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Thread: Sleep apnea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Sleep apnea

    How many ppl here got it? I known for a least 3 years I've had it, taking care of it can't take the no energy and waking up 3-4 times a night thing anymore...

    Plus I heard ppl tend to lose weight after the correct the problem cuz they have more energy!! Hope that's what it gives me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I have it. getting tested for it early june. imagine i'll be hooked up to one of those damn breathing machines. but if it helps....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    I have it. getting tested for it early june. imagine i'll be hooked up to one of those damn breathing machines. but if it helps....
    I go Thursday night, took 2 months to see them!

  4. #4
    Everyone using a breathing machine needs to pay close attention to how it effects your eyes. My father's vision was quickly deteriorating when they discovered his breathing machine was causing the pressure inside his facial cavity to increase to dangerous level- pushing on his eyes. They are fitting him for a smaller unit that only covers his nose... they say that will resolve the problem. It's still unclear whether his vision is permanently effected.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BreakingFace
    Everyone using a breathing machine needs to pay close attention to how it effects your eyes. My father's vision was quickly deteriorating when they discovered his breathing machine was causing the pressure inside his facial cavity to increase to dangerous level- pushing on his eyes. They are fitting him for a smaller unit that only covers his nose... they say that will resolve the problem. It's still unclear whether his vision is permanently effected.
    Thanks, the machine I will receive will only cover my nose

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I had jaw surgery that was supposed to correct it about 7 years ago. I'm going to have a follow up sleep study this year to see how I am doing now. They sawed off my upper and lower jaws and pulled them forward 1 cm and screwed them back in.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    I had jaw surgery that was supposed to correct it about 7 years ago. I'm going to have a follow up sleep study this year to see how I am doing now. They sawed off my upper and lower jaws and pulled them forward 1 cm and screwed them back in.
    Dang, I seen they can do that along with back of your throat surgery..hope all goes well..

    Did u feel better after sleep wise?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    I have the machine but dont use it. Tried for a month but couldnt get use to it at all.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by capetown
    I have the machine but dont use it. Tried for a month but couldnt get use to it at all.
    Shít ima use it cuz I can't live like this no more, plus I need to lose weight

  10. #10
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    I had jaw surgery that was supposed to correct it about 7 years ago. I'm going to have a follow up sleep study this year to see how I am doing now. They sawed off my upper and lower jaws and pulled them forward 1 cm and screwed them back in.
    **** dude I cracked my lower jaw in a couple places. Clean break on the front under my front tooth and clean break off near my socket. Tons of metal in my face now and I remember that being the worst 6 weeks of my life.

  11. #11
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    I've had a take home test that said I had it, then my official one i have not received the results and its been two weeks, but from what he said the next morning I didn't have any problems in the night, so I would rather pin point the problem, rather be on a breathing thing than wake up feeling like trash and because i can't sleep anymore. Wake up at 6 am even on weekends even if I go to bed late.

  12. #12
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    I work with a guy who uses one of those machines for sleep apnea. I think it's PART of the reason why he can get/keep a girlfriend. Maybe it's because he an a$$hole??? I choose #2

    My 2nd wife was diagnosed with sleep apnea also but we never did anything about it except for her using Ambien. That made for some fun/interesting night. LOL

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I work with a guy who uses one of those machines for sleep apnea. I think it's PART of the reason why he can get/keep a girlfriend. Maybe it's because he an a$$hole??? I choose #2

    My 2nd wife was diagnosed with sleep apnea also but we never did anything about it except for her using Ambien. That made for some fun/interesting night. LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all the input guys

  15. #15
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    dont you have to be extremely overweight to have sleep apnea? yeah im pretty sure two doctors told me that when i thought i had it

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking88 View Post
    dont you have to be extremely overweight to have sleep apnea? yeah im pretty sure two doctors told me that when i thought i had it
    absolutely not!

    and gear can trigger it as well.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2011
    im thinking about getting tested because i think i might have it, i sleep for 7 hours but wake up every two hours for about 5 minutes, people dont understand that you might as well not have slept when you have that sleeping pattern. i have been extremely stressed lately and i noticed its gotten better doing stress management techniques..

    i just hope i dont because of those cpap machines, hear a lot of bad things about it.. i mean nasa just came out with a hypersonic fighter jet that flies fasters than the speed of sound you would think they could have the technology to come out with something a little more sophisticated and efficient than a darth vader type breathing appartatus

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by viking88
    im thinking about getting tested because i think i might have it, i sleep for 7 hours but wake up every two hours for about 5 minutes, people dont understand that you might as well not have slept when you have that sleeping pattern. i have been extremely stressed lately and i noticed its gotten better doing stress management techniques..

