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Thread: Woman is pissed cuz i dissed the Dr. Oz show....

  1. #1
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    Woman is pissed cuz i dissed the Dr. Oz show....

    ...Is it me or is the Dr. Oz show yet another "hollywood" production that hands out yesterdays health tips to an audience that likes to clap? It seems to me that people are awe struck by this character, and yet his "advice" is so vanilla I don't know how anyone can stand it? I'm surprised I haven't heard him tell us "take two aspirin and call me in the morning" yet?

    ...anyways, I started bad mouthing him and now the woman walked out the room. I asked her why she isn't watching her "show" and she said i ruined it for her.

    And then you look at the admiring audience, and half of em are Walmart Patrons (think "Walmart Fat") so no wonder?

    Oh well, sex every night for me is overrated......?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ...Is it me or is the Dr. Oz show yet another "hollywood" production that hands out yesterdays health tips to an audience that likes to clap? It seems to me that people are awe struck by this character, and yet his "advice" is so vanilla I don't know how anyone can stand it? I'm surprised I haven't heard him tell us "take two aspirin and call me in the morning" yet?

    ...anyways, I started bad mouthing him and now the woman walked out the room. I asked her why she isn't watching her "show" and she said i ruined it for her.

    And then you look at the admiring audience, and half of em are Walmart Patrons (think "Walmart Fat") so no wonder?

    Oh well, sex every night for me is overrated......?
    I......hate you..............

  3. #3
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    he was good in the begining, but yea, he sold out just like Okra...
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  4. #4
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    What you need to do is turn it around and make it a compliment. Tell her look at they crowd honey, you are SO much above them. You are not like one of those sheep who hang on his every word. You are much more intelligent than his typical crowd and you already eat healthy and probably know more than him.

    I'm SO glad mine has not gotten into those stupid shows yet. I need to get her working soon. She did start watching QVC but I put a stop to that and showed her how it's all a rip off not only in price but their practice of charging you for things you dont order or want and high pressure tactics.

  5. #5
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    He and dr. Phil were great when they we guests on oprahs show, but since they got their own shows they have been a huge embarrassment to America. Dr. oz is a damn cardiologist and giving more diet advice than anything. The tv show the doctors I'd nothing more than a plastic surgery and diet show, and dr Phil the biggest embarrassment to America I airing out dirty laundry on national tv for the world to see that makes him look unprofessional.

    I don't like any of those shows and the folks who run them should be fired from being doctors.

  6. #6
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    he was good in the begining, but yea, he sold out just like Okra...
    i agree .. he was good at the start, and i think thats what got ppl hooked

    i do try some things he suggests ( after researching them) but in reality his shows all boil down to... every fruit and veggy has supper powers that will make you (pick which your trying for) thinner/ younger/ in shape.

    or something your eating IS KILLING YOU! all the shows are kinda the same, they like just ran out of good science and so resort to panic or miricel cr!p

  7. #7
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    Dr. Phil is nothing more than putting Dr. in front of Jerry Springer. Dr. Jerry Springer show = Dr. Phil.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Dr. Phil is nothing more than putting Dr. in front of Jerry Springer. Dr. Jerry Springer show = Dr. Phil.
    Nailed it!

  9. #9
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    is he on the Miltary channel I never watch that crap and if my wife has Opra on when I enter the room its turned real quick.

  10. #10
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    Speaking of Oprah.. Just heard on the radio earlier that Oprah has reached out to Arnold for a couple tv shows in order to try to attract more male viewers to her network
    Last edited by jasc; 05-08-2012 at 09:26 AM.

  11. #11
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    Do you wanna be right, or do you wanna be happy?

    Let the little lady have her show and get laid knowing you know way more about health than some product / diet shilling Tv Dr.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Speaking of Oprah.. Just heard on the radio earlier that Oprah has reached out to Arnold for a couple tv shows in order to try to attract more male viewers to her network
    she better do something quick, her OWN network is tanking

  13. #13
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    I make fun of dr oz all the time, especially around my mother in law who swears by everything he says.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    i agree .. he was good at the start, and i think thats what got ppl hooked

    i do try some things he suggests ( after researching them) but in reality his shows all boil down to... every fruit and veggy has supper powers that will make you (pick which your trying for) thinner/ younger/ in shape.

    or something your eating IS KILLING YOU! all the shows are kinda the same, they like just ran out of good science and so resort to panic or miricel cr!p
    yea, the "games" he'd play with the audience got to be too much...

    his Mediterranean eating style is the healthiest I've seen but he had not written a book on it (that i'm aware of) but you see in sprinkled into alot of the show..
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    Do you wanna be right, or do you wanna be happy?

    Let the little lady have her show and get laid knowing you know way more about health than some product / diet shilling Tv Dr.
    best advice i've heard all day....

    ...but i also diss the news (safety tips???? always "breaking" news????)

  16. #16
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    They have parental controls on the cable box. Just block all the OWN, Lifetime, WE and any other channel that has that crap.

  17. #17
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    I don't have time to watch alot of tv but the few times I have seen dr oz (on treadmill at gym) I thought it was just ok and noticed that he seems to be "pushing" alot of product/supplements. If I did everything he said, I would be broke.

  18. #18
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    Day time TV is meant to occupy the idle minds of women that are home all day long doing nothing. I never understood the idolization of celebrities and the insistency on valuing their words and often un-educated opinions as gold. The only accolades these people have to their names are day time TV shows and the self-help and "inspirational" books they sell on those day time TV shows. When I want information on a subject, I'll find some subject matter experts who have real-world experience and get my information from them.

    Anyone who takes any of that garbage on TV seriously should be ashamed of themselves.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    I don't have time to watch alot of tv but the few times I have seen dr oz (on treadmill at gym) I thought it was just ok and noticed that he seems to be "pushing" alot of product/supplements. If I did everything he said, I would be broke.
    Yeah that's the same impression I got from the show. Sponsor pushed products. Isn't that convenient? So not only is he getting a big chunk'o'money from being in the Oprah time slot, he also is padding his account with sponsor moolah as well. All under the guise of Doctor. whatever happened to the "Hippocritic Oath"...pun intended. Might as well be in the office writing scripts to his patients pushing those pharmacy meds of the day. Yep that's right Drug Companies drop by Doctors' offices all the time with briefcases full of sample products to push of their new or hot meds. Even bringing in posters for meds such as Oxycontin and Lyrica to post in the patients rooms for us to view while we patiently wait as the Doctor is always late on your appointment due to A overbooking and B on purpose so you can see all the posters of the drugs and ask the Doctor for when he comes in to visit you. Of course all this is IMO on my part but I think a lot of you here will agree with some or most of what I posted on this.

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