the population.

    The complete article is

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    ^ Awesome

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    its called chem trails and they have been poisoning us for years...nothing new to report

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    And the world life expectancy is the highest that it's ever been in human history.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark5
    And the world life expectancy is the highest that it's ever been in human history.
    Haha I would normally write this off as a non respond too but since I'm a bit stoned I see the cynical humor in this haha

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Haha I would normally write this off as a non respond too but since I'm a bit stoned I see the cynical humor in this haha
    Haha, glad you enjoyed it

  8. #8
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    i remember reading somewhere that during the few days immediately after 9-11, when all flights were banned for a few days, the air temperature actually went up a couple degrees! the smoke/smog actually helped to shield against radiation from the sun.

  9. #9
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    No spent fuel coming out of a burning jet engine.
    Trails are from hot jet engine exhaust meeting freezing cold surrounding air, creating water vapor, hence leaving a trail. Condensation.
    As harmful as cold beer condensating on the beach on a hot Florida summer day.
    Phew....we will be ok.

  10. #10
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    Back from Afghanistan

    I haven't taken a breathed in years!!

    (I've been holding my breath)

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    i think you have to much time on your hands

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    i think you have to much time on your hands
    You might be

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    No spent fuel coming out of a burning jet engine.
    Trails are from hot jet engine exhaust meeting freezing cold surrounding air, creating water vapor, hence leaving a trail. Condensation.
    As harmful as cold beer condensating on the beach on a hot Florida summer day.
    Phew....we will be ok.
    I've heard it was condensation also but their has to be some sort of exhaust emission coming out of the engine. I would bet its not nearly as harmful to us as the millions of cars passing right in front of us on a daily basis tho.

  14. #14
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    Jet A fuel smells amazing, better than C16.

  15. #15
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    i think a while back there were experiments being done like that to try to control weather patterns using different chemical agents and dispersing them into the air in different patterns. i want to say it was the chinese but can't remember

  16. #16
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    "No spent fuel coming out of a burning jet engine.
    Trails are from hot jet engine exhaust meeting freezing cold surrounding air, creating water vapor, hence leaving a trail. Condensation.
    As harmful as cold beer condensating on the beach on a hot Florida summer day.
    Phew....we will be ok. "

    If this was true, then the chemtrails would not hang out all day and spread throughout the whole sky.
    Why do some planes cause this ands others do not? Its not emmissions. This is heavy metals being sprayed in the atmosphere, and they most certainly fall to the ground.

  17. #17
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    Yes. They do this as a weather control also. It is called cloud seeding. The Chinese did do it during the olympics to clean up the air in Bejing.

    I live in Vegas, wake up before sunrise and go for a run with the dog every morning. It will be a beautiful blue sky, then around 8 am the chemtrails start getting sprayed. By noon sometimes it is overcast . Today no chemtrails clear sky but 2-3 times a week this happens.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    "No spent fuel coming out of a burning jet engine.
    Trails are from hot jet engine exhaust meeting freezing cold surrounding air, creating water vapor, hence leaving a trail. Condensation.
    As harmful as cold beer condensating on the beach on a hot Florida summer day.
    Phew....we will be ok. "

    If this was true, then the chemtrails would not hang out all day and spread throughout the whole sky.
    Why do some planes cause this ands others do not? Its not emmissions. This is heavy metals being sprayed in the atmosphere, and they most certainly fall to the ground.
    I believe all jet and turbo prop planes have this capability but i'm not sure. I'll talk to a few of the pilots tonight at work and post what i learn tomorrow.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I've heard it was condensation also but their has to be some sort of exhaust emission coming out of the engine. I would bet its not nearly as harmful to us as the millions of cars passing right in front of us on a daily basis tho.
    Absoulutely. Jet engines exhaust harmful gases just like a combustion engine, but they are invisible, just like a combustion engine.
    The OP was referring to the trails. The trails are purely caused by water vapor.
    And no, the gases from airplanes are much more damaging than cars, due to the gases being released much closer to the ozone layer.
    Airplanes are the second most damaging to the ozone layer after cattle.

