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Thread: colonics, fountain of youth?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    colonics, fountain of youth?

    well its a fact that over 70% of your immune system resides in your digestive tract, even more interesting is that 95% of your seratonin is produced ive never read something more 50/50 in terms of data and reviews

    i mean the benefits of colonic therapy make a lot of sense like breaking down and eliminating the toxins that are in your body, and people like me who are constantly constipated and dont have healthy bowel movements, this seems appealing. also is is claimed it "exercises the colon" because the colon is a muscle, so its like "taking the colon to the gym" so it restores normal contractions thus reliving constipation and removal of toxins.

    but the negatives make a lot of sense too, how it pretty much wipes out all bacteria, mucous, and stomach acid. which are necessary for digestion.

    however there is one thing that tilts me to one side rather than the other, and that all the "royalty" both literally and figuratively (princess dianna was a staunch advocate of colonics)

    there are a numerous celebrities who do colonics

    ben affleck,sylvester stallone,woody harrelson, liv tyler, janet jackson, paris hilton and matt damon to just name a few.

    however the major pharmaceutical companies websites say how bad they are, these are the same people who push anti depressants and medication at the slightest non significant symptom. maybe they want people to be unhealthy and not particpate in something revolutionary ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I dunno man..I'm gonna need to have some definitive proof of extreme health benefits before I'd consider sticking a hose up my @ss n pumpin me full of liquid..

    And cmon man.. Matt Damon, Ben Afleck.. you know they just enjoy being sodomized.. plus they probably need to flush out protein deposits.

    On a serios note, a few of my gf's female co-workers get this done regularly and swear by it.. They claim they feel healthier, more energy, clears blemishes, gives them healthier skin, cures depression, elevates mood.. all kinds of stuff.. don't really believe it, but to each his own

    I've also read the negative sides of ruining the inner lining of your colon, eliminating beneficial bacteria..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ive done them.

    Didnt notice too much.

    Did help get rid of some bloat in my stomach/abdomen.

    Thats about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Waste of time and money Eat lots of fiber and veggies, take a good human strain probiotic and your body will take care of the rest.

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