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So I'm at the gym, usually 10min warm up with headphones on...then I'm ready, but always have an alternate plan in case there is some putz or yahoo working in the area or with the equipment I need. Today was back and bicepts..I always stretch before hand post warm up. So I'm doing pull ups(on the assit machine/with no resistance) because its right next to the back extention thingy, I rotate/no stop, 5 sets....It's obvious I'm working that machine , after 1 set of each I go to jump on and do another set of pull ups and there is a girl that works there(snob) with like an 8yr old and a 12 yr old? and they r all over the machine like a jungle gym...just talking away, not even doing anything? Is it necessary for me to say excuse me can I get a set in ever friggin time? k so I move to the squat rack, throw a 45lb bench bar on the top and do my pull ups there, look over and there is some putz just in the back extension thing sitting there? Fine I can incorporate another exercise in its place.so i finish and start dead lifts and bicept curls ( alternating) music is up and I'm rotating back and forth, but monitoring my heart rate. So there are ppl loitering around the mirrors and I glance over and they r kinda staring at me, by now I'm breathing heavy, heart rate about 140( just from lifting) sweating...getting into my groove...so I turn my triangle dead lift bar toward the wall so I can concentrate and turn the music up....finally done, I finish with 20 min jogging on the tread mill...same ppl lotering around the back staring in the mirrors..I'm done and out....see ya