...you'd think it was fairly low with all the misspelled words and gramatical errors we see here. What's up with that?
...you'd think it was fairly low with all the misspelled words and gramatical errors we see here. What's up with that?
not everyone has all day to check over their posts all day long. now i know some is just ridiculous but who cares if im not capitalizing my i or any of that other little stuff. i post while im at work. i have other things to do also
College has made me lazy when it comes to reading over what I've written. I send all my papers and important emails to the writing lab to be checked for grammar and spelling then just correct whatever is highlighted or circled.
Here's something to think about....
...in this environment, right, wrong or indifferent, people see you based on your output.
Which in this case are your posts.
Especially bothersome is when it happens in the title to a thread, and you are there scratching your head thinking... Really?
i got mail i got mail yay
i understand TR but i just want to justify myself. usually i type fast hit post and switch back to my programming screen
Some of us are just lousy spellers. If it was not for spell check I would be 10x worse than i am. Ill be honest and explain. I didnt pay much attention in school and in high school I skipped a LOT. I had over 100 full day absences in Jr year and my Sophomore and Senior was not much better. I also made honor role my Jr year so what does that tell you? I could have done well in school with a little effort.
Also in grade school they though it was a good idea to not teach us the correct spelling of words but to let us spell them as we though it should due to phonetics and they would fix it later. Later never came and everyone I know with very little exception I went to school with are poor spellers.
It's especially bad when ppl try give u advice and they carnt spell!
I just plain SUCK at it![]()
Level of education, ie BS, MS, DR means a lot more to Americans than elsewhere. I see the same in Persians.
In the US it has long been an epidemic where kids just transition from HS to College without having a clue why or what they want to study or become. It´s just what is expected, and a means to obtain that BS to be competitive with everybody else. Level of education is measured in what degree or how many credits you have.
I think in Europe and elsewhere Tradeschools are more common, and we are to a much larger degree expected to choose our path after finishing HS.
I have occasionally struggled with this in the US, as my "level of education" would actually only be HS, although I´ve completed several trade schools, piloted Airliners, ran several businesses, and currently on the board of 2. Yet I can not get an entry-level position in the US because I don´t meet the minimum requirement of a BS.
And TR, don´t forget this is the www. English is a second or third language to most of us.
And the square root of (pi) = 1.77245385
Last edited by Razor; 05-08-2012 at 05:54 AM.
so the square root of -1 and pie are having an argument. after much discussion the square root of -1 shouts at pie 'would you just be rational!!!!' pie responds: 'oh get real'
What's the square root of 69? 8 something...
Started my Kinesiology and exercise science degree and left after I found how much of a waste it was! I worked as a personal trainer for a year and was going to go back and finish school but when I looked at how little I had learned compared to the amount I was spending I said screw it! My end goal was to be a strength and conditioning coach so decided to invest my time and money into learning from the best rather then a prof who reads from a book. I went to the poliquin strength institute and got my PICP Level 1, and PICP level 2, and in those two courses I learned more then I ever did in even a semester in school! I then started reading shit tones of books! took another course in Olympic lifting, and interned under some local strength coaches as well as some national coaches.....started my own business 8 months ago and 2 months ago I landed my first pro athlete an NHL player. Most of the guys I was going to school with dont know wtf they are doing! they either work at a big chain gym or they dont work in the industry at all! I love what I do!
I know here in Australia, there is such a drive for kids to go to uni if you want to make anything of yourself, I left school at 16 and did a trade apprentaship, I am now working in mining earning more money than anyone I went to school with, as much as many average doctors and lawyers. But I proberbly have half the vocabulary but that does not mean I am less educated, just pocess skills in other areas. My old man left school at 15 can't spell for shit, on a bank cheque he wrote ate for the number 8, yet he is still very intelligent and was retired at age 40. Education does not make up for natural intelligence.
Last edited by auswest; 05-08-2012 at 07:51 AM.
I is ejumicated reel gud.
square root of hair pie? anyone?
Originally Posted by HitIt
Anybody else currently in school? Doing my MSc part time.
I don't think formal school is necessary for everybody, but we as citizens should be continually looking to learn new things. I mean, that's a good part of this forum's purpose.
I don't expect people on a message forum to have perfect grammar, but there are a lot of people on here who write illegible posts on here. The acceptance of "keybonics" is partially to blame, but I think a good part is that whole "no child left behind" BS in the primary schools. It's turning out functionally illiterate kids. Also, the number of people who read for recreation is in the decline.
Both. there are two online sections to both level 1, and level 2 in which you must achieve a 92% or higher to go onto the next part of the course which is a 3 day internship with a poliquin instructor...all of the instructors you learn from are world renowned strength coaches hand picked by poliquin. The courses are pricey! ($1500 for level one, and $3000 for level 2) but well worth it if your working with athletes! I will be taking my PICP level 3 which is extremely intense and much more difficult to achieve ! It involves a course which goes very in depth into injuries, 7 days in NYC with charles poliquin learning from him and other top coaches, and cost $6000 plus hotel so when its all said and done PICP level 3 is about a $10,000 course but I can promise you will learn 10x what you would in a kin. degree! from people who work in the trenches every day, and the science you learn is sound and up to date un like the out dated biased crap you learn in university!
Most of the people I went to school with called me an idot for taking the path I did but now im laughing because I have zero debt while most of them have 40 plus grand in debt, I make $70-$120 an hour at 25 years old and I love my job! I also produce results with my athletes! I look at my peers who have kin degree's and most of them are horrible strength coaches! there are some of course who are great but I would argue that 90% of them are crap!
Last edited by awms; 05-08-2012 at 09:41 AM.
I think in a lot of cases men are not particularly interested in learning educational things so to speak, unlike practical skills.
Eeesh....someone's cranky! Did you get your oatmeal in mister?
I understand not everyone is going to spell on a daily basis with the utmost correct grammar...but yes...after a few sentences of misspelled words and errors is plain irritating. And, I loose interest...damn fast!
Miss ya TR...and a little of you Standby
I am glad they forced me to take typing in junior high. A lot of boys didn't think there was any reason to learn...computers had not caught on yet, so typing was viewed as secretarial work. I learned to type on an actual typewriter.
I know that isn't directly related to your question about education, but it has a lot to do with being able communicate more than two sentences without taking 10 minutes.
Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 05-08-2012 at 02:48 PM.
I over punctuate everything I write. I hate seeing shit in one paragraph or all lower case letters and no punctuation marks.
It is what it is, I don't care how people write. We can read shit that is way misspelled and not punctuated.
I'm holding double degrees, can't you tell?
The answer to your every question
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
haha.. must have been..
much better..Originally Posted by asiandude
I don't type well. There are common words for me i miss type all the time. I know how to spell them but my fingers dont always move in the correct order.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
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