    i just hope i dont because of those cpap machines, hear a lot of bad things about it.. i mean nasa just came out with a hypersonic fighter jet that flies fasters than the speed of sound you would think they could have the technology to come out with something a little more sophisticated and efficient than a darth vader type breathing appartatus
    Well I'm here right now, a strap on my waist, my chest 2 sensors on my leg 3 around my chest and about 10 on my face and head

  19. #19
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    Feb 2011
    Not to bad, I noticed it about 3 years ago, always tired yuck.. The new masks only cover your nose or you can have it cover just your mouth so u don't sound like darth vader

  20. #20
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    post proelia praemia
    mabey this is bro science, but is it not simply a small cartilage in your nose that they remove?

    similar to a cartilage that they remove after a broken nose to allow you breathe fully through your nose?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    mabey this is bro science, but is it not simply a small cartilage in your nose that they remove?

    similar to a cartilage that they remove after a broken nose to allow you breathe fully through your nose?
    They say it can be the tongue relax and fall back and block the back of your throat causing you not to breath

  22. #22
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    Feb 2011
    Well just got home from my sleep study and glad I went boy..

    She stated in one hour I had over 100 episodes

    And hit the deepest sleep once, but once I hit it I had an episode and than woke up lol

    She goes I feel sorry for you and glad you came in...

    I told her so thats why I'm so tired really no restful sleep she said yup.. Go again next week for the machine...

    Will keep y'all posted....

  23. #23
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    Love mine. Will not sleep without it period. I rigged it up to take on elk Hunt in the mountains too.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by coop1212
    Love mine. Will not sleep without it period. I rigged it up to take on elk Hunt in the mountains too.
    Lol cool

  25. #25
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    Well another update, doctor called all worried yesterday, I go get the machine Monday and do another sleep study wednesday night..

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Well another update, doctor called all worried yesterday, I go get the machine Monday and do another sleep study wednesday night..
    well at least you got a treatment option available..

    so im 21 and not overweight and refuse to believe i have sleep apnea, for the past 6-7 months i have been under extreme stress due to some personal issues and have the weirdest sleeping problems, for the first 3 months i would just wake up once during the night, and go back to sleep, as my stress from external factors increased the amount of times i would wake up increased, now ill sleep for 3 hours and wake up, then wake up in another 3 hours and then wake up every hour until its time to get up, so ill sleep for 8 hours but wake up 2-4 times each night (i might as well not even sleep because it feels like it)

    i mean reading that obviously would indicate the correlation between my stress and my sleeping problems, but its gotten to the point where its the opposite, where the lack of sleep is now the cause of my stress.. if i wasnt under any stress i would have immediately gotten a sleeping study done but its like i dont want to waste money when it might be the stress causing all this?

    i dont have any of the "typical" symptoms or causes of sleep apnea according the literature ie gasping when waking, being over weight and so on

  27. #27
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    i mean this time last year i didnt have any problems (before the stress kicked in) but ive gotten the source of the stress under control or managing it at least and im still going through this problem.. its like wtf, is my body just used to the stress or developed apnea?

    its just like wtf you know

  28. #28
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    Finally got my results back 2 and a half weeks later. Basically mild to moderate, and my doc declaring it a medical necessity. Maybe it is in my head, but past week or so haven't noticed waking up needing air, but last night I had another water dream, something i have often, some I can breathe underwater this one I could not and was holding my breathe and had to wake up to breathe. I ended up waking up at least twice last night because needing air. It just sucks cause they guy never put the cpap on me so i might have to go back so they can figure out how much air pressure I need or something like that. Or get a self regulating one, I dunno i have the sleep doctor whoever he is calling me back today so I know what to do.

    As far as I know though most people feel a lot better after cpap therapy.

  29. #29
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    I just went back with the mask, not to bad they are going to have to increase my pressure tho.

    In the last 6 months I've woken up twice gasping for air.

    But according to my doctor, I hold my breath 93.7 times an hour.. Yikes didn't know it was that bad lol

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE
    Finally got my results back 2 and a half weeks later. Basically mild to moderate, and my doc declaring it a medical necessity. Maybe it is in my head, but past week or so haven't noticed waking up needing air, but last night I had another water dream, something i have often, some I can breathe underwater this one I could not and was holding my breathe and had to wake up to breathe. I ended up waking up at least twice last night because needing air. It just sucks cause they guy never put the cpap on me so i might have to go back so they can figure out how much air pressure I need or something like that. Or get a self regulating one, I dunno i have the sleep doctor whoever he is calling me back today so I know what to do.

    As far as I know though most people feel a lot better after cpap therapy.
    After I did my sleep study, they rushed to get me a machine and have the second sleep study with the mask cuz it was that bad, hope you get it fixed..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    After I did my sleep study, they rushed to get me a machine and have the second sleep study with the mask cuz it was that bad, hope you get it fixed..
    He should have just put the mask on me the first time i was there because I slept plenty the first half of the night.

