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Thread: Elderley bashings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia

    Elderley bashings

    K this makes my blood boil. Most recent event on news today. A few days or so ago, a 71 year old neighbor approached the owner of a house party and asked him to turn the music down.
    The 23 year old hit the 71 year old man, was hospitalized and has been pronounced dead. Obviously the kid didn't realize it would end this way. But how the fk can you excuse attacking people let alone defenseless elderly people.
    This has been happening alot but usually involving crack heads during break and enters.
    I hope these people get what's coming to them

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Unfortunately it seems to be a sign of the times. Just no respect for anyone anymore. Kids, The Elderly, The Handicapped. Everyone seems to be fair game in the bashing. I've got a feeling that the guy responsible for the old mans death is going to serve some time for his stupidity and lack of respect towards the elderly. That's one thing that gets me the most is for these guys to hit up on the elderly knowing full well they can't fight back. It's just too bad the old guy didn't have a hidden 38 in his pants and use it on the attacker.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yeah we have had a rash of punks targeting elderly as they come out of big box stores or malls and not only doing a purse snatch but punching them knocking them to the ground while doing it. I would have no problem wasting a bullet on one of these POS if I witnessed it. They are cowards and always make sure no one is around to see them.

    I have though about if it was something happening frequently in my area I would love to set them up. Have a camera bag or my girl with a purse that has a Wasp nest in it or some type of paint/dye bomb so when they open it they get a nasty surprise.

    There are a lot of motorcycle drive by snatches in Thailand where they will target someone with a gold necklace and drive up behind them, rip it off and speed away or with camera bags they will drive by slowly and snag them off your shoulder. It might be fun to have the camera bag strap embedded with razors so when they try to snag it they only get some bloody fingers.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-30-2012 at 04:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    code of the elderly, or young.....this guy is a disgusting example of a human being. He will be treated accordingly when he gets to state prison.

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