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Thread: 25 molestation counts alleged against vice principal at school for abused kids!

  1. #1

    25 molestation counts alleged against vice principal at school for abused kids!

    By NBC News and staff

    The vice principal of a small San Diego school for children who have suffered trauma or abuse or have mental health issues has been arrested on 25 counts of child molestation, the center's CEO said Saturday.

    According to the Sheriff Department's jail booking log, Kettrell Berry, 49, was taken into custody Friday for allegedly having sex with a child and other molestation charges, NBCSanDiego reported.

    Berry is vice principal of the San Diego Center for Children, which say it offers day treatment, counseling and education to children "whose trauma, abuse, emotional, or mental health challenges have kept them from achieving their full potential."
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    The log confirms Berry has been booked into San Diego Central Jail, where his bail is set at $1,120,500. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday.

    Read more on the case at

    On Saturday, center CEO Dave McCaslin released a statement on Berry's arrest.

    "We are saddened by the breach of trust that has occurred. In the Center’s 125 years of service in San Diego we have been a lifeline for over 10,000 children. We took immediate action by contacting the San Diego Police Department and Child Protective Services and have been partnering with them throughout the investigation," said McCaslin.

    "The safety of our children is always our first priority and we are taking action to ensure their continued safety. We are committed to helping and protecting children and the action of one person will not deter us from providing the best possible care and hope for these children," he continued. reported that the school fired Berry on April 19 and that McCaslin said the allegations seem to concern one female student.

    The San Diego Police Department would not confirm or discuss Berry's arrest at this time.

    According to its website, the San Diego Center for Children has five locations in San Diego County and offers "mental health and academic services for these children, including day treatment, outpatient counseling, a K-12th grade education in our accredited school, a residential treatment program, as well as foster care services." reported that the center has about 70 students at its main campus in Kearny Mesa, a community in San Diego.


    What the hell is going on ?

  2. #2
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    Apr 2008
    Typical. People like this target kids who have been abused because they are easy targets. Most of them think it's normal, it's what they are supposed to do. It happens all the time. Recently there was a cop in-charge of child rape cases who got caught trying to hook up with kids online.

    I think part of it is being over exposed to the stuff can make you insensitive in some cases and what grossed you out or made you angry at one time does not have the same effect over time.

    Anyone working in those situations especially with kids should always have someone else working with them at all times so they are never alone with kids no matter how much they are trusted just to keep the checks and balances in place.

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^ Yeah, a lot of those guys work to have access to at-risk kids. Makes me feel ill.

  4. #4
    Good points. This guys basically solidified any damage already done to these kids.

  5. #5
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I absolutely hate pedophiles. I go to once a month and look for updates in my area. There are currently 6 pedophiles within one mile of my location. One is a female. I started doing this when I read somewhere that one in 5 boys will be sexually molested. I have five sons. Ages 13, 11, 8, 7, and 6. I print out there pictures and put them on the fridge so my boys will know what they look like. Along with the rules of engagement.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    I absolutely hate pedophiles. I go to once a month and look for updates in my area. There are currently 6 pedophiles within one mile of my location. One is a female. I started doing this when I read somewhere that one in 5 boys will be sexually molested. I have five sons. Ages 13, 11, 8, 7, and 6. I print out there pictures and put them on the fridge so my boys will know what they look like. Along with the rules of engagement.
    When I have kids im really going to drive home the fact that just because someone is an adult doesn't give them authority over a child .

    I will also be very very careful about what business and activities I allow my children to participate in. Having worked in child care/teaching for the better part of my life I can say that the same malcontents, druggies, and sickos that work in your local burger joint also work with your kids.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13
    I absolutely hate pedophiles. I go to once a month and look for updates in my area. There are currently 6 pedophiles within one mile of my location. One is a female. I started doing this when I read somewhere that one in 5 boys will be sexually molested. I have five sons. Ages 13, 11, 8, 7, and 6. I print out there pictures and put them on the fridge so my boys will know what they look like. Along with the rules of engagement.
    ^^^^couldn't agree more, I have a 10 yo son and 5yo daughter, I like your approach to educate your kids on the dangers in your area.

  8. #8
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    He will probbly get out on house arrest. Got save room for dangerous people like people with pot.

  9. #9
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    shoot him.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    shoot him.
    I seriously agree !!! This crime should come with a death penalty world wide!

  11. #11
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    Reading the article leads from one bad story to another. Mother takes nude pictures of 13yr old daughter to send to daughters 30 yr old boyfriend. Mother helps in rape of her infant.