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    If this was true, then the chemtrails would not hang out all day and spread throughout the whole sky.
    Why do some planes cause this ands others do not? Its not emmissions. This is heavy metals being sprayed in the atmosphere, and they most certainly fall to the ground.
    Flight levels (roads in the sky) start at 18,000 feet, going to 45,000 feet. Most airliners fly in the 30s. Temperature and humidity will vary greatly at different altitudes, as well as over land masses, and large bodies of water. With seasons this vary as well.
    Thats why some days you will see a lot of trails, some days not.
    Some days you will see 2 airplanes in the sky, one leaving a trail, one not. That is not because one is an old B-707 burning oil. It´s because 1 airplane is flying at Flightlevel 370, and the other at 290, you just can´t tell.
    Sometimes you will see an airplane suddenly start leaving a trail. Not because the pilot thinks he is in an airshow and want to leave a smoke trail, but most likely the airplane is in a climb, and just entered cold enough air to leave a condensation trail.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Time to Kill you Flier! !!! You have been trying to kill us for years!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier
    Thats why some days you will see a lot of trails, some days not.
    Some days you will see 2 airplanes in the sky, one leaving a trail, one not. That is not because one is an old B-707 burning oil. It´s because 1 airplane is flying at Flightlevel 370, and the other at 290, you just can´t tell.
    That cracked me up. I imagine something out of the road warrior. LOL.

    It's unfair plane is going to smoke when it's up in the air at 20 to 30,000 feet it's going to smoke what is sitting on the ground at taxi also. How would you feel about board an airplane and sayings smoke coming out of the engines like an old car. Hahaha.

    Since airplanes are only second to cattle I say we have to get rid of all the cows first.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-20-2012 at 06:21 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That cracked me up. I imagine something out of the road warrior. LOL.

    It's unfair plane is going to smoke when it's up in the air at 20 to 30,000 feet it's going to smoke what is sitting on the ground at taxi also. How would you feel about board an airplane and sayings smoke coming out of the engines like an old car. Hahaha.

    Since airplanes are only second to cattle I say we have to get rid of all the cows first.
    So the only thing worse to our air quality would be a flying cow or a cow flying an airplane...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Absoulutely. Jet engines exhaust harmful gases just like a combustion engine, but they are invisible, just like a combustion engine.
    The OP was referring to the trails. The trails are purely caused by water vapor.
    And no, the gases from airplanes are much more damaging than cars, due to the gases being released much closer to the ozone layer.
    Airplanes are the second most damaging to the ozone layer after cattle.

    Flight levels (roads in the sky) start at 18,000 feet, going to 45,000 feet. Most airliners fly in the 30s. Temperature and humidity will vary greatly at different altitudes, as well as over land masses, and large bodies of water. With seasons this vary as well.
    Thats why some days you will see a lot of trails, some days not.
    Some days you will see 2 airplanes in the sky, one leaving a trail, one not. That is not because one is an old B-707 burning oil. It´s because 1 airplane is flying at Flightlevel 370, and the other at 290, you just can´t tell.
    Sometimes you will see an airplane suddenly start leaving a trail. Not because the pilot thinks he is in an airshow and want to leave a smoke trail, but most likely the airplane is in a climb, and just entered cold enough air to leave a condensation trail.
    I was referring to the direct effects to our health not the ozone. I could still be wrong on that aspect too but living in a city and breathing exhaust fumes all day can't be good.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    So the only thing worse to our air quality would be a flying cow or a cow flying an airplane...

    So if someone is complaining about Airline pollution while sinking his teeth into a juicy steak, he´s not being a true treehugger.

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I was referring to the direct effects to our health not the ozone. I could still be wrong on that aspect too but living in a city and breathing exhaust fumes all day can't be good.
    The fumes from an airplane at Flightlevel will never reach the ground and directly harm us, you are right.
    Breathing all the lead from car emission can´t be good as you say. Lead is very heavy, so I will imagine living, working on the 10´th floor makes a hell of a lot difference than a lifetime of living/working on ground floor, like a streetlevel store.
    But I´ve never seen a study where country folks live longer and healthier than city folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Time to Kill you Flier! !!! You have been trying to kill us for years!
    If I tried to kill you, you would be dead by now.
    It´s on now. I am quick, efficient and precise. You may catch a glimpse of me in the corner of your eye before it´s all over.
    Go out and fvck as much as you can. This is not a time to worry about appearance or BF.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier
    So if someone is complaining about Airline pollution while sinking his teeth into a juicy steak, he´s not being a true treehugger.
    You never know that be may have been flown in from another state or country So it could have been worse.

  26. #26
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