Here I am. A pathetic waste of space.
Everymorning I wake up, sit on the edge of my bed and look down ad my stomach and see a roll of disgusting fat. Worthless human I am.
I'm 24, socially awkward, unable to speak. and when I do speak I stutter so much I look stupid and blush.
I'm starting to go bald, I have crease marks around my face which are slowly becoming more visible over time.
I'm whats known as " skinny Fat " and I suck at everything.
I have not 1 single friend and nobody to speak to. It feels like my whole world is just me and my thoughts.
I come home from work and spend the whole day in my room watching movies, on the computer, reading books and painting figurines.
I have 0 confidence in myself, I don't want to do anything and I'm afraid to spend money.
I constantly Focus on negative thoughts about past experiences, and my future... that's always bleak.
Everywhere I go I'm in constant reality check mode.
I can't enjoy movies any more or enjoy music.
When I went to watch the avengers I didn't get into the movie and didn't laugh at any of it. I sat there thinking " these humans are getting paid millions to play a role, and us - the stupid consumers - get only moments of joy "
I never let myself go and get fully enticed in a movie, because I feel like I'm getting conned. Is it just part of growing up?
Music too. every lyric I hear.. I answer back at it saying " stop boasting, stop showing off, you're only doing this for the money you liars ".
I have a very pessimistic and bleak outlook on life, not suicidal (the idea has cropped up once or twice before) just bleak and I want to change because it is getting me no were fast. And I want to be a 1/2 full kind of guy. I'm expecting many people on here to tell me to " think of the positives in life "
and I'm already getting pictures of vomiting into a bucket. There's no escape.
I believe in realism. I partly blame my dad. From a young age he made me watch movies like Tora Tora Tora and pushed that " Japanese strictness " way of life as being the best there is blah blah blah. DIRECT. FIRM. HARDNESS. STRICT.....
He never allows me to spend money. For years I've wanted a new car and he tells me I'm moving out soon and I can't afford it. So I don't spend anything.
even at work when someone asks me a questions I just reply with a simple " yeah haha " or " nah I don't think so ".. " yeah okay I'll do it "
Just a systematic person with no personality. I'm mr negative and Mr Boring to my peers.
I'm so quiet at work that my team mates are asking me " Why you so quiet for? " nearly every other day.
I have 0 confidence in myself, and everything I do. I'm paranoid, as soon as I hear the smallest giggle, I think someones mocking me for something and I'm the butt of all jokes.
I constantly lick my lips and check my clothes. Whenever my managers ask's me a question I'm not sure of I blush and try to change the subject.
I'd be seated normally at my desk and when someone says something to me I have a smile on my face out of sheer embarrassment. Although under my desk I'm tensing my legs so much they're begging to hurt. My feet are curled under and the pen I'm gripping is moments from snapping....
and onceeee againnn all my pathetic brain has to come up with is a stupid giggle to try and deflect attention away from me.
I don't know what to do. I don't even know why I'm posting it on this website.
It's 12:30, I've got to be up for work in 6 hours but who cares. It's a constant cycle of the sams sh1t over and over again. going nowhere fast.
I don't get ANY pleasure. from ANYTHING really. Honestly I don't remember the last time I felt real joy.
I'm a passionate football fan ( soccer ).. but over the course of the last 2 years, I recognized money is why certain teams are winning.
I'm a jack of all trades, and a master of nothing.
I feel like if I had a good body, people would noticed me and respect me more, but for now I'm stuck with my crap body, crap bone structure, crap genetics, crap girly voice.
I know this is a forum about bodybuilding /steroids /nutrition etc etc so I might as well ask.. if you had my body ( see above ) what would you do? Should I cut even more - EVEN THOUGH I'VE BEEN DOING IT ALREADY FOR ALMOST 6 MONTHS AND I'VE STILL GOT THIS FAT!
I'm so sluggish. I can't even be bothered to open my mouth when I talk.
I have a supreme Loss of interest or pleasure from things. I have severe feelings of worthlessness and recently I've been having reoccurring thoughts of death