    For the above story of the teacher these are the charges.
    A Sheriff’s Department jail booking log obtained by U-T San Diego indicates Berry was booked on child molestation charges including lewd and lascivious acts with a 14-or 15-year-old, oral copulation with a person under 16, and 20 charges of sex with a foreign object on a person under 16.

  12. #12
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Quote Originally Posted by BreakingFace View Post
    When I have kids im really going to drive home the fact that just because someone is an adult doesn't give them authority over a child .

    I will also be very very careful about what business and activities I allow my children to participate in. Having worked in child care/teaching for the better part of my life I can say that the same malcontents, druggies, and sickos that work in your local burger joint also work with your kids.

    So true. I don't understand the logic behind some parents I see at the school when I pick my kids or at the super market. They just let them wonder around and or talk to everyone. I want to beat the pissy out of them and be like... Train your kids right please and thank you before they become a statistic.

  13. #13
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    ^^^^couldn't agree more, I have a 10 yo son and 5yo daughter, I like your approach to educate your kids on the dangers in your area.
    Thank you. It's our job as parents to train our kids for the future.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    I absolutely hate pedophiles. I go to once a month and look for updates in my area. There are currently 6 pedophiles within one mile of my location. One is a female. I started doing this when I read somewhere that one in 5 boys will be sexually molested. I have five sons. Ages 13, 11, 8, 7, and 6. I print out there pictures and put them on the fridge so my boys will know what they look like. Along with the rules of engagement.
    Don't you think that's a little overboard? I mean all you really should be doing is teaching your kids the situations to avoid and if they see suspicious looking people who to tell. I mean there are 6 pedophiles that you know of around you, but what about all the pederasts that haven't been caught? Or the ones that are in your area but didn't register (like they're supposed to).

    Besides, stranger danger is way blown out of proportion nowadays. Kids need to be allowed to explore the world unsupervised. You're not always going to be there to hold their hand.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 05-07-2012 at 02:31 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Don't you think that's a little overboard? I mean all you really should be doing is teaching your kids the situations to avoid and if they see suspicious looking people who to tell. I mean there are 6 pedophiles that you know of around you, but what about all the pederasts that haven't been caught? Or the ones that are in your area but didn't register (like they're supposed to).

    Besides, stranger danger is way blown out of proportion nowadays. Kids need to be allowed to explore the world unsupervised. You're not always going to be there to hold their hand.
    You have never been so wrong, I dont even know where to start.....well I leave it for someone else, but one thing I will say, you can never over educate your children on matter what type it is.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Don't you think that's a little overboard? I mean all you really should be doing is teaching your kids the situations to avoid and if they see suspicious looking people who to tell. I mean there are 6 pedophiles that you know of around you, but what about all the pederasts that haven't been caught? Or the ones that are in your area but didn't register (like they're supposed to).

    Besides, stranger danger is way blown out of proportion nowadays. Kids need to be allowed to explore the world unsupervised. You're not always going to be there to hold their hand.
    Agreed. A very small amount of sex crimes committed against children are from strangers. Most attackers know their victims.

  17. #17
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Wow! Where to begin. I let my kids explore the world. They are trained to spot suspicious people and behavior. Stranger danger is a joke. So is screaming rape. Why? You ask. Because when most people hear one of those, they run in the opposite direction to avoid any trouble. Now if someone screams FIRE!!! Now you have everyone's attention. That is what my boys are taught. Along with self defense. You can never be to safe or educated. The world is not like it was when I was a kid. You can't be out exploring away from home till the street lights come on. As far as someone close and known doing something to my kids. Well statisticaly speaking that is a probability but I dought it as they are educated and trained well.

  18. #18
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Wow! gawd i hate people sometimes ~ they gross me out

    no such thing as being over educated, esp. in this IMO... I also have the sex reg site favorited on my laptop and check out/ show the kid’s reg where to avoid... while educating them that most all offenders are the ones that wanna get to know you or already do know you.
    we talk a lot about "grooming" behaviors to be aware of and that no grown man should ever touch or pop your personal space bubble ever ( a fist pump is all that’s ever acceptable touch for an adult to give a 16/ 17 year old, all else is man handling or grooming).

    my kid grew up knowing about boundaries and to always fight foster kid we think has already been victimized and in this last year we believe places himself to be re-victimized (sadly) we have had some shady issues with this.

