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Thread: short cut diet before my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    short cut diet before my cycle

    Ok so I finally took some time and I think I figured this out. This is what I'm going to try to stock to for at least two weeks before my cycle to drop bf. Cardio at 3 days a week at least and 4-5 days working out.
    Carbs. Protein. Fat
    Grams per day. 220. 220. 48
    Grams pereal. 73. 73. 16
    Calories per day. 880. 880. 440
    Calories per meal. 293. 293. 146

    This is around 2200 cal a day at 3 meals a day for know. When I start my cycle it will be a bulking cycle and I will rework to put me in the positive. If anybody has comment or food suggestions to help with this I'd appreciate the feed back. From the equation I used I figure my daily caloric expenditure is around 3015 without cardio or gym please do not critique this as there are 130 some different equations by 40 different publisher on this so it's not worth arguing over a few caps here and there. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    This will be the goal macros for bulk

    Carbs. Protein. Fat

    Grams per day 350. 350. 77
    Grams per meal 58. 58. 13
    Cals per day. 1400. 1400. 700
    Caps per meal. 233. 233. 117
    This would be 6 meals and again any ideas on food to add in would help a ton so thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    My stats are 200# around 20% bf seval years of lifting 28 years old. Cycle I going to be 40 mgs dbol 250 mgs test cyp every3.5 days for500 mgs a week and going to add some creatine in the mix for reasons we can discuss in another thread I started. It is should you use steroids and creatine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Marcus has a great thread on "Priming Before Cycle"..
    Might give it a read

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanks jasc that was a good thread and will probably try on my next cycle. I'm getting a good handle on my diet now and I am expecting nothing less then huge results from my first cycle anyways so I'll be happy with a decent bf and a solid diet and gym routine for now and thanks.

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