View Poll Results: Jab Vs. Aspirate

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  • Jab

    4 30.77%
  • Aspirate

    9 69.23%
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  1. #1
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Jab Vs. Aspirating

    I seen Vets on here say either is fine. But, aspirating sounds better - kinda.

    My GF says fvck it, and she's pro & pre med.

    I haven't aspirated yet and I'm fine.

    Plus, I'm bored and wanna see what people say.

  2. #2
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I aspirate but have never pulled up anything more than an air bubble.

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    I refuse to believe your girl said fu ck it? my wife is a RN, went to the best nursing program in the state, and said they were taught to always aspirate during an intramuscular injection.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Just cant see why you wouldnt take the 1/2 second to aspirate .
    I bet if you ever had a coughing fit and couldnt catch your breath after not aspirating and nicking a vein - you would in the future.

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    If u weren't worried about aspirating, why don't you just shoot your gear like smack.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    If u weren't worried about aspirating, why don't you just shoot your gear like smack.
    LoL. . .

    Don't blame me. . . lol. . . She said it, I seen other nurses do the same shit.

    But, I understand it. . . Makes sense.

  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Many nurses don't because they r lazy...they cut corners just like anybody at any job. I'm not blaming u dude, just don't want to send ppl to the ER.

  8. #8
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    You just posted a similar thread and out of 24 posts, noone agreed with you. Since you didn't get the answer you were looking for, you reposted here...

    Last edited by jasc; 04-26-2012 at 12:55 PM.

  9. #9
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    Always aspirate , never hit blood. Every shot I've ever got IM by someone else they've never aspirated.

  10. #10
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Many nurses don't because they r lazy...they cut corners just like anybody at any job. I'm not blaming u dude, just don't want to send ppl to the ER.
    Yeah this pisses me off when I see nurses taking care of people I love be outright lazy as can be. Next kid going to a new hospital. I wanted to donkey punch every nurse except one, and curb stomp the doctor.

  11. #11
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    You just posted a similar thread and out of 24 posts, noone agreed with you. Since you didn't get the answer you were looking for, you reposted here
    Just wanted to see it on a Poll. The only reason why I even agreed with her is because I seen people not aspirating on here in a few posts. But, I seem to see a lot more people saying it is a good practice.

  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Yeah this pisses me off when I see nurses taking care of people I love be outright lazy as can be. Next kid going to a new hospital. I wanted to donkey punch every nurse except one, and curb stomp the doctor.
    I do agree, that's how my last visit went.

    I guess I figured she knew best. . . . . Hmmmmm, Just asked her and she said ehh.

  13. #13
    jasc's Avatar
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    I'm not tryin to be a dick, but the whole premise of this site is to teach and emphasize safe usage, not cut corners to save 1/2 second

  14. #14
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I agree, any additional BS is bad.

    Apparently you can get fvcked up if you hit a vein.

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    I agree, any additional BS is bad.

    Apparently you can get fvcked up if you hit a vein.
    I've had some go in even after I aspirated before. you cough so bad you can't breathe

  16. #16
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I always laugh out loud when someone says "pre-med" like that makes them an expert (I know in this case you aren't talking about yourself). I don't mean that as a slam...just a reality check.

    Even notice they don't build skyscrapers designed by architectural students? Or let engineering students design space shuttles? Or let med students do much in the way of unsupervised medicine? It is because they don't know much and have no experience. Sure, they know more than a layperson, but by only a little bit.

    On a more practical note: the first time you have a coughing fit you are going to say to your girlfriend, "that was awful, I think we should aspirate from now on."

    Seriously, it is pretty traumatic and I am happy for everyone that has avoided it so far either by luck, or aspiration.

  17. #17
    JAB1's Avatar
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    Yeah I love the pre-med comment too. I tell them to get at me when they are post med!!