  32. #32
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    I better correct my ignorance, just got off phone with doctor, had they done the mask the last half of the night I wouldn't have qualified for insurance to cover the cpap therapy, guess i get to spend another night down there and fork over a bunch more money hooray. As far as money is concerned if I didn't know i would reach my deductible this year i would have done my free take home exam then bought a self regulating one online, instead of two studies and paying for machine through insurance, would have saved a lot of money. Kind of sucks but even with going through insurance and not counting the deductible I will be spending more with my 20% on all those things than having just bought a cpap, but hopefully this way will be the best to get the right pressure.

    Seriously though, I had no idea, so make sure you post back how much a difference this ends up making for you and encourage others to look into it, cause likely we have been living with this a long time and has caused a multitude of problems. And I think the reason why I wasn't scoring as high the night I went into the study is because i sat in a hot tub before for a good hour and had a lot of ibuprofen which would reduce inflamtion and swelling and make me breathe more freely, luckily I didn't screw it up so bad insurance wouldn't cover me.

  33. #33
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    Lol I didn't, I slept only half the night of and on. I was told the same thing, if they noticed a
    Problem they where going to throw a mask on me but they didn't

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Lol I didn't, I slept only half the night of and on. I was told the same thing, if they noticed a
    Problem they where going to throw a mask on me but they didn't
    Yeah sounds like what they did for me.

    I had an exhausting week, slept awesome till 230 am, but then woke again at 400 am, and seriously wanted to get out of htere, and would have if I didn't have some place to be at 11 am, so i just laid there and kept waking up off and on forever till i wanted breakfast lol. Super comfy bed. I scheduled the titration study and its not for over a month, sucks. But I am on their cancellation list, hope something comes up sooner.

  35. #35
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    I just got tested for it two days ago here at the house with a wrist monitor. waiting for the results now

  36. #36
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    I have it so bad that I have had times were I stayed up 48 hours strait! I was tired as shiitt! but I just couln't get to sleep! I have managed to deal with it although at time it can be really bad! If you need a good sleep try this!

    Here's what I do:

    Take all electrical fields out of the bedroom! this means no computers, no cell phones no electronics at all! and if you have an alarm clock move it to the other side of the room or even better into another room were you can still hear it....all these things give off strong energy fields which disrupt the body and hinder sleep and it really makes a big difference removing these things!

    Make sure it is 100% pitch black in your room! no lights at all coming in from anywhere! even a small amount of light on your skin will reduce melatonin levels and increase cortisol levels.

    Take a 3000-5000mg of magnesium with 1mg melatonin about an hour before bed and within a half hour you should start to feel like dozing off!

    Stretch for 15-20 mins before bed to relax your nervous system. this is something I have found to be a great help! its very therapeutic and relaxing!

    You do these things and I promise you will have a great night sleep!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    I have it so bad that I have had times were I stayed up 48 hours strait! I was tired as shiitt! but I just couln't get to sleep! I have managed to deal with it although at time it can be really bad! If you need a good sleep try this!

    Here's what I do:

    Take all electrical fields out of the bedroom! this means no computers, no cell phones no electronics at all! and if you have an alarm clock move it to the other side of the room or even better into another room were you can still hear it....all these things give off strong energy fields which disrupt the body and hinder sleep and it really makes a big difference removing these things!

    Make sure it is 100% pitch black in your room! no lights at all coming in from anywhere! even a small amount of light on your skin will reduce melatonin levels and increase cortisol levels.

    Take a 3000-5000mg of magnesium with 1mg melatonin about an hour before bed and within a half hour you should start to feel like dozing off!

    Stretch for 15-20 mins before bed to relax your nervous system. this is something I have found to be a great help! its very therapeutic and relaxing!

    You do these things and I promise you will have a great night sleep!
    Till I stop breathing and my heart rate rises dramatically until that has failed and I wake up to get a big breath of air. I have no problem sleeping getting to sleep or any of that. I have a problem sleeing in the mornign even if it is pitch black because I feel like when I wake up I have been so trashed that i have to get out of bed, so sleeping in never happens for me anymore.

  38. #38
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    Hope it gets fixed soon seo, sorry to hear that!! But I felt the same way

  39. #39
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    Well they upped my pressure to 17 and added the humidifier to it, so tonight will be the first night with it like that. Hope to have a restful night of sleep

  40. #40
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    post proelia praemia
    10mg zaleplon will do the trick if you can convince a doc to pescribe it, they usually tend not to but its non addictive and no long term sides that have been documented


    my bad i just googled apnea and i was thinking of something else
    Last edited by DanB; 05-11-2012 at 08:45 PM.

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