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Thread: Why so many negative people?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Why so many negative people?

    Why do so many people dwell on all the negatives in their life? and all the things they don't want rather then all the things they do want? I use to be a very negative person and then I realized one day after having a long chat with a very insightful women that you will only create positive things in your life if you focus on the positive things in your life and the positive things you want in your life. Seems like a lot of people in here focus so much on the negative things they don't see the optimism in the situation and thus they fail to create a positive life.

    For example I was let go from a job about 3 years ago and was shocked! did not expect it at all! and I had bills to I could have sat there and complained about how it was not fair and how it was everyone eles fault but instead I thought to my self "what a great opportunity! I now have the freedom to do what I have always wanted to do!" I always wanted to be a strength and conditioning coach so I pursued it with everything I had! spend all my time studying and taking courses, got a job at a gym in the mean time to pay the bills, then last year I started my own business and now I'm training professional athletes! this is something that 4 years ago I would have laughed at if you told me! but I beleve now that we create our own reality! the way you think today, and the actions you talk will create the out come tomorow!

  2. #2
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    Nov 2007
    While this is true, it can be tough when you are in a difficult situation ie being maried and miserable.

  3. #3
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    i hate negative people and try not to associate myself with them. i think people dwell on the negatives because they are human and need some sympathy. the ones who continue to dwell on them have some issues they need to work out and thus, trying to make everyone around them miserable as well. i always try to stay positive no matter what the situation!

  4. #4
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    Most people, such as myself, enter the "quicksand" theory stage. One thing goes wrong in your life, and you let it go, then another thing goes wrong, then another thing goes wrong, over and over and you feel that you are in over your head and will never be able to escape it...

    Going through that stage in life is very difficult to over come because it seems like the harder you fight, you're just digging yourself deeper.
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 04-30-2012 at 08:25 AM.

  5. #5
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    I use to be a semi negative people but then i lost a close family member and it has changed my life forever. Now I live each day a day at a time. Small stuff doesn't bother me one bit. It takes a lot to get me worked up these days. We never know how long we have on this earth so enjoy the time you have right now.

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have noticed the biggest proponents of positive thinking are people that have succeeded without realizing success is rare and is often more heavily influenced by luck that anything. So, the guy that is inspired and succeeds feels, "if I can do it, anyone can do it" and uses their success as an inappropriate example to fortify their argument...while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of inspired people who fail.

    Having said that, I agree with you.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 04-30-2012 at 02:20 PM.

  7. #7
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    Houston, TX

    I think it is just what is easier, especially if you have a television around. It is so much easier to give up, don't cook, don't exercise, just watch the Kardashians, let's have ice cream and smoke cigarettes.

    A person who is involved in those activities is not going to have a solid mindstate to endure hardship.

    Quickest way to understand this is to throw away your television. I did about 6 years ago and my life has changed so much.

    (and what I meant by 'hardship' could be as simple as someone cutting you off in traffic, someone at work yelling at someone else or whatever - these 'types' of people are always the first ones to a) bitch b) start plotting revenge c) not succeed at plotting revenge or anything else)
    Last edited by domeyeahaigh; 04-30-2012 at 12:22 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    why so many negative people? - see, that statement is judgemental, isn't it? and construed by many, a negative thing to say in and of itself.


    "We should have more positive people!" - to reinforce your statement that you are no longer negative.

    Get it?

  9. #9
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    May 2008
    I'm a firm believer in the "Law of attraction" in that what you believe and think is what you attract into your life. For example If you wake up in a bad mood and think bad thoughts then the rest of your day will end up being a shiity day! This has always held true in my life and when I think negative usually bad things start to happen one after the other...everything is made up of energy your skin, the wall, the air around you is all energy and I honestly believe your thoughts send out an energy and attract what you want them to attract....Of course good thoughts and positive "vibes" alone will not make you successful, there is also hard work and determination, but the foundation is your thought, what you put out in the world, and what you believe!

    You want to be successful? there's its simple:

    1. decide what you want, how you want it, and then decide how your going to get there....dont question it just wright it down!
    2. You need to believe in that you want or it wont work! you need to believe so strongly in your idea that you are willing to die to see it happen!

    and thats it....Il leave you with a quote that is so true and its about knowing that in every situation you have two options! you can decide to succeed or decide to fail so here it is:

    "He who thinks he can and he who thinks he can't are both right"
    Last edited by awms; 04-30-2012 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #10
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    I cant remember ever being one of the negative thinking people, but I have known plenty of them. As a rule I TRY to not associate with them but sometimes it's hard not to due to work, family and sometimes marriage. LOL

    Some people just cant not understand the glass 1/2 fully theory. They say they do and self proclaim they are not negative but all of their actions and reaction to things show just the opposite.