  18. #18
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    ive asperated saw no blood and still got a coughing fit durring injection it was a test/tren shot that i mixed...i figure maybee i accidently pushed the needle down further wile i was pushing the plunger, i dont know but the moral of the story is even if you asperate it dosent nessesaraly mean you didnt nick a vein...but to be honest i really dont know what happened but it was uncomfortable...

  19. #19
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    You can very easily aspirate and be fine then on the way out nick a vein, this is one reason to wait 10 seconds after the plunger hits bottom to remove the needle.

    Also aspiration while always a good idea, will rarely be needed when injecting Glutes or Delts now when you get into more exotic locations its a lot more likely.

    As to the whole never got blood so why aspirate? I never have crashed my racecar at I been thinking about removing the roll cage and fire system to save wieght LOL

  20. #20
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    You can very easily aspirate and be fine then on the way out nick a vein, this is one reason to wait 10 seconds after the plunger hits bottom to remove the needle.

    Also aspiration while always a good idea, will rarely be needed when injecting Glutes or Delts now when you get into more exotic locations its a lot more likely.

    As to the whole never got blood so why aspirate? I never have crashed my racecar at I been thinking about removing the roll cage and fire system to save wieght LOL
    I have crashed in a race car at 80mph and lived, so I totally agree with removing all the safety equipment to go faster. Go big or go home, right? Safety is for pansies.

  21. #21
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    What a coincidence as I am typing this I am wearing a shirt I picked up at the Bonneville speed trials that says " Go Fast or Go Home " . Of course those guys are as bad as the NHRA with safety equipment.

    By the way if you have not seen it a great movie is, "The worlds fastest indian" a true story starring Anthony Hopkins.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    You can very easily aspirate and be fine then on the way out nick a vein, this is one reason to wait 10 seconds after the plunger hits bottom to remove the needle.

    Also aspiration while always a good idea, will rarely be needed when injecting Glutes or Delts now when you get into more exotic locations its a lot more likely.

    As to the whole never got blood so why aspirate? I never have crashed my racecar at I been thinking about removing the roll cage and fire system to save wieght LOL
    in my case i do leave the pin in for at least 30 seconds after i finnish pushing the plunger i was just sharing my one experience when it got the cough...ive injected a few hundred times over the years and that was the only time i experienced it i just wanted to share my matter how perfect you think your injection is going you never know, just saying...

  23. #23
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    What a coincidence as I am typing this I am wearing a shirt I picked up at the Bonneville speed trials that says " Go Fast or Go Home " . Of course those guys are as bad as the NHRA with safety equipment.

    By the way if you have not seen it a great movie is, "The worlds fastest indian" a true story starring Anthony Hopkins.
    I grew up around racing, so I am a big fan of safety equipment. A helmet saved my life in a motorcycle accident and I did literally hit a wall at the track going around 80mph. The tires in the wall went flying and we moved the concrete wall behind it several feet. I love me some safety! So I wear my seatbelt...and aspirate . Heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    in my case i do leave the pin in for at least 30 seconds after i finnish pushing the plunger i was just sharing my one experience when it got the cough...ive injected a few hundred times over the years and that was the only time i experienced it i just wanted to share my matter how perfect you think your injection is going you never know, just saying...
    I leave it in for about 20 seconds. It keeps me from getting bleeders too. The two times I got the cough I had aspirated as well. You are just don't know. My TRT alone is 104 IM injections a year (and 104 SQ), so I am careful because even playing long odds I am going to have it go wrong eventually. The fewer times the better.

  25. #25
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    I always thought aspirating was passing gas while you injected your gear.