    however it is also true that our kids are safer now than they ever have been (according to the stats) and I believe fearing something is more detrimental than feeling empowered, they are just people that are damaged/ they don’t have super powers and I never gave my kid the impression to fear them, just to be swear of personal safety
    My teen knows all the city bus routes and takes the bus ever where, comes and goes as he please while texting me where he is, I know I have shown him to be safe/responsible and to explore his environment ....the scared/ timid/ unsecure kids are usually targeted and are usually the ones to see an adult as a safety net

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    Wow! gawd i hate people sometimes ~ they gross me out

    no such thing as being over educated, esp. in this IMO... I also have the sex reg site favorited on my laptop and check out/ show the kid’s reg where to avoid... while educating them that most all offenders are the ones that wanna get to know you or already do know you.
    we talk a lot about "grooming" behaviors to be aware of and that no grown man should ever touch or pop your personal space bubble ever ( a fist pump is all that’s ever acceptable touch for an adult to give a 16/ 17 year old, all else is man handling or grooming).

    my kid grew up knowing about boundaries and to always fight foster kid we think has already been victimized and in this last year we believe places himself to be re-victimized (sadly) we have had some shady issues with this.

    however it is also true that our kids are safer now than they ever have been (according to the stats) and I believe fearing something is more detrimental than feeling empowered, they are just people that are damaged/ they don’t have super powers and I never gave my kid the impression to fear them, just to be awear of personal safety
    My teen knows all the city bus routes and takes the bus ever where, comes and goes as he please while texting me where he is, I know I have shown him to be safe/responsible and to explore his environment ....the scared/ timid/ unsecure kids are usually targeted and are usually the ones to see an adult as a safety net
    Exactly. Unfortunately most people are over parodied but that does not mean you should be ignorant either to the dangers and what to watch for.

    In my experience most parents set up their own kids by just not caring what happens until after it happens. I was a single father for the most part from when my daughter was 2 - 16. Since she was about 8 parents started letting their daughter stay the night without ever meeting me, knowing me or calling to ask if it was OK, they would just drop them off and wave. WTF is that? They knew nothing about me. It would have been the perfect situation for anyone who ever wanted to take advantage of a situation. Instead I had to explain to a few of these kids what to watch out for with other people. No I never let my daughter stay with anyone else especially at that age and even when older I had to know then first but it was rare she stayed anywhere else.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-07-2012 at 10:21 PM.

  20. #20
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Exactly. Unfortunately most people are over parodied but that does not mean you should be ignorant either to the dangers and what to watch for.

    In my experience most parents set up their own kids by just not caring what happens until after it happens. I was a single father for the most part from when my daughter was 2 - 16. Since she was about 8 parents started letting their daughter stay the night without ever meeting me, knowing me or calling to ask if it was OK, they would just drop them off and wave. WTF is that? They knew nothing about me. It would have been the perfect situation for anyone who ever wanted to take advantage of a situation. Instead I had to explain to a few of these kids what to watch out for with other people. No I never let my daughter stay with anyone else especially at that age and even when older I had to know then first but it was rare she stayed anywhere else.
    omg rite? i remember my kids friend at that age saying he wanted to spend the night yet his folks were "too busy to meet me" ~pass sorry but parents to busy to even meet, never mind knowing who is around there kid all night... not ppl Im comfy with, too disconnected
    I didnt even let my kid start sleeping over ppls homes till he was in 8th grade (younger he was still too impressionable and I felt not able to see an adult as anything other than a person to look up too) and still I I insist on meeting his friends parents ( now though its more for drug abuse concerns) even though I have 100% faith in his ability to leave a friends home if drug use was happening that he knew of, I feel no need to place him in an unsafe situation unknowingly / delibratly. He has a best friend that is on/off pot and he tells me everything, his friends mom is solid and good charater, coupled with my kids strong morals /self esteem... zero concern here
    and thats what its about ~ raising kids with the skill to funchtion productivly in a world of messed up ppl lol

  21. #21
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    I hear you and I have been lucky in a lot of ways with my daughter. She is far from perfect and makes plenty of mistakes but she has come home early from friends when they were supposed to go somewhere because someone was drinking of doing drugs and broke up with boys because they got stoned.

    It sill have to say WTF when I think about these parents who just dropped of their kids without ever meeting me or talking to me. Damn good thing I'm not the pervert everyone thinks I am. It's always the quit ones you have to watch out for. lol

    ha, reminds me of one time I had promised to take my daughter and two of her friends jet skiing with us and at the last minute my daughter got a migraine and didn't want to go. I still took them but had to pick up my jet skis from my moms house. Both girls were like 16? My mom asked me what I was going to do with those two girls? It was oblivious we were going jet skiing but I figured I would play on her words so I said it all depends on how drunk they get. Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. She should have known better.

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