One of the best movies I ever seen
Yup yupOriginally Posted by Razr.
Hulk made the movie lol
Was it really worth the money and effort to go see ??
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Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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if you like them kind of films.
i went to see it and enjoyed it
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thread for first cycle choices
It's a good movie but you for sure need to see some other movies BEFORE you see this one. Both Iron Man movies...Captain America....Thor.....Hulk(not so much)
I would at least see Iron Man movies and Thor first.
I just came back from seeing it no more than 20 minutes ago. Hulk was unleashed!
didjya see the way he whooped Loki's asss? (puny demigod!!!)
always been a big Hulk fan.
but the real question is....
....is that what happens on a "Tren Only" cycle???
thought it was lame. i guess im not a sci fi guy
Sweet ass movie. Going back tomorrow!
Same here saw it opening day..but I'm seeing it again tonight!!! Just bought my ticketOriginally Posted by JerryAddi
Awesome movie. AND HULK. *Grunts* "Smash" Evil smile >D
Just saw it a second time stay for both ending sequences
Can not wait til Sexy and I see it next week.
Pretty good, could have been better, do I want to see more? yes.
Goin to see it tonight.. pretty pumped!
What do you guys recommend, Imax 3d or Real 3d? Only seen 1 movie in 3d and that was many years ago... what's the difference in the two? Imax just have a bigger screen?
I won't see a movie 3d. first i hate the glasses thing. second, i hate having to pay an extra $3.50 for it.
way expensive but wondering if i would have liked it less not in 3d some movies are better some are not. Overall i think the way they do 3d movies sucks and it doesn't even seem that 3d, and it always seems more fuzzy. I swear when they did 3d when I was a kid seeing captain Eo, stuff would come like all the way out and touch you, but then again I was a kid. And the glasses nowadays suck more than the paper ones we had as kids.
Agreed I don't like movies in 3d, I always see them in 2d digital if availableOriginally Posted by SEOINAGE
not sure if i want to see it. I like the iron man movies. I thought the Hulk movie was stupid.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
didnt see hulk
saw the first iron man...that was enough
getting caught up in the hype of the avengers so prolly see it this weekend...wondering why i would need to have seen the others to enjoy...that statement is scaring me...lol
guess its only 2 hours
Ironman makes the movie and the team work, he like bring everyone together, I wish him and the hulk could have hammered it out like thor and him did.
I cant figure out who is the strongest, even loki could take on captain america and thor by himself.
ok after finally getting to read your post even tho ive been looking at it for 10mins. the hulk movie and the avengers have nothing in common with each other. id go see it if i was you because there will be more of them. at least this way youll know if you should see the next one by the way you think of this one.
also there is 2 scenes after the credits. one comes quick right before the rolling credits and the other is after the rolling credits
Xmen first class was ok because the magneto actor was a perfect cast
You walked out of Thor.. id come to your house and shoot you in the face, but your Danzig avatar has saved you
Transformers were the biggest piece of dog shit movies I have ever seen. Shia Lebouf will either do juice or go the way of Ralph Macchio and Corey Haim in my opinion. The 120 lb boy hero thing is not going to work when hes 30.
Wolverine was awesome.
A bunch of my friend saw it yesterday. Said it was pretty good, I wanna see it this weekend if I have time
Damn good movie.. Saw it in real 3d.. not much "in your face" 3d, but the depth n clarity were great.
Hulk was poorly cast IMO.. also the cgi hulk wasn't as good as the Ed Norton hulk.. He still tore shit up though.. Him n Iron Man made the movie.. Captain America was pretty lame
the old story was he could control the hulk as well how big he hulked out to
u guy just gave me an idea...i need to go to the action/ sci fi flicks on opening nite/weekend.![]()
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