  26. #26
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    NOT aspirating glutes and quads is stupid, I aspirate on quads and gluts and HAVE had blood in both. I stopped aspirating delts because i never got any blood from there and there arent large vessels running in delts, and also apsiriating a delt is hard to maneuever which mean the needle moves. With delts especially this can cause pain the next day or two regardless of ester shot.
    Despite aspiration i HAVE had post injection caughing sometimes. Some worse than others. Some oild will leak back through the injection trail to a a blood vessel you went through, which will cause caughing from a mild embolism. This can last anywhere from five minutes to to 15, but the nausea can and did last half the day one time. Not apirating would have probably made these situations worse. Not aspirating or not aspirating LONG enough (5-10 seconds as per nursing instructions) will cause these embolisms. I used to only for 1-2 seconds, then switched to 5 full seconds. I have had times when the blood didn't enter the syring until that last second, which i would have never seen had i only aspirated 1-2 seconds.
    After shots, i add pressure not massaging immediatly after to stabilize the deposite of oil and prevent leaking through the injection trail.. Then after a minute i massage to more evenly disperse the oil.
    Aspiriating is ESSENTIAL IMO to maximizing how much hormone you get from you shot. If it goes into a blood vessel, i dont know the esterase enzymes will be able to cleave it off the ester. ATP is required for releasing some esters. And, even IF blood has enough esterase floating around to cleave off the ester, you would be affecting the release time of your hormone, as release time is specific to ester AND tissue of deposition (ie., a delt shot results in a longer release time than a glute shot since the muscle is denser). Now, in HRT some docs have swithced to sub q injections, which means fat must have its own way of acting on esters, perhaps independent of ATP...SO IM NOT saying blood cant do it..but we don't KNOW.
    Nurses have told me that schools dont teach aspiration on IM shots these days. That ppl have minor embolisms all the time and never even know it. However, that doesnt mean the effectiveness of the medication isn't being altered(increased/reduced), so this is more of an excuse "one less step to think about since it wont kill the patient(immediatly at least)". Now for many of the meds hopsitals use, if they are water based and non esterfied, it may not affect the medications effectivenss.....but we arent terminal patients using mostly water based meds...we're steroid users using alot of oil based drugs with esters. So maybe not aspirating is fine for GH, peptides, hcg , winny-v, and test suspension etc...but all our other shit it might.
    Got 5 seconds to maximize your expensive cycle?

    Fvckin aspirate.

    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 04-26-2012 at 09:10 PM.

  27. #27
    auswest is offline Banned
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    It takes less than a second.. Why wouldn't you?

  28. #28
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    I don't know shit, & am so scared of needles.

    Well, the votes are at 3 to 8.

    So, someone still does it too.

  29. #29
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    I hate asparagus, makes my pee stink

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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    I hate asparagus, makes my pee stink
    why are you smelling your pee?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  31. #31
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    Jabbing... Aspirating... I prefer Jabirating in one smooth motion.

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    Lmao. . . .

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    why are you smelling your pee?
    U mean to tell me that EVERYONE doesn't smell their own pee? I thought everyone loves their own brand?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    U mean to tell me that EVERYONE doesn't smell their own pee? I thought everyone loves their own brand?

    I know I do. . . . LmaO

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    U mean to tell me that EVERYONE doesn't smell their own pee? I thought everyone loves their own brand?
    What mine is urine......

  36. #36
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    I was just at the doctors office for strep throat. 2 jabs in the ass the nurse did without aspirating. I've stopped doing it for glute injections as well

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    Aspirated on the last one. . . . Why not, I guess. Plus it can be quite helpful if you do hit a vein.

    But, yeah. . . . "Real nurse" don't give a shit either. Took my son to the doc for his vaccines. Shot, in eat thigh with a 1" needles(most likely a 23 or 25Ga). No aspirating, no nothing. Bam, jab right thur. . . . . Ehhh

    I'll do it and make sure she does, why not.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    I was just at the doctors office for strep throat. 2 jabs in the ass the nurse did without aspirating. I've stopped doing it for glute injections as well
    Just curious, did you ask her if she aspirated and she said "no"?

  39. #39
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Just curious, did you ask her if she aspirated and she said "no"?
    I was watching as there was a mirrored cabinet on the wall. She pinched my skin together jabbed and then then pushed the plunger in quickly and it was quite uncomfortable but at least I knew what to expect for the second shot.

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