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Thread: Fkn cock teasers

  1. #1
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    Last edited by auswest; 10-29-2012 at 04:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    So that was my nite.. Prob the first and last for the year... What did I learn, I'm not missing out on fk all, alcohol is terrible, whores are gonna whore. And I may have gone beyond the point of muscle size that the average young woman is into.. Not that I give a fk as I do it for me and the feeling I get from being in the gym.
    lol Very true

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Any of the slip any $1 or $5 into your waistband. Sounds like they think you are a stripper (non gay) lol.
    Yeah chicks like to play games for sure and be c0ck teases.

    I havent been called Big for over a year now, since my eye and shoulder injury causing me not to work out like I should. One of the best compliments I got was at my gym when one of the trainers was giving a couple new members a tour and said with good diet and training they could eventually look like me. I had to look around to see if he was talking about someone else. Ego boost.

    If you want to be treated like that all the time you should try going some place like the Philippines. EVERY bar/club I went to I had girls coming up to me to talk and reading in my shirt to feel my chest and arms calling their friends over (girls) to have a feel. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    pretty funny bro.. I'm kind of the same way these days and don't do a lot of going out. I went out with a buddy last night and the first place was cool but the place we ended up was overrun with the type of people you're talking about and I quickly realized I wasn't in the mood. My buddy spilled a little of his drink on this chick and she got all pissed off so I grabbed some napkins and handed them to her. She snatched them away from me and said, "you should buy me and my friends some a round of shots", my reply: You can take those napkins and f*ck off for all I care, I was just trying to be nice". I was then satisfied with myself.. haha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    No offense but the girls being intimidated by your size? Really?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    This furthers my point that women in their 20s are all little sluts who want nothing but attention. They were probably all over you to get a rise out of the boyfriend and make him "Want" her even more, I guess? If one of the boyfriends would have walked up and pulled a "yo why the fck are you dancing with my girl", the bitch's self esteem o'meter would have went up about 10 notches. They are really turning into sick creatures. If they act like that when the boyfriend is around, imagine how they act when he's not around?

    I had a filthy hewa come into the strip club I was bouncing at with a couple of her gay friends on Friday night. She takes all of her clothes off, goes up on the pole, and starts dancing and waving her tits to every customer and allowed guys to shove dollar bills down her panties. When she went outside to smoke a cigarette, I heard her say to her friend "shhhhh my boyfriend is calling". When she got off the phone I asked her if her boyfriend was good to her and her response was "yeah he's great to me." So I called her out and told her she's a fvcking ungrateful scumbag who deserves to be cheated on for how she acted tonight. Then I proceeded to tell her that if she was my girl and pulled that shit, that I would smash her face in with a concrete cinder block. Of course, she replies "roid rage" or some shit.

    ....Women are all hewas.

  7. #7
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    A Rock And A Hard Place

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    No offense but the girls being intimidated by your size? Really?

  9. #9
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    Post removed: personal information
    Last edited by auswest; 10-29-2012 at 04:56 AM.

  10. #10
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    Post edited: personal information
    Last edited by auswest; 10-29-2012 at 04:58 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer
    This furthers my point that women in their 20s are all little sluts who want nothing but attention. They were probably all over you to get a rise out of the boyfriend and make him "Want" her even more, I guess? If one of the boyfriends would have walked up and pulled a "yo why the fck are you dancing with my girl", the bitch's self esteem o'meter would have went up about 10 notches. They are really turning into sick creatures. If they act like that when the boyfriend is around, imagine how they act when he's not around?

    I had a filthy hewa come into the strip club I was bouncing at with a couple of her gay friends on Friday night. She takes all of her clothes off, goes up on the pole, and starts dancing and waving her tits to every customer and allowed guys to shove dollar bills down her panties. When she went outside to smoke a cigarette, I heard her say to her friend "shhhhh my boyfriend is calling". When she got off the phone I asked her if her boyfriend was good to her and her response was "yeah he's great to me." So I called her out and told her she's a fvcking ungrateful scumbag who deserves to be cheated on for how she acted tonight. Then I proceeded to tell her that if she was my girl and pulled that shit, that I would smash her face in with a concrete cinder block. Of course, she replies "roid rage" or some shit.

    ....Women are all hewas.
    Yeah pretty sure they do it for reactions,These days they will get no reaction from me I would just apologize to the bloke. I used to be very hot headed but now very calm and cant be fkd with trouble.
    the more discreet ones I reckon are just sick of their man and are horny as fk and want to get slammed by a real one...and that's when their bf is there like you said.sluts..

  12. #12
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    I wear skinny jeans have medium hair and 16" bia's and get hell yeah pu$ lol maby maby it's the shaved head thing idk

  13. #13
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  15. #15
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    I dont know what wrong teasing them back. I dont go out...I just dont cause a) ppl are stupid to begin with then they add alcohol to the mix make them even worse. b) I dont have time c) I always run into someone I was running away from but whats wrong in teasing them back.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    pretty funny bro.. I'm kind of the same way these days and don't do a lot of going out. I went out with a buddy last night and the first place was cool but the place we ended up was overrun with the type of people you're talking about and I quickly realized I wasn't in the mood. My buddy spilled a little of his drink on this chick and she got all pissed off so I grabbed some napkins and handed them to her. She snatched them away from me and said, "you should buy me and my friends some a round of shots", my reply: You can take those napkins and f*ck off for all I care, I was just trying to be nice". I was then satisfied with myself.. haha
    you should have want the hotel room after or the back of the rental?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I say this because, I kinda noticed that girls seemed to be very into the guys with skinny jeans and a pair of arms to suit, with feminine looks,
    I just had the feeling that younger woman are not into shaved heads, large muscular build compared to the average person and tatts. Previously I have had more girls making conversation, where as now they are just trying to grind all over me, but not be to forward in talking to me... As I said though they were all young girls, the older woman acted alot different and were not afraid to tell me either.

    My original statement was not said to make myself sound huge btw, within this community I would look normal, but to all these young girls who believe a guy with a six pack and a little definition is ripped, it seemed as though I came across as a major juice head. Which I believe is some what intimidating to them.
    I would think more the shaved head. A young girl may not want a guy who is bald already.
    My niece is 21 and dates a juicehead
    i go out and get plenty of looks from young girls.

    Also everyone has different taste. I dont like a girl with a big ass, lots of guys do, I love fake boobs. Some guys hate them. Doesnt mean any of us are intimated. You may have not been their type, Yes they may like skinny guys. Doesnt mean they are intimidated either
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
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    women are intimidated by my size too, so i just fold it in half so it doesn't look so big =)

  19. #19
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    No offense but the girls being intimidated by your size? Really?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    women are intimidated by my size too, so i just fold it in half so it doesn't look so big =)
    Lol nice....

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    women are intimidated by my size too, so i just fold it in half so it doesn't look so big =)

  22. #22
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    Dbl post
    Last edited by auswest; 05-01-2012 at 12:16 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    women are intimidated by my size too, so i just fold it in half so it doesn't look so big =)
    at this age you better be able to fold it.....cause its not easy getting it up

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Height and weight OP? Arm size? (Just wondering how intimidating you were to those sloots)

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