. Sounds like the same advise and comments from the previous threads you wrote about all of this stuff. I thought I read on the other thread where you and your wife were talking some things through and things were positive? ...
History just keeps repeating itself here! Show some leadership and make a decision. If you're in, go ALL in and give it 100% to make it work with her. If you're out, then nut up and tell her it's time to move on, then you can go have your fun with these other chicks! Pandering is weak, Redz, and I know you're not weak, so don't get caught up in it!
Also, on the note of her going out and partying too ... Then put it on the table that she agrees, and you agree that this is an open relationship. That way when she tells you about the 3-way she had with some horny guys won't be an issue. You will also have plenty of cake stories to share, and everyone will be just peachy!