    Not all that long ago I worked for a rather large Data Center where our contract got bought out by another company and pretty much everyone was being let go. We all got 90 day notices. I walked up on a group of my piers and management who were talking (yes all the management was being let go also) and they were all talking like it was the end of the world, how they didnt know how they were going to pay their mortgage, car payments and were panicking. One of the upper managers was a self proclaimed Christian and was probably complaining the most. I asked him, Arent you a Christian? He said yes, why? I said well I was always taught to have faith. Where is your faith now? How do you know this is not just a test and things will work out even better. it may be a blessing in disguise. Shouldn't you also practice what you preach or at least practice what you have proclaimed to be true? i swear his jaw hit the ground.

    The group asked me what I was going to do. I said I have updated my resume and posted it on and a few other sites. I was sending it out to a few local companies that might be hiring and I was planning a camping trip with my daughter in 2 weeks starting the first day of no work then driving to Tahoe to visit friends for a week or so taking my Jetskis. They were all like arent you worried? I said no, what good does being worried do? I'm actively looking for work, I will be collecting unemployment and if I dont have enough money to make my mortgage payment or something I will start selling some toys.

    It all worked out and a few months later I got another job with more pay, better benefits and I got to spend a few months playing, spending time with my daughter and friends.

    I know it drives some people nuts but I have not balanced or even kept a ledger for a check book in 15+ years. I think it's a waste of time. I log in 1x a week to check my balances and make sure there are no surprises or unauthorized charges. I pay 90% of my bills via auto pay so I dont sit at home writing checks and wasting money on postage. I have never gotten in a fight/argument with a spouse over money although my current one seems to want to monitor things more closely than I do but that's probably because she is an accountant so I just print things out for her 1x a month or so and hand it to her and say have fun. lol

    Yeah some people seem to need stress, conflict, despair in their life to feel alive I think? I have never had that quick sand feeling. I dont bunch thing together and take it one at a time. That does not mean I never get pissed off or angry though. Everyone has their moment.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2012
    Sounds like somebody likes to watch that preacher or whatever he is Joel olstein or something. My stepmother used to watch him and was always trying to spread hos words. To bad she doesn't practice what she preaches lol. She's always dwelling on the negatives in life and is always depressed. I'm the total opposite. I cold crash my truck or something and be like well good thing I got a spare. It's easy to turn a negative positive. **** everyone on earth could die tomaro except for me and some chick and I'd just say " well I guess we better get to work on repopulating this rock" . See its easy. I'd also be the strongest most handsome the biggest o could pronounce myself mr. O. I'd also get the whole gym to myself and not have to rack the that would be great.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2012
    I try to be positive all day, and its pretty easy because some of the places I've work I say nothing, because ppl can"t stand to see other ppl happy and in control of their lives. I have actually have ppl callme out, why I are you in a good mood? why are you smiling?, why are you whistling? PPl are like oh this and that...and I say nothing because their lives and thus they are miserable. Of course I have problems and have bad days, but I don"t dwell, I move on!

  13. #13
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    Apr 2008
    Ha, I can relate to the above 2 post also. Even as a kid I use the think if there was a really BIG wwIII that would mean a lot less guys n more girls around for me. lol
    Even at my local pharmacy I have had people there say it's nice to see me because I am always smiling and in a good mood even if Ive just had surgery or??? Must be the vicodine.

    Speaking of church and from what I have seen most people who go regularly like my mother also, they are hypocrites. They know the words but not the meaning. I was forced to go all the time as a kid. Not saying it is a bad thing but I have not gone to church for 20 years? I also dont believe in organize religion mostly due to them being full of hypocrites.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ha, I can relate to the above 2 post also. Even as a kid I use the think if there was a really BIG wwIII that would mean a lot less guys n more girls around for me. lol
    Even at my local pharmacy I have had people there say it's nice to see me because I am always smiling and in a good mood even if Ive just had surgery or??? Must be the vicodine.

    Speaking of church and from what I have seen most people who go regularly like my mother also, they are hypocrites. They know the words but not the meaning. I was forced to go all the time as a kid. Not saying it is a bad thing but I have not gone to church for 20 years? I also dont believe in organize religion mostly due to them being full of hypocrites.
    there was a cheezy B flic years ago i saw as a kid. last man on earth or something like that. anyways, all the men get wiped out, and leaves only women and one guy. poor bastad has to impregnate all these hot women all the time. like an assembbly line. one an hour. women fight over him all the time. he gets to pick the lucky women that gets a shot at getting pregnant.....

    ....poo' bastad!!! =)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I like this thread and what it promotes. It's all about attraction. Every thought you have that is negative and non-productive, is a thought NOT used to obtain your goals in life. Not having a negative thought, is not a bad thing. Positive thoughts don't need to be balanced by a negative thought in order to 'keep yourself in check with 'reality'. If that's your reality, then it's not worth keeping.

    I heard somewhere that it's better to have a "Peace Rally" rather than an "Anti-War" rally.

    Good thread awms!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Negative people will bring you down if you let them. So don't let